Men are better then Women Period.


Community Member
Note; Title is to just catch your attention.

During this thread I will continue my decision from the other thread, because it seems people believe I went a bit off topic. I will be arguing against Male Chauvinist for the males who are Chauvinist, and for Chauvinism against the females who are Feminist. Equalist I will not argue against in this thread. I'll save that for the other thread.

Before I continue I'll let my fully honest opinion of how I believe the system works out right now.

I believe that everyone began as Equal and then they wanted to be treated differently. Females had all the power one time, and then Males, and it was back and forth. A power struggle as I mentioned in the other thread. History is doomed to repeat itself because no one besides historians bother with real history. However, I hope to accomplish world domination during the period of Equality and have that last a bit longer this time.

I'm an Equalist at heart, but a mean one. I believe everyone is equal but in that everyone is also extremely stupid, and people that won't admit their stupid are the stupidest.

Okay, so that's my opinion. As I said, this is a bit different then the 'are all man pigs' thread. This is like a much darker and more argumentative version of it.

So, come one and come all, and play the game of Opinions and Debating with me :D :m058:
I believe everyone is equal but in that everyone is also extremely stupid, and people that won't admit their stupid are the stupidest.


That just doesn't sound logical.
How is that not logical? I believe Einstein once said "People that believe they're smart are actually stupid"
I believe everyone is equal but in that everyone is also extremely stupid, and people that won't admit their stupid are the stupidest.

What about the people that don't realize they are stupid? How does one admit to something when they are not aware of it?
What about the people that don't realize they are stupid? How does one admit to something when they are not aware of it?

:P It should be written in every book that people are stupid :) It should be common knowledge, and it's also why people should continue to learn all they can hehe.

NOTE: Stupid is just a metaphor for 'not as smart as they think they are'
It's also why people should continue to learn all they can hehe.

I see your point. So in a way, a "stupid" person is someone who thinks they know enough or know more that most people, while in comparison a "smart" person is someone who continues to seek out more. For example a smart persons motto would be once you learn something it's not important. It's what you don't know that is. Am I understanding you correctly?
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Yes, something like that Jasmine. In my mind there are only a small percentage of smart people, and we all have flaws that make us equal.
All right, I'll bite.

I believe that everyone began as Equal and then they wanted to be treated differently. Females had all the power one time, and then Males, and it was back and forth. A power struggle as I mentioned in the other thread. History is doomed to repeat itself because no one besides historians bother with real history. However, I hope to accomplish world domination during the period of Equality and have that last a bit longer this time.

You're an ENTP, and true to your type, I assume you've done your research into this. I doubt you'd waltz into a discussion like this unarmed. Particularly when you say that 'no one bothers with real history' and yet, you start your discussion with a whole paragraph that is in itself a loaded statement.

Can you illustrate your reason for your opinion with historical examples, please? Where in history did you see these power struggles play out? How did they play out? What was the nature of the 'power struggle'? A full out war? Amazons vs. Spartans? How do you know everyone 'started out' equal? Is this some sort of biblical reference? How exactly is history repeating itself in this regard?

I'm an Equalist at heart, but a mean one. I believe everyone is equal but in that everyone is also extremely stupid, and people that won't admit their stupid are the stupidest.
I agree that the people who are ignorant of their own...intellectual shortcomings tread an especially challenged, cognitive path, but that's who they are in an individual capacity. I don't think you can say everyone is equally stupid. Or equally smart, for that matter. Equality does not apply to individual varibles that can be voluntarily or environmentally cultivated or subdued.* Just as there's going to be someone more physically attractive than you are (because they've won the genetic lottery or they work on their fitness), there's always going to be someone less stupid than you (be it that they've had more worldly experience, or process information more quickly and efficiently, etc).

But you're saying that people as a species are extremely stupid. Okay. I'm intrigued. Stupid as opposed to what or whom? Why is everyone stupid? What must be realized, in your opinion, for the human race to be extremely intelligent? Or balanced?

* Equality, I believe, is the guarantee of the same rights and freedoms applied to fixed groupings and variables, such as culture, gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. It is, as a concept, however, fairly dependent on our societal values at the time.
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You're an ENTP, and true to your type, I assume you've done your research into this. I doubt you'd waltz into a discussion like this unarmed. Particularly when you say that 'no one bothers with real history' and yet, you start your discussion with a whole paragraph that is in itself a loaded statement.

Can you illustrate your reason for your opinion with historical examples, please? Where in history did you see these power struggles play out? How did they play out? What was the nature of the 'power struggle'? A full out war? Amazons vs. Spartans? How do you know everyone 'started out' equal? Is this some sort of biblical reference?

Firstly, hehe, You obviously haven't heard to much about us. ENTPs love knowledge so yes, I've studied, but ENTPs also rush into battles unarmed just for the challenge of winning. I've done this right now, and am currently looking for one of my favorite historical stories to demonstrate.

I would never make a biblical reference. I've only read it once and don't remember much of it, and what I do remember I dislike.

I agree that the people who are ignorant of their own...intellectual shortcomings tread an especially challenged, cognitive path, but that's who they are in an individual capacity. I don't think you can say everyone is equally stupid. Or equally smart, for that matter. Equality does not apply to individual varibles that can be voluntarily or environmentally cultivated or subdued. Just as there's going to be someone more physically attractive than you are (because they've won the genetic lottery or they work on their fitness), there's always going to be someone less stupid than you.

But you're saying that people as a species are extremely stupid. Okay. I'm intrigued. Stupid as opposed to what or whom? Why is everyone stupid? What must be realized, in your opinion, for the human race to be extremely intelligent?

I know and that is why I evolved my theory just now. I bounced my thoughts and it evolved into something else. That's how Ne works; New possibilities. Now I believe humans are equally flawed. Meaning some might be smart because they know their stupid, but might be flawed in other ways. Like myself, I'm crazy & arrogant & quite stubborn. My flaws, and I'd never get rid of them.

However, I still believe that the general population, the ones that need someone else to tell them how to think and act. They're stupid.

It doesn't take comparing to another species to know were not all powerful and the best species ever. Say a super intelligent alien race was to grace us with their presence? They'd still probably be flawed, but at that time humans would see how far behind we truly are. The difference is, along with evolution, we can... fuck I hate doing this... evolve past it :).

The only reason that this thread's title caught my attention was the grammar mistake

"Men are better then Women Period."


"Females had all the power one time, and then Males, and it was back and forth."
I'd like a citation, or at the very least, and explanation on what your reference is.

Define the following terms: Male Chauvinist, Feminist, Equalist

Now explain how this will be implemented "Male Chauvinist for the males who are Chauvinist, and for Chauvinism against the females who are Feminist" and clarify if it is gender based ( such as, would you argue against a male feminist?)
:) I'll answer those questions when I get out of the shower.

& I did that on purpose :P I knew there would be some T that went 'Bastard is just trying to get our attention... AH FUCK! He misspelled a word.' :m030:
Equalist? What's that supposed to mean? :)

How can a man be equal to a woman in giving birth?

And no, I don't think that it can be ignored. Simple biological mechanisms like that greatly influence our society. For example women and men plan their careers differently because of maternity leave. Mothers also spend more time with their babies and influence them more, because they make better emotional bonds.
:) I'll answer those questions when I get out of the shower.

& I did that on purpose :P I knew there would be some T that went 'Bastard is just trying to get our attention... AH FUCK! He misspelled a word.' :m030:

Yeah you bastard. I was going to comment until I saw that slant did.
I told myself I'd bite my tongue but here goes...

I find it incredibly ironic that you used a quote from who is generally considered a genius, to back up your claims that all people are equally stupid. If this is true, Enstine's quote should be just effective as your words, which by what ever way you view intelligence and stupidity, hold the same meaning and intelligence as a mentally handicaped vegetable who is making sounds by mashing their teeth together and going "akdfja aaaiskkdi ARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!"
? Smart people?

I think Confusious put it better: "true knowlege is knowing the extent of ones own ignorance." A truley smart person would be less smug and humble knowing the extent of how much he himself has yet to learn.
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Couldn't get to sleep so..

I'm stupid.

There, do I win a prize?

But can you prove you're stupid?

I told myself I'd bite my tongue but here goes...

I find it incredibly ironic that you used a quote from who is generally considered a genius, to back up your claims that all people are equally stupid. If this is true, Enstine's quote should be just effective as your words, which by what ever way you view intelligence and stupidity, hold the same meaning and intelligence as a mentally handicaped vegetable who is making sounds by mashing their teeth together and going "akdfja aaaiskkdi ARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!"

Again, you seem to only read part of the information, or you ignored part of it. I've already stated my theory has evolved. In fact I stated it not 5 posts above your own.

Don't doubt the intelligence of a mentally handicapped vegetable. Most of them have extremely genius imaginations.