"Mean Girls" cause suicide


Has risen

Kids can be mean, but the Mean Girls took it to another level, according to students and parents. They followed Phoebe around, calling her a slut. When they wanted to be more specific, they called her an Irish slut.

The name-calling, the stalking, the intimidation was relentless.

Ten days ago, Phoebe was walking home from school when one of the Mean Girls drove by in a car. An insult and an energy drink can came flying out the car window in Phoebe

This is a small excerpt but all I can ask is, why? Why do they keep going on doing what they've done?

I also wonder what will happen to them in the real world...
Easy. They won't survive in the real world. In order to thrive, you need to be compassionate and willing to work together and compromise. In other words, you need to actually give a damn about something besides yourself. These people- these disgusting, sad excuses for people- are going to die friendless and alone. It's stories like this that makes me lose faith in humanity. Makes me sick.
I always think that no one can be completely evil, everyone has reasons for the things they do. Everyone has the potential to change. I'm sure those girls do, but the thought that one of the bullies could go on and live a happy life, possibly even do some good with it, scares me. Even if one of them became a better person and felt remorse...it wouldn't feel right for them to be happy. It would be like stealing that girls happiness. There's no reason for something like this. No matter how hard a persons life is torturing someone isn't justifiable.
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I know teenagers will be teenagers but...

...sometimes I wonder if some people are just fucked.

Why are they popular?

I can understand not physically causing her death, but why not suspend or expel them after punching the girl in the face?

The sad thing is, I know some people like this in real life.

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God, why are they so popular? Why do they have friends? Did they torture people to submission into letting them become their "friends"? Something tells me no, they just have their own crew that don't give a fuck about anything or anyone else. This folks is why I strongly dislike my age group. I just wish Phoebe had told someone about the abuse. But then, the girls could've just treated her worse.

God. This just depressed me.

/F in overdrive
Even if one of them became a better person and felt remorse...it wouldn't feel right for them to be happy. It would be like stealing that girls happiness.

I don't think anyone's life becomes undeserving of happiness because of the worst thing they've done. I hope the gang (that's what they are) is stopped, and maybe one day the girls who were involved will learn from this and change.

I suspect there are one or two actual sociopaths surrounded by a bunch of followers.
Easy. They won't survive in the real world. In order to thrive, you need to be compassionate and willing to work together and compromise. In other words, you need to actually give a damn about something besides yourself. These people- these disgusting, sad excuses for people- are going to die friendless and alone. It's stories like this that makes me lose faith in humanity. Makes me sick.
I always think that no one can be completely evil, everyone has reasons for the things they do. Everyone has the potential to change. I'm sure those girls do, but the thought that one of the bullies could go on and live a happy life, possibly even do some good with it, scares me. Even if one of them became a better person and felt remorse...it wouldn't feel right for them to be happy. It would be like stealing that girls happiness. There's no reason for something like this. No matter how hard a persons life is torturing someone isn't justifiable.

So sad to say but I wish this was the case
I've seen many people like this continue to live happy lives and guiltlessly even. You have the perpetrators but you also have a lot of ignorant people getting caught in the action, it's just pure reaction / no-thinking / mob mentality.. next thing they know they find out they are actually hurting someone innocent and then it's too late. Or worse (and the most common thing I see), they think they are doing it for the good !

This is a small excerpt but all I can ask is, why? Why do they keep going on doing what they've done?

I also wonder what will happen to them in the real world...

eh, I'm not one for revenge, but they need their happiness taken away, at least temporarily. High school does reinforce this behavior, I suppose, and I don't think this mentality just goes away when you hit college and on. This was 'another' level though, but they yet got away with their emotional tyranny somewhat unscathed at this moment.

The mean girls are douches but I do wonder about the irish girl. I don't think the assertions posted upon in the article would warrant such a reaction unless something else is going on.
I don't think anyone's life becomes undeserving of happiness because of the worst thing they've done. I hope the gang (that's what they are) is stopped, and maybe one day the girls who were involved will learn from this and change.

I suspect there are one or two actual sociopaths surrounded by a bunch of followers.

This is true, I just got very emotional when i read the article. I don't actually want those girls to be unhappy i just want them to realize what they've done is wrong, and i agree theres probably a couple sociopaths. The article freaked me out because there must be a decent amount of girls who joined in on this, even in small ways, and it made me think of what i might be capable of if i were in a different situation. Not that much probably, but if i ever took part in something like this i would never forgive myself. And a bad persons ability to become good is a great thing to happen, but in my mind it confirms a good persons ability to become bad.

btw Blink you remind me of my friend, that's the same response he would have given me
The mean girls are douches but I do wonder about the irish girl. I don't think the assertions posted upon in the article would warrant such a reaction unless something else is going on.

It's hard to tell, because the article is incredibly biased.

But I've heard of people reacting to far less. So many innocent people are attacked just because they're easy targets. These girls' behavior doesn't surprise me at all.
The response of the girls after Phoebe's death is not terribly shocking. I mean, isn't it easy to see that if you thought your teasing was the cause of someone's suicide, you would want to find a reason to justify your teasing?

Continuing the teasing is definitely not a healthy way to deal with it, but these girls will have to deal with it one way or the other.

Either this or sociopathy, which isn't really shocking either.
Where the hell was her family and the school in all this? Heads should roll....
These girls deserve to know no happiness and to be treated like crap themselves. Some people don't deserve the right to live life happily.

/Angry response

I can't same I'm surprised I did a term paper on bullying and how wide spread it is as well as the fact that it dose long term harm. I hate to say it but this seems pair for the course. Some people have no goodness in them or they have no spine to truly think for themselves. I'm tired of seeing our schools let these morons stay. Little scavengers that will step on anyone to get what they want or to simply feel better about that their shit life. I was bullied heavily myself and nothing was ever really done. People are just lucky she didn't come back with a gun.

Its times like this that force hope from me. Bulling is a big problem but its never treated liked a big issue. I bet these the parents of these bullies think their girls are just little angels.

I can't make sense of all this not really.
It mentions that Phoebe had a "fling" with a senior, so maybe this senior was involved with one of the Mean Girls, who pulled out the old "teenage vengeance" and started treating her like crap. It's a sign of breathtaking immaturity however, even for a teenager, to take it this far.
Maybe in the future we will discover personality is wired in the brain (like some disorders)
and then create a better kind of human being
To alter it foetus stage

Did they torture people to submission into letting them become their "friends"?

I have had someone force me to be their friend :ohwell:
Where the hell is the school administration?
Why haven't the family members put a hit on these girls?

If someone had hounded my sister, or daughter to suicide, I'd have kidnapped them and their families and then tortured their families to death in front of them.

They'd all be strapped to the wall in two way mirror cages they couldn't touch or yell out of, unable to do anything other than watch their familes be slowly tortured, and then, they'd be killed a la "law abiding citizen" lethal injection.