Sorry I cant copy/paste anything or post a video because im on my phone but you should google something called orchestrated objective reduction. Orch OR for short.
Possible scientific proof of a soul and an afterlife
Perhaps you could paste something here on my behalf
“The mushroom said to me once, ‘Nature loves courage.
Nature loves courage,’ and I said, ‘What’s the payoff on that?’
And it said, ‘It shows you it loves courage because it removes obstacles.’
You make a commitment, and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles.
Dream the impossible dream, and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up.”
- Terence McKenna
The incomparable Graham Hancock weaving his experiences with Ayuasca and his investigations in to our ancient roots! :love:
Elves, Aliens, Angels & Ayuasca - Parallel Realms - Graham Hancock
Say you leave a Heyoka feeling irritated and angry because of their ‘arrogance’.
In reality, this is the Heyoka’s way of showing you your need to be humble.
Wow, this explains so much. There are so many times people have told me that I'm an arrogant twat. But it's really just me reflecting their stupidity at not being able to see how great I am.
Wow, this explains so much. There are so many times people have told me that I'm an arrogant twat. But it's really just me reflecting their stupidity at not being able to see how great I am.
The article also says that a Heyoka would never admit to being such a thing.