Zebraf301 Community Member MBTI Infj Enneagram 9 May 28, 2012 #1 Many believe that certain types of emotions, focus themselves on different parts of the body. What do you think? Also, Do you think certain personality types suffer more from certain types of illness?
Many believe that certain types of emotions, focus themselves on different parts of the body. What do you think? Also, Do you think certain personality types suffer more from certain types of illness?
T Thinkist Regular Poster MBTI ISTP Enneagram 5 or 9... Jun 5, 2012 #3 Rumor has it that ISxx types tend to suffer more than other types. Other than that, physical health is pretty much a typeless thing.
Rumor has it that ISxx types tend to suffer more than other types. Other than that, physical health is pretty much a typeless thing.
L Leticia Mejor Community Member MBTI ENTP mmm Enneagram ???? Jun 5, 2012 #4 Such strong emotions corrupt the mind- making people say stupid offense idiotic things. Such strong emotions corrupt the heart -- making it cold. rumor also has it that everything is a rumor. But some know the truth, [rumor has it]
Such strong emotions corrupt the mind- making people say stupid offense idiotic things. Such strong emotions corrupt the heart -- making it cold. rumor also has it that everything is a rumor. But some know the truth, [rumor has it]