Mentalism and hypnosis


Rothchildian Agent
The movie Now You See Me features some extraordinary hollywood magician tricks including street hynopsis and mentalism tricks, someone meets someone and succeeds in hynotising them rendering them stuck to the spot, unable to speak and then can command them to "sleep", flopping forward while standing, then commanding them to forget the whole scene, the guy does the whole routine to extort money from her unfaithful partner who he exposes as cheating with the woman's sister.

I'm sure that sort of mentalism and hypnosis is more fiction than fact, Foo Man Choo, Dracula, they have all been portrayed as having the same sorts of skills, its part of their horror mystic, although my question is if it where possible would you want to have such skills? Would you trust yourself with them? What would you feel about others possessing them?
Hello there.

Things like those do exist – for an example, search for the hipnoladri crimes in Italia. Anyway, as for your questions: no, yes and "uneasy, to say the very least".

Best regards!