Maurizio Pollini definitely INTP?


Community Member
Maurizio Pollini just passed away today, great pianist. I admire his Chopin renditions.

Someone tell me what I want to hear...that he definitely was an INTP type? Why did the only source say he must be ISF? It cannot be truly can it?
Don't know anything about him, but musicians/artists do tend to be thoughtlessly thrown in the SF bucket a lot.

According to the internet brain
Art = SF
Science = NT
I don't know anything about him either, but I agree with Wyote that conventionally musician's have to be F types don't they? I picked Chopin Nocturne No 2 as comparison.

First Pollini

Then Ashkenazy

Then Rubinstein

Pollini and Rubinstein take very similar approaches. All the Chopin nocturnes are full of delicious emotion, and these two guys bring it out with restrained and beautiful virtuosity - it would be easy to smear them with that as indicating their type.

But then you play Ashkenazy and it's a very different and far less restrained performance emotionally. The guy is swimming in the sea of his own very well refined Fe.

Ashkenazy is taken to be INFJ by some, while Rubinstein is taken to be INTP. I'd say your take on Pollini's type is supported by these performances, assuming the types for the other two are reported reasonably accurately on the internet. But of course this is a very limited comparison and I know nothing about the non-musical lives of any of these guys.
I don't know anything about his personality or methods of studying music. I'd like to see a list of reasons you think he is an INTP. I'm ready to agree with you.

I'm married to an INTJ with a degree in Classical composition. Through him, I've always understood Classical music to be related to mathematics. (When we talk about composition, we talk about math.) The visual arts can include a heavy amount of mathematics as well. It's lazy of internet randos to assume creative people are Feelers or Sensors. There are many ways to approach the arts.
I don't know anything about his personality or methods of studying music. I'd like to see a list of reasons you think he is an INTP. I'm ready to agree with you.

I'm married to an INTJ with a degree in Classical composition. Through him, I've always understood Classical music to be related to mathematics. (When we talk about composition, we talk about math.) The visual arts can include a heavy amount of mathematics as well. It's lazy of internet randos to assume creative people are Feelers or Sensors. There are many ways to approach the arts.
Maybe the list needs time to brew, in brief though:
A picture can indeed be a thousand words if you go beyond the superficial image into the archetypal. Rubinstein seems like a closeted or mistyped ENXP who has introverted himself given his work as a pianist, pianists spending much time alone practising by necessity , Ashkenzy has this Luke Kelly and Alan Rickman feel going on pointing to INFJ. Pollini reminds me a heck of a lot like some INTXs I know…even the social media woman Oriental Pearl which he resembles and despite her seeming extroversion, can you see she may be an INTX?
It really depends on how you look at it. Type is a funny, often mysterious thing. It is like the photon wave that collapses to a particle when being observed. Are people a particular type or appear only that way to the observer?