Tin Man
"a respectable amount of screaming"
- Enneagram
- N
Xavier High School? Holy shit, Kurt Vonnegut was part of the X-Men.
If anyone appreciated that one, I thought it would have been you.
Is that all our friendship means to you!?
Well, maybe that was- wait you think we're friends?
Some People With Severe Mental Disorders Mysteriously
Become Clear-Headed Just Before Death
People with schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other conditions that cause severely impaired mental functioning, have sometimes inexplicably recovered their memories and clarity of mind shortly before death.
Their minds have seemed to return in an amazingly complete and coherent form, even as their brains have deteriorated further than ever.
Patients who aren’t even able to remember their own names for years may suddenly recognize their family members and have normal conversations with them about the past, present, and future...
I worked for two years in a facility for dementia patients, and I took care of dozens of residents in their last days. During this time I witnessed this phenomena exactly. People who had previously been reduced to a near total infantile state, unable to speak, recognize their loved ones etc, suddenly had short periods of total lucidity before passing. They knew the names of their loved ones and were able to communicate with them. They also often spoke of seeing people who had already passed.
If you want to read the actual study review which is much more in depth but very interesting here is the link - http://deanradin.com/evidence/Nahm2011.pdf
The thought of people being lucid while they should have a non-functioning brain (if there is any brain left in some cases like the article outlined) fully goes along with the notion of the mind and brain being separate entities.
Absolutely, I will read it. I often considered that imaging/eegs of very late stage Alzheimer's patients might show someone close to brain dead. Certainly for long periods, sometimes months, even years, they would be near catatonic, exhibiting nothing more than stereotyped and saccade eye movements. Then for a short time, they would come to and be themselves again, their eyes showing emotion and recognition, able to form and seemingly understand simple expressions of love and even sometimes talk more extensively with loved ones. It shocks me to this day.