MBTI Populations


Variable Hybrid
I copied all of the population data from mypersonality.info... which seems the most accurate since they are mining their date from their test site, and have had a large number of tests taken.

ESTJ Population
Total: 13%
Male: 16%
Female: 10%

ESFJ Population
Total: 12%
Male: 7%
Female: 17%

ISTJ Population
Total: 8.5%
Male: 10.5%
Female: 6.5%

ISFJ Population
Total: 7%
Male: 4%
Female: 10%

ESTP Population
Total: 10%
Male: 12.5%
Female: 7.5%

ESFP Population
Total: 11%
Male: 8%
Female: 14%

ISTP Population
Total: 6%
Male: 8.5%
Female: 3.5%

ISFP Population
Total: 6%
Male: 5%
Female: 7%

ENTJ Population
Total: 4%
Male: 5.5%
Female: 2.5%

ENTP Population
Total: 4.5%
Male: 6%
Female: 3%

INTJ Population
Total: 1.5%
Male: 2.5%
Female: 0.5%

INTP Population
Total: 2.5%
Male: 4%
Female: 1%

ENFJ Population
Total: 4%
Male: 2.5%
Female: 5.5%

ENFP Population
Total: 7%
Male: 6%
Female: 8%

INFJ Population
Total: 1%
Male: 0.5%
Female: 1.5%

INFP Population
Total: 2%
Male: 1.5%
Female: 2.5%
Male types in order

ESTJ 16%
ESTP 12.5%
ISTJ 10.5%
ISTP 8.5%
ENTJ 5.5%
INTJ 2.5%
ENFJ 2.5%
INFP 1.5%
INFJ .5%
I take these percentages with a hefty grain of salt. The fact of the matter is at this point I no longer really trust these satistics. It depends on what group has a sample taken from.

The only thing I feel a certain pattern with is that Si appears to be the most commonly used function, and Ni to be the least commonly used function. That's it. Even so I am gauging this off of what I observe throughout my life, and that is not a very trustworthy indicator.
If they did mine their data from the site you'd probably get twice as many N's than S's.

Just sayin'.
I'm curious how culture plays into this.

Do you know which cultural/regional populations these statistics are based on? Is it primarily the USA?
ENxPs are the most populated N-males.

^I'm willing to agree.
I think there may be some truth to this. INFJs are rare. It's just hard to put into perspective when you're on a forum with a high concentration of INFJs. I don't think I've ever met one in rl.
Clearly there are not enough glorious INTPs
well, it plays to the maxim of S overplaying Ns, but otherwise....

poor INTJ females and INFJ males. 0,5? O_O; Are we that.... well, small, in the world percentage? DD:

I may be stating the obvious but it seems the popular idea of masculinity is ST, while the popular idea of femininity is SF?
Do the statistics allow for mistakes during the test/mistyping or retaking the test?
I'm very wary of any statistics, partly because there are so many variables...

It's an interesting thing to look at though :)
Obviously, this data isn't 100% accurate. There are far too many variables. However, it's a fairly decent ballpark reference.

I agree with Chaz, that it's likely the figures are a bit skewed since N types are much more likely to take personality tests than S types. There's also the assumptions of self assessment being inaccurate.

But all in all, I think these figures can give a good idea of the proportions of distributions.
ESTJ 16%
ESTP 12.5%
ISTJ 10.5%
ISTP 8.5%
ENTJ 5.5%
INTJ 2.5%
ENFJ 2.5%
INFP 1.5%
INFJ .5%

Thanks, Quin, for setting that up.

Here's the female population estimate in order...

ESFJ 17%
ESFP 14%
ESTJ 10%
ISFJ 10%
ESTP 7.5%
ISTJ 6.5%
ENFJ 5.5%
ISTP 3.5%
ENTJ 2.5%
INFP 2.5%
INFJ 1.5%
INTJ 0.5%
I may be stating the obvious but it seems the popular idea of masculinity is ST, while the popular idea of femininity is SF?

T is masculine, F is feminine. The reason for this is to do with the way our brains are wired. Men are better at perception and pattern recognition, and women are better at language and understanding emotions. Makes men natural T types and women natural F types.

On top of that I'd hazard a guess that E and P are masculine and I and J are feminine traits. Not sure of the N and S though.

Edit: I could be wrong on the E and I front...
T is masculine, F is feminine. The reason for this is to do with the way our brains are wired. Men are better at perception and pattern recognition, and women are better at language and understanding emotions. Makes men natural T types and women natural F types.

On top of that I'd hazard a guess that E and P are masculine and I and J are feminine traits. Not sure of the N and S though.

Edit: I could be wrong on the E and I front...

I think it is more the case that these are cultural expectations, and therefore people develop self images that conform to them... and therefore lean that way on self assessment tests.

It is very common for an Feeling male to mistype as a T, and a Thinking female to mistype as an F. The most likely inaccurate statistic is F and T populations which are almost always 2/3 male for T types, and 2/3 female for F types. I bet it's a lot closer to 1/2.
I think it is more the case that these are cultural expectations, and therefore people develop self images that conform to them... and therefore lean that way on self assessment tests.

It is very common for an Feeling male to mistype as a T, and a Thinking female to mistype as an F. The most likely inaccurate statistic is F and T populations which are almost always 2/3 male for T types, and 2/3 female for F types. I bet it's a lot closer to 1/2.

Nah, I suspect that cultural expectations can play a part, but there is definitely science behind it. Maternal instinct, for instance, does definitely exist.

Just like every species, our brains do differ between genders.
how can this be accurate. It is not a valid population since it only takes people into account who has done the test (and then we are not even talking about the people who did it more than once). It could be very well possible that one type is more interested in talking the test than an other type.
how can this be accurate. It is not a valid population since it only takes people into account who has done the test (and then we are not even talking about the people who did it more than once). It could be very well possible that one type is more interested in talking the test than an other type.

I don't think it actually picks it out from who does the test as most people I've forced to test have come out as N's. Also there seems to be a lot more N's active on the internet (check out the activity of any S type forum).

Nah I think that these statistics, as well as the ones you can find on wiki, are just speculation.
Nah, I suspect that cultural expectations can play a part, but there is definitely science behind it. Maternal instinct, for instance, does definitely exist.

Just like every species, our brains do differ between genders.

So then you're saying that a T type female can't have maternal instincts, and that F type males do? While the support for your argument is that 2/3 of the populations lean T or F, the counter implication is that the other 1/3 are aberrant.

how can this be accurate. It is not a valid population since it only takes people into account who has done the test (and then we are not even talking about the people who did it more than once). It could be very well possible that one type is more interested in talking the test than an other type.

I am pretty sure the data is mined from user accounts, which over write old test results with new ones. Users only ever have one set of results there.

I don't think it actually picks it out from who does the test as most people I've forced to test have come out as N's. Also there seems to be a lot more N's active on the internet (check out the activity of any S type forum).

Nah I think that these statistics, as well as the ones you can find on wiki, are just speculation.

They are definitely speculation. It's just the most accurate speculation we have at the moment - not that it's anywhere near perfectly accurate. That's all I'm saying.
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