meant to be single

There are many ways to grow. Grow alone, grow with somebody(s). Dont stick to just one growth mode.
I think there are a lot of good reasons and healthy reasons to get into an intimate relationship with someone. Someone you really love anyway. But I also think there are a lot of good and healthy reasons to stay single. I've had cycles in my life where I really didn't care about being in a relationship. But I honestly think that I will be better off, in the long-run, to find the right girl and run off somewhere. Fulfillment is possible in either situation; it's ultimately your choice.

I think you would have a clearer vision for your life and what you want to accomplish without a partner. But there are aspects of having a partner that are awesome, though I don't care to generate any and type them up at the moment. Also, I got most of my philosophy on this from Paul in the Bible. I love that guy. :P
To really learn who you are and grow as a person, you need both. when you are single you are stuck with yourself so there is no way to avoid yourself and that creates great learning possibilities. I've been single for quiet a long time and I think it was a good thing to find out who I am, what I want, learn to accept myself, ...

But you can alos learn a lot about yourself by being in a relationship, things you can't learn when you are single. In a relationship you have to posibility to learn to communicate, open yourself up to an other being, show who you are, stand up for yourself but also to do something you don't like to do. Your partner can help you to broather your experiences, learn new things, get out of your comfort zone. I'm in a relationship for 6 months now and I can't say it as been smooth. But I have learned a lot about myself, my behavior towards other people, .. I have learned that a lot of my reactions are still programmed behaviours that I have learned through my childhood. Also a lot of my values are derived from my parents. And now I know, I can work on it and my boyfriend function as a mirror. I wouldn't have had this opportunity when I was single (nore the help from an other person) and that would limit my freedom

But this doesn't mean you should be in a relationship just to be in a relationship. A lot of people are stuck in a relationship that does not give them the oportunity to be themselves or improve themselves. So I think you should be really picky about who you choose to be with. It should be someone who respects you and is willing to go on a journey to you where both of you are willing to give and take and change for growth
it seems like a shame that i already cut up my heart and fed it to the cat before reading all the awesome responses here. c'est la vie.