MBTI & Handedness Survey

I have wondered if you will find more ambidextrous people that are left hand dominant since we leftys live in a world that is set up by and for right handed people.
I don't know if this is true or not, just my opinion based on being a lefty.
I can do most anything with either hand with the exception of throwing and writing.

Both of my parents are right handed, but my Sister and myself who are the only 2 kids are left handed.
Yeah that would be interesting.
I pitch with either hand, bat left handed, dribble left handed, golf and play tennis left handed, and When I briefly played field hockey, I held the stick left handed.
I kick a soccer ball with my left foot, so I guess I am left foot dominant. lol
Just cuz everyone is saying it, Male, ENTP, Ambidextrous. Gosh with all my other awesome skills, that's like icing on the cake.
YAY! we could have t shirts and badges and organise luch clubs and get together and sing and......

Wait, where did everyone go?

To call all their friends of course! They're just so excited about joining our awesome club *high foot fives*

Female ESFP, right-handed.
Left-handeds are related to Satan and should be either converted to rightness or destroyed.