I did some hard-core meditation last night and ended up wiping myself out...
I didn’t eat all day nor all night...and speaking of angels ^^^^ I called out to them many times last night.
Asked them to heal me...I get so tired of feeling sick all the time...feeling like I have to take a pill or get some treatment to feel better...I just want it to stop.
I purged and purged and purged, and cried and cried and cried....till I was an exhausted ball on the couch with a now stuffed up nose and a rapidly approaching migraine (not eating probably contributed to that...gotta have SOME sugar in the system).

When I closed my eyes I felt surrounded by loving presences, though I was alone.
I pleaded for their help, for my Dad’s help, to heal me, to comfort me, to help me through this life and allow me to be the best person physically and spiritually as I can.
I want to feel better because I want to contribute to the world, sometimes that is such an obstacle...this is how/why I was created IMHO...created to help others.
And I understand that one must first love and take care of themselves before they can help anyone else...I try....I really try...I just don’t know what else to do.

I know we all have our challenges in life, some are far worse than my own - far worse.
But I feel like I have such a difficult challenge to change my perspective about all this...maybe that will be my life’s hill to climb?
I don’t want to feel sorry for myself...don’t want to have to make excuses to people because of how I feel...emotionally or physically.

Now a list of some things in my life that I really appreciate:
  • Everyone on this forum, all my friends especially.
  • @Sensiko , I don’t know how I would get by without her love and support and depth of understanding of me.
  • Mom, and family
  • Music...I can’t go a day without it.
  • Same goes for incense
  • All the doctors, nurses, techs, cleaning staff, pharmacy staff, and all the people you never see behind the scenes.
  • Nature, the beauty all around us that we don’t notice because we are too stuck in our heads all the time.
  • Of course my Son...I was supposed to be his Dad, and I feel incredibly blessed and lucky to play that role in his life, to help him achieve/become whatever his version of a healthy, happy, successful person is to him.
  • I feel lucky that I have done some of the really amazing things in my life that have helped countless people, as an EMT, Paramedic, Medic for the Coast Guard, ER Tech, Surgical Technologist, Open heart first-assist...most never even knew I was there or remember me at such a traumatic time, but I know what I’ve done, I think that counts for something...I would really like to get back to a functional level, though I may have to get more creative about how I can help others.
  • My pets...my Dog and two cats...they always give you comfort no matter what the reason
  • I feel lucky to be educated well.
  • I feel lucky to have travelled to quite a few places around the world, and met some really amazing people.
  • The memories of my Dad, the trips camping/etc. we used to take before he passed...he had more integrity than anyone I have ever met.
  • I feel lucky to be alive, though sometimes I don’t realize and appreciate this...I feel I am slowly getting more and more out from being “stuck” in my own head.
  • There are too many little things to count, and I will stop now...I get too emotional writing shit like this and used most of my emotional energy last night.

:hug: :hug:

I've been having crying purgings about every other day now for the last few weeks. In between the crying jags I walk around in No Mind while the body adjusts to the release of the trauma emotions.
It's wonderful to see you going through this. It's clear you are being divinely guided as this kind of action is greatly needed as we gather momentum on this wave....

Night before last I was crying and feeling gratitude for a betrayal done to me way back in 2003....for without that happening to me I wouldn't be open and aware to this Shift. It's a crazy world...and I'm glad I'm here to see it all.

Oh...and yes... I'm struggling with health issues too. Last week I began asking for assistance with healing and lately they've been working on me. Several nights ago a burning sensation began in my lower abdomen cervical area...and increased to feel like I was on Fire right in the center of that area. I voiced my observations and then noticed it was spreading outward in all directions. I noted it seemed to want to spread out and down towards the tops of the legs. Fire I tell you....just like Fire.
They had me breathe in a certain way that made a tone hum vibrating action and direct it down towards the lower trunk of the body. It was sort of like a combination between a Purr and a Growl...and as I directed it down towards the Fire burning in me I could faintly see little bubbles of golden light streaming down.
I did this two times...and then the burning sensation slowly dissipated and then disappeared all together. Afterwards I merged in to the 4d lighter energy and floated in bliss.

I asked them what that was about...and they mentioned Sacral Chakra activation...and the release of trauma from a Electric Cauterizing Cone treatment on my cervix when they thought I might develop cervical cancer back in the early 90's. I clearly remember that OB and her RN assuring me the treatment did not hurt....even though the machine was designed to use electricity to burn my cervix.
:scared: So I went through with it....and I most certainly DID feel it...and ended up having a panic attack and breakdown right in their office. I remember the doctor and the nurse staring at me like I was from another planet. They had never seen anyone react to the machine like that. I yelled at them and asked them if THEY had ever used the machine on themselves and of course they said no.
I've also had post surgery situations where I've woken up yelling and screaming in extreme pain and nurses have had to scramble to knock me back out again. And it's extremely difficult to numb the nerves of my teeth. I'm weird....compared to the average human out there when it comes to pain....and I have no idea why. My sister is just like me too...and she's convinced we're weird because she has never ever met anyone else who reacts to surgical and dental pain. The reason I confine it to "intentional" pain is because whenever we're working outside doing something and we get bumped or hit accidentally... the pain is completely different and goes away quickly. But intentional pain?....like an incision....now that's a whole different reaction.

I feel for you and your pain. It can be a constant nagging reminder that you have no control over your body...and I know that can be very debilitating.

Perhaps the lesson for us is to let go of trying to control the process?
I know I'm practicing Doing Nothing without judgment. Do you know that's a hard thing to do? Hahahahahaha....
Dude...some of the most brilliant minds have been college drop-outs...and who’s to say you aren’t going to finish it one day?
This asshat went to college on his family legacy and “charitable donations” made by his Daddy...did some fake pseudo-military service (and lots of coke ((if he actually went to boot camp, I’ll give you $10)), he was groomed to be what he was - a puppet.
Education does not make one intelligent, you either are or you aren’t.
You Sir. IMHO are.
So shut up.

Are you saying I too can one day become president? You want to be my running mate? We can run as independents and change the whole system. Let's do this.
:hug: :hug:

I've been having crying purgings about every other day now for the last few weeks. In between the crying jags I walk around in No Mind while the body adjusts to the release of the trauma emotions.
It's wonderful to see you going through this. It's clear you are being divinely guided as this kind of action is greatly needed as we gather momentum on this wave....

Night before last I was crying and feeling gratitude for a betrayal done to me way back in 2003....for without that happening to me I wouldn't be open and aware to this Shift. It's a crazy world...and I'm glad I'm here to see it all.

Oh...and yes... I'm struggling with health issues too. Last week I began asking for assistance with healing and lately they've been working on me. Several nights ago a burning sensation began in my lower abdomen cervical area...and increased to feel like I was on Fire right in the center of that area. I voiced my observations and then noticed it was spreading outward in all directions. I noted it seemed to want to spread out and down towards the tops of the legs. Fire I tell you....just like Fire.
They had me breathe in a certain way that made a tone hum vibrating action and direct it down towards the lower trunk of the body. It was sort of like a combination between a Purr and a Growl...and as I directed it down towards the Fire burning in me I could faintly see little bubbles of golden light streaming down.
I did this two times...and then the burning sensation slowly dissipated and then disappeared all together. Afterwards I merged in to the 4d lighter energy and floated in bliss.

I asked them what that was about...and they mentioned Sacral Chakra activation...and the release of trauma from a Electric Cauterizing Cone treatment on my cervix when they thought I might develop cervical cancer back in the early 90's. I clearly remember that OB and her RN assuring me the treatment did not hurt....even though the machine was designed to use electricity to burn my cervix.
:scared: So I went through with it....and I most certainly DID feel it...and ended up having a panic attack and breakdown right in their office. I remember the doctor and the nurse staring at me like I was from another planet. They had never seen anyone react to the machine like that. I yelled at them and asked them if THEY had ever used the machine on themselves and of course they said no.
I've also had post surgery situations where I've woken up yelling and screaming in extreme pain and nurses have had to scramble to knock me back out again. And it's extremely difficult to numb the nerves of my teeth. I'm weird....compared to the average human out there when it comes to pain....and I have no idea why. My sister is just like me too...and she's convinced we're weird because she has never ever met anyone else who reacts to surgical and dental pain. The reason I confine it to "intentional" pain is because whenever we're working outside doing something and we get bumped or hit accidentally... the pain is completely different and goes away quickly. But intentional pain?....like an incision....now that's a whole different reaction.

I feel for you and your pain. It can be a constant nagging reminder that you have no control over your body...and I know that can be very debilitating.

Perhaps the lesson for us is to let go of trying to control the process?
I know I'm practicing Doing Nothing without judgment. Do you know that's a hard thing to do? Hahahahahaha....

Healthcare is medieval on this planet. On top of that, ETs have problems adapting to local social customs here, i.e. the ancient advice "in Rome, do as the Romans do" causes confusion. :m190:

People end up compromising themselves when trying to do it right. And that applies to everyone, not only ETs. :m171: Mr Bean, for instance, tries to improvise too much.

Mr Bean also has problems in the hospital (0:00-8:50) ...


... and at the dentist ...

Last edited:
[h=3]Chasing Inspiration[/h] I got an empty piece of paper
I'm chasing inspiration in an empty space
Then in that space I start to see simple elucidation
And my creation staring back at me
Voice of Indigo:
"...I could paint in the nothingness by simply moving my
hand around. I could think of a colour and there it
would be. Using my finger as a paintbrush I could paint
all kinds of things. I painted trees and flowers and
birds and animals and bees and rainbows and clouds.
And everything I painted came to life as soon as
I'd finished.
It was amazing.
I started to get into it. I spent hours…days…who
knows how long I spent but I made everything just
how I'd like it to be in my ideal world. There was
no pollution, no busy streets, no cars rushing about.
I made it absolutely perfect and being from my mind
I felt sure that I could make this place last forever
and I could live here making everything exactly as
I wanted it to be."

I got an empty piece of paper
I'm chasing inspiration in an empty space
In that space I start to see
Simple elucidation
And my creation staring back at me
Searching my expression
Looking for direction and a starting place
Standing there in front of me
Dancing hallucinations
And my creation, there for all to see

Striving for perfection
To make a big impression on a waiting world
Everything I want to be
Mutual appreciation
For my creation and all that it could be
© Hoopy Frood

Healthcare is medieval on this planet. On top of that, ETs have problems adapting to local social customs here, i.e. the ancient advice "in Rome, do as the Romans do" causes confusion. :m190:

People end up compromising themselves when trying to do it right. And that applies to everyone, not only ETs. :m171: Mr Bean, for instance, tries to improvise too much.

Mr Bean also has problems in the hospital (0:00-8:50) ...

... and at the dentist ...

Oh oh oh oh..... I cannot watch the dentist! Ach! :m196:
:hug: :hug:

I've been having crying purgings about every other day now for the last few weeks. In between the crying jags I walk around in No Mind while the body adjusts to the release of the trauma emotions.
It's wonderful to see you going through this. It's clear you are being divinely guided as this kind of action is greatly needed as we gather momentum on this wave....

Night before last I was crying and feeling gratitude for a betrayal done to me way back in 2003....for without that happening to me I wouldn't be open and aware to this Shift. It's a crazy world...and I'm glad I'm here to see it all.

Oh...and yes... I'm struggling with health issues too. Last week I began asking for assistance with healing and lately they've been working on me. Several nights ago a burning sensation began in my lower abdomen cervical area...and increased to feel like I was on Fire right in the center of that area. I voiced my observations and then noticed it was spreading outward in all directions. I noted it seemed to want to spread out and down towards the tops of the legs. Fire I tell you....just like Fire.
They had me breathe in a certain way that made a tone hum vibrating action and direct it down towards the lower trunk of the body. It was sort of like a combination between a Purr and a Growl...and as I directed it down towards the Fire burning in me I could faintly see little bubbles of golden light streaming down.
I did this two times...and then the burning sensation slowly dissipated and then disappeared all together. Afterwards I merged in to the 4d lighter energy and floated in bliss.

I asked them what that was about...and they mentioned Sacral Chakra activation...and the release of trauma from a Electric Cauterizing Cone treatment on my cervix when they thought I might develop cervical cancer back in the early 90's. I clearly remember that OB and her RN assuring me the treatment did not hurt....even though the machine was designed to use electricity to burn my cervix.
:scared: So I went through with it....and I most certainly DID feel it...and ended up having a panic attack and breakdown right in their office. I remember the doctor and the nurse staring at me like I was from another planet. They had never seen anyone react to the machine like that. I yelled at them and asked them if THEY had ever used the machine on themselves and of course they said no.
I've also had post surgery situations where I've woken up yelling and screaming in extreme pain and nurses have had to scramble to knock me back out again. And it's extremely difficult to numb the nerves of my teeth. I'm weird....compared to the average human out there when it comes to pain....and I have no idea why. My sister is just like me too...and she's convinced we're weird because she has never ever met anyone else who reacts to surgical and dental pain. The reason I confine it to "intentional" pain is because whenever we're working outside doing something and we get bumped or hit accidentally... the pain is completely different and goes away quickly. But intentional pain?....like an incision....now that's a whole different reaction.

I feel for you and your pain. It can be a constant nagging reminder that you have no control over your body...and I know that can be very debilitating.

Perhaps the lesson for us is to let go of trying to control the process?
I know I'm practicing Doing Nothing without judgment. Do you know that's a hard thing to do? Hahahahahaha....

Thank you for your kind words.
It is incredibly hard to do nothing without judgement of or by your ego.
We’ll make it!
We usually did those cauterization/cervical cone with the person asleep...I mean you put the retractors in grab the cervix with forceps that are literally two curved points the come together to pierce and grab, then we have the electrocautery with what is called a “loop” on the end you basically are using the cautery to scoop out the center cone of the cervix...they will stain it first with strong iodine and any irregular cells will show up lighter.
Sorry you had to go through that, especially awake...fuck that.
That’s like the motherfucking GI Doc that put my Dad percutaneous G-tube in when he was dying....no sedation, no local...the Doctor actually had people come hold my Dad down, keep in mind my Dad was fine mentally...it took all my being at that time and all that was happening not to go find this asshat and break his fucking nose and occipital sockets with my fist or a bat.
Good thing he’s in another city now.

Sensiko smudged my bathroom mirror....said it was holding my negative Qi that I have expressed and purged.
I know I felt really good yesterday for the most part...I walked down to the creek...found some orange raspberries (so beautiful)...left them on a stump for some squirrels in the tree above.
Then one of the big trees that had fallen over in that tornado we had several months ago...I just climbed up on it and lay down....watched the sky...the tree tops.
Several times as I was walking the pathways in the trees I thought for a moment I saw a “wall” or a “film” though there was nothing there...I could still catch glimpses of these “energy fields” maybe?
It was nice to go sit with nature for a while and recuperate from the night before.

At least we can all kind of be in this together.
Much love,
Are you saying I too can one day become president? You want to be my running mate? We can run as independents and change the whole system. Let's do this.

Oh fuck...you be President...count me out, I don’t have the energy for that much extroversion and red tape bullshit.
[MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION] & [MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION],

Recently pondering some deep questions like ‘what is real?’ Can’t help but be reminded of the Three Amigos:

Oh oh oh oh..... I cannot watch the dentist! Ach! :m196:

Say aaaaahhhhhh, [MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION]!!!


For certain members of the deaf community, dreams are a rare time when communication is easy.

From solar-powered hearing aids to sign language translation devices, today's deaf community have many tools and options that make communication much simpler than it once was.

Nonetheless, during waking hours, being unable to hear in a world driven by sound remains a significant challenge.
Lip reading is more difficult and less accurate than popularly believed.

And while the use of American Sign Language (ASL) and cued speech has increased, they are still only used by a small fraction of the U.S. population.

But in some dreams, deaf people find they don't need lip reading or have to worry whether people know sign language.
In many of their dreams, everyone knows ASL or communicates through a sort of telepathy where everyone simply
knows instantly what everyone else is trying to say.

"I never actually see people signing or speaking," Gabriel Paulone, a student at Washington D.C.-based school for the deaf Gallaudet University said in an email. "It is as if we use extrasensory perception (ESP). It is like we share similar language without having to say something."

Paulone's experience is not unique.
According to many of the people in the deaf community interviewed for this story as well as those who've posted on online forums like Alldeaf and Reddit's /r/deaf, effortless, telepathy-like communication is a common occurrence in the dreams of those who cannot hear.

Andrea, a Missouri social worker who posts on Reddit as LanguageVirus, said that while she was born able to hear, no one has spoken in her dreams; she's simply able to know someone's meaning.

"I can't even imagine hearing in dreams," she wrote in a Reddit post about how deaf people dream.
"Can't even wrap my mind around it. It's as strange to me as I imagine not hearing in dreams is to the people who do."

There's no accurate count of ASL users, but even a high estimate of two million ASL speakers amounts to about one percent of the 231 million English speakers in America.

That's a small community.
But in some of the dreams of deaf people, that percentage skyrockets.

A 2007 study of deaf and hearing dreams found that people communicated in dreams as they do in their waking lives, with people who habitually used ASL in their waking lives using the sign language in their dreams.

Some of the people interviewed for this story reported ASL use during sleep.
National Association of the Deaf employee Violet Blake, who said that "everyone and anyone" can sign in her dreams.

Of course, deaf people do not all live the same lives and don't dream the same dream.
Indeed, several people interviewed for this story said they didn't think their deafness had a great influence on their dreams, an idea supported by medical experts.

One of them, Dr. Steven Ellman, a New York University Psychology Professor who has extensively researched sleep and dreams, said that while the dreams of the blind are noticeably different than those of people with sight, the dreams of the deaf are close to dreams of people who hear.

"Since dreams are more visual than auditory, typically, the dreams of deaf people look more like ordinary dreams than the dreams of blind people," Ellman said.

That doesn't mean the communication that takes place in the dreams of deaf people isn't meaningful.
Several deaf people we interviewed described their dream communication as enjoyable and profound.

Blake, who was born without hearing to deaf parents, said she's experienced universal ASL use and ESP in her dreams.
She said both types of dream communication were a contrast to the feeling of disconnection from the general population she often feels in her waking life.

"It's really cool" Blake said.
"It's only in my dreams that I feel that we are all communicating universally."

Say aaaaahhhhhh, @Kgal !!!


Hahahahaha..... ohh.... I'll get you yet...and your little flower too!

Steve Martin was so completely convincing as a psychopath sadist I was astonished at his acting ability. Up until then I had only seen him as a comedian. This movie both repulsed and fascinated me.
But in some dreams, deaf people find they don't need lip reading or have to worry whether people know sign language.
In many of their dreams, everyone knows ASL or communicates through a sort of telepathy where everyone simply
knows instantly what everyone else is trying to say.

"I never actually see people signing or speaking," Gabriel Paulone, a student at Washington D.C.-based school for the deaf Gallaudet University said in an email. "It is as if we use extrasensory perception (ESP). It is like we share similar language without having to say something."


Blake, who was born without hearing to deaf parents, said she's experienced universal ASL use and ESP in her dreams.
She said both types of dream communication were a contrast to the feeling of disconnection from the general population she often feels in her waking life.

"It's really cool" Blake said.
"It's only in my dreams that I feel that we are all communicating universally."

This is really cool to see. I wonder if deaf people will be one of the first ones to use telepathy irl? I am keenly interested in seeing it develop for everyone.
Have you seen this yet? I would think you are proof as well...

Magic mushrooms lift severe depression in clinical trial

Results raise hopes that active substance in class 1 drug could be used to treat mental health conditions in future

Magic mushrooms are associated more with the hippy counter-culture of the 1970s. Photograph: David Levene for the Guardian Sarah Boseley Health editor

Tuesday 17 May 2016 05.15 EDT

Last modified on Tuesday 17 May 2016 19.55 EDT

Magic mushrooms have lifted severe depression in a dozen volunteers in a clinical trial, raising scientists’ hopes that the psychedelic experiences beloved of the Aztecs and the hippy counter-culture of the 1970s could one day become mainstream medicine.

A clinical trial, which took years and significant money to complete due to the stringent regulatory restrictions imposed around the class 1 drug, has found that two doses of psilocybin, the active substance in the mushrooms, was sufficient to lift resistant depression in all 12 volunteers for three weeks, and to keep it away in five of them for three months.

The size of the trial and the absence of any placebo means the research, funded by the Medical Research Council and published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal (pdf), is a proof of principle only.

The scientists, from Imperial College London, said they hoped the results would encourage the MRC or other funders to put up the money needed for a full trial. However, the use of a placebo control, comparing those who use the drug with those who do not, will always be difficult, because it will be obvious who is having a psychedelic experience.

In spite of the outcome, the researchers urged people not to try magic mushrooms themselves.

The lead author, Dr Robin Carhart-Harris, said: “Psychedelic drugs have potent psychological effects and are only given in our research when appropriate safeguards are in place, such as careful screening and professional therapeutic support.

“I wouldn’t want members of the public thinking they can treat their own depressions by picking their own magic mushrooms. That kind of approach could be risky.”

The senior author, Prof David Nutt, said it was justified for researchers to explore the medical use of banned recreational drugs.

“It is important that academic research groups try to develop possible new treatments for depression as the pharmaceutical industry is pulling out of this field‎. Our study has shown psilocybin is safe and fast acting so may, if administered carefully, have value for these patients.”

All the volunteers had severe depression and had failed to improve on at least two standard antidepressants. They were initially given a low dose of psilocybin to ensure they had no adverse reactions (none did) and then a higher dose a week later. They were treated in a specially prepared room, with music playing and in the presence of two psychiatrists who talked with them throughout. The psychedelic experience lasted up to five hours.

One of the volunteers, Kirk Rutter, from London, described himself as being heartbroken by the death of his mother and unable to come to terms with it in spite of counselling and medication. He said he was nervous about taking part and had never taken magic mushrooms, but said the friendly staff, the room layout and the music had relaxed him by the time he came to swallow the capsules.

“Both times I experienced something called ‘psychedelic turbulence’. This is the transition period to the psychedelic state, and caused me to feel cold and anxious,” the 45-year-old said. “However this soon passed, and I had a mostly pleasant – and sometimes beautiful – experience.

“There were certainly some challenging moments during the sessions, for instance when I experienced being in hospital with my mother when she was very ill. And during the high-dose session I visualised my grief as an ulcer that I was preventing from healing so that I could stay connected to my mother. However, by going through memories, and feeling the love in our relationship, I saw that letting go of the grief was not letting go of her memory.”

He said it was not a quick fix and he needed to keep working at feeling positive, but he was still “doing great”.

Nutt said major hurdles had to be overcome to carry out the research. It took a year to get ethical approval and there was a six-month safety study, but the hardest part was getting through the red tape.

It took 30 months to get the drug, which had to be specially packaged into capsules for the trial by a company which was required to get a licence to do so. All the regulatory approvals took 32 months, Nutt said. “It cost £1,500 to dose each person, when in a sane world it might cost £30.”

The researchers said they did not know whether the effect of the drug was caused by chemical changes in the brain or whether the psychedelic experience, which people describe as spiritual or mystical, gives them a new perspective. Either way, they said psilocybin offered hope for those who had been depressed for an average of 18 years - the majority of the volunteers had been depressed most of their lives.

The study was part of a research collaboration between Imperial and the Beckley Foundation, a thinktank that focuses on drugs policy.

Amanda Feilding, founder of Beckley and co-director of the trial programme with Nutt, said: “The results from our research are helping is to understand how psychedelics change consciousness, and how this information can be used to find breakthrough treatments for many of humanity’s most intractable psychiatric disorders, such as depression, addiction and obsessive compulsive disorder.”


This is really cool to see. I wonder if deaf people will be one of the first ones to use telepathy irl? I am keenly interested in seeing it develop for everyone.

Isn’t is interesting?!
And exciting...at least, that people are even studying such thing at all...much less finding some truth to it!
I think with the way technology is headed we could possibly see such things amplified or used to expand our awareness...I think it will be a natural consequence as that bridge where man and machine will start to co-exist as one.
Have you seen this yet? I would think you are proof as well...

Magic mushrooms lift severe depression in clinical trial

Results raise hopes that active substance in class 1 drug could be used to treat mental health conditions in future

Magic mushrooms are associated more with the hippy counter-culture of the 1970s. Photograph: David Levene for the Guardian Sarah Boseley Health editor

Tuesday 17 May 2016 05.15 EDT

Last modified on Tuesday 17 May 2016 19.55 EDT

Magic mushrooms have lifted severe depression in a dozen volunteers in a clinical trial, raising scientists’ hopes that the psychedelic experiences beloved of the Aztecs and the hippy counter-culture of the 1970s could one day become mainstream medicine.

A clinical trial, which took years and significant money to complete due to the stringent regulatory restrictions imposed around the class 1 drug, has found that two doses of psilocybin, the active substance in the mushrooms, was sufficient to lift resistant depression in all 12 volunteers for three weeks, and to keep it away in five of them for three months.

The size of the trial and the absence of any placebo means the research, funded by the Medical Research Council and published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal (pdf), is a proof of principle only.

The scientists, from Imperial College London, said they hoped the results would encourage the MRC or other funders to put up the money needed for a full trial. However, the use of a placebo control, comparing those who use the drug with those who do not, will always be difficult, because it will be obvious who is having a psychedelic experience.

In spite of the outcome, the researchers urged people not to try magic mushrooms themselves.

The lead author, Dr Robin Carhart-Harris, said: “Psychedelic drugs have potent psychological effects and are only given in our research when appropriate safeguards are in place, such as careful screening and professional therapeutic support.

“I wouldn’t want members of the public thinking they can treat their own depressions by picking their own magic mushrooms. That kind of approach could be risky.”

The senior author, Prof David Nutt, said it was justified for researchers to explore the medical use of banned recreational drugs.

“It is important that academic research groups try to develop possible new treatments for depression as the pharmaceutical industry is pulling out of this field‎. Our study has shown psilocybin is safe and fast acting so may, if administered carefully, have value for these patients.”

All the volunteers had severe depression and had failed to improve on at least two standard antidepressants. They were initially given a low dose of psilocybin to ensure they had no adverse reactions (none did) and then a higher dose a week later. They were treated in a specially prepared room, with music playing and in the presence of two psychiatrists who talked with them throughout. The psychedelic experience lasted up to five hours.

One of the volunteers, Kirk Rutter, from London, described himself as being heartbroken by the death of his mother and unable to come to terms with it in spite of counselling and medication. He said he was nervous about taking part and had never taken magic mushrooms, but said the friendly staff, the room layout and the music had relaxed him by the time he came to swallow the capsules.

“Both times I experienced something called ‘psychedelic turbulence’. This is the transition period to the psychedelic state, and caused me to feel cold and anxious,” the 45-year-old said. “However this soon passed, and I had a mostly pleasant – and sometimes beautiful – experience.

“There were certainly some challenging moments during the sessions, for instance when I experienced being in hospital with my mother when she was very ill. And during the high-dose session I visualised my grief as an ulcer that I was preventing from healing so that I could stay connected to my mother. However, by going through memories, and feeling the love in our relationship, I saw that letting go of the grief was not letting go of her memory.”

He said it was not a quick fix and he needed to keep working at feeling positive, but he was still “doing great”.

Nutt said major hurdles had to be overcome to carry out the research. It took a year to get ethical approval and there was a six-month safety study, but the hardest part was getting through the red tape.

It took 30 months to get the drug, which had to be specially packaged into capsules for the trial by a company which was required to get a licence to do so. All the regulatory approvals took 32 months, Nutt said. “It cost £1,500 to dose each person, when in a sane world it might cost £30.”

The researchers said they did not know whether the effect of the drug was caused by chemical changes in the brain or whether the psychedelic experience, which people describe as spiritual or mystical, gives them a new perspective. Either way, they said psilocybin offered hope for those who had been depressed for an average of 18 years - the majority of the volunteers had been depressed most of their lives.

The study was part of a research collaboration between Imperial and the Beckley Foundation, a thinktank that focuses on drugs policy.

Amanda Feilding, founder of Beckley and co-director of the trial programme with Nutt, said: “The results from our research are helping is to understand how psychedelics change consciousness, and how this information can be used to find breakthrough treatments for many of humanity’s most intractable psychiatric disorders, such as depression, addiction and obsessive compulsive disorder.”



It works, I know it’s not just a placebo for me either...I have actual physiological changes that have taken place in my head and elsewhere IMHO.

I get really upset that this has such a negative taboo attached to it...making it oftentimes difficult for people to obtain, much less be educated about it, how to take it, what to expect, what to do and not do, etc. It would be really helpful to have not just a babysitter but sometimes a guide...I would like to provide such a service if I could.
I”ve been called “dangerous” by certain people on this forum...mostly in reps where no one else can see it but me...but nonetheless, it is not me who is uneducated about the subject, but yourselves.
All that Nancy Reagan “just say NO!” bullshit brainwashing we got in the 80’s is still firmly ingrained in society and many people.
I don’t take mushrooms to trip out and fucking blow my mind and it’s all just a fun game....I take mushrooms, and yes they blow my mind - but more importantly they keep me from wanting to blow out my own mind with a gun.
The more we promote the negative stigma of the mushrooms the fewer people will find help and relief, the more it’s stigmatized and pushed underground the more chances of you getting mushrooms that are not the real thing...there are stories of methamphetamine and lsd soaked mushrooms that then get dried and sold or various other drugs.
It comes down to who controls your consciousness...you, or someone else?
You are not going to take mushrooms and go crazy...with anything mind-altering you should always have someone sober who is there to watch and make sure if you do lose sight of reality you don’t do anything dumb or harmful.
Again...the more it’s stigmatized the more people will be uneducated on how to safely take them.
Just fyi...the psilocybin variety of mushroom cannot be overdosed, it is folks who take them along with anti-depressants like SSRIs that can lead to serotonin syndrome and negative consequences.
It’s small things like that, that people should know...I advocate personally the safe use of mushrooms for depression/anxiety/PTSD/hell, it even helped the IBS.
I am more patient, less confrontational, less anxious, and I don’t feel that my base line level of contentment is below what it should be for a “normal” person...which is how it felt before and how I start to feel about every month and a half before I take them.
People do what’s called “micro-dosing”, where you take just a small amount each day...not even enough to see tracers or anything, so maybe just one or two small guys each day...people have had really good results with that as well....right now though I’m content with how it’s working.
It’s literally that ONLY thing that has ever helped with my LIFELONG depression, with only positive side-effects...so a big “FUCK YOU” to anyone calling me dangerous for being an advocate.
You come walk in my shoes and then you can see how dangerous or not I am, or how uneducated and hateful the comments directed at me were.

Anyhow...sending you love Kgal!
"For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case,
too early to be whoever you want to be.
There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want.
You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing.
We can make the best or the worst of it.
I hope you make the best of it.
And I hope you see things that startle you.
I hope you feel things you never felt before.
I hope you meet people with a different point of view.
I hope you live a life you’re proud of.
If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again."

~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
Isn’t is interesting?!
And exciting...at least, that people are even studying such thing at all...much less finding some truth to it!
I think with the way technology is headed we could possibly see such things amplified or used to expand our awareness...I think it will be a natural consequence as that bridge where man and machine will start to co-exist as one.

The whole cyborg think creeps me out. If transhumanism appeals to you then you can become Robocop one day. I would rather be like Batman. An entirely human lone wolf bad ass.