Thant's interesting. I've always thought that the sound of crickets, particularly at night time was quite magical. I love being in these noisy places.

One of my favorite places to be is the woods in the dark and’s an emotion I cannot coziness? home? excited?
Find a word to encompass all those feelings into one and it’s kind of close to how I actually feel inside.

It isn’t only biblical figures who lived to well-seasoned ages of 900 years or more.
Ancient texts from many cultures have listed life spans most modern people find simply and literally unbelievable.

Some say it’s due to misunderstandings in the translation process, or that the numbers have symbolic meaning—but against the many explanations are also counterarguments that leave the historian wondering whether the human lifespan has actually decreased so significantly over thousands of years.

For example, one explanation is that the ancient Near East understanding of a year could be different than our concept of a year today.
Perhaps a year meant an orbit of the moon (a month) instead of an orbit of the sun (12 months).

But if we make the changes accordingly, while it brings the age of the biblical figure Adam down from 930 to a more reasonable 77 at the time of his death, it also means he would have fathered his son Enoch at the age of 11.

And Enoch would have only been 5 years old when he fathered Methuselah.

Similar inconsistencies arise when we adjust the year figures to represent seasons instead of solar orbits, noted Carol A. Hill in her article “Making Sense of the Numbers of Genesis,” published in the journal “Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith” in December 2003.

Similar problems have arisen when adjusting ages in ancient texts with the assumption that authors used a certain pattern for skewing the actual ages (such as multiplying them by a given number).

“Numbers [in Genesis] could have both real (numerical) and sacred (numerological or symbolic) meaning,” Hill wrote.

Mathematical Patterns?

In both Genesis and in the 4,000-year-old Sumerian King List—which lists the reigns of single kings in Sumer (ancient southern Iraq) as exceeding 30,000 years in some cases—analysts have noted the use of square numbers.

Much like the Bible, the King List shows a steady decline in lifespans.
The list differentiates between pre-flood and post-flood reigns.

The pre-flood reigns are significantly longer than the post-flood, though even post-flood lifespans are shown to be several hundred years or more than 1,000 years.

In the Bible, we see a progressive decline over the generations from Adam’s 930-year life, to Noah’s 500 years, to Abraham’s 175.

Dwight Young of Brandeis University wrote of the post-flood lifespans in the Sumerian King List: “It is not merely because of their largeness that some of these numbers appear artificial. Etana’s 1560 years, to cite the longest, is but the sum of the two preceding reigns. … Certain spans seem simply to have arisen as multiples of 60. Other large numbers may be recognized as squares: 900, the square of 30; 625, the square of 25; 400, the square of 20 … even among smaller figures, the square of six appears more frequently than one might expect.”

Young’s article, titled “A Mathematical Approach to Certain Dynastic Spans in the Sumerian King List,” was published in the Journal of Near Eastern Studies in 1988. Paul Y. Hoskisson, director of the Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies wrote along a similar vein of the patriarch ages in the Bible in a short article for the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship.

On the other hand, looking at patterns, co-founder of the Church of God in South Texas Arthur Mendez thinks the rate of decline in longevity from pre-flood times as recorded in ancient texts to today matches the rate of decay observed in organisms when they are exposed to radiation or toxins.

Accounts in Many Cultures, Including Chinese and Persian

In ancient China, super-centenarians were also commonplace, according to many texts. Joseph P. Hou, Ph.D., acupuncturist, wrote in his book “Healthy Longevity Techniques”: “According to Chinese medical records, a doctor named Cuie Wenze of the Qin dynasty lived to be 300 years old. Gee Yule of the later Han dynasty lived to be 280 years old. A high ranking Taoist master monk, Hui Zhao, lived to be 290 years old and Lo Zichange lived to be 180 years old. As recorded in the The Chinese Encyclopedia of Materia Medica, He Nengci of the Tang dynasty lived to be 168 years old. A Taoist master, Li Qingyuan, lived to be 250 years old. In modern times, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, Lo Mingshan of Sichuan province, lived to be 124 years old.”

Dr. Hou said the Eastern key to longevity is “nourishing life,” including not only physical nourishment, but also mental and spiritual nourishment.

The Shahnameh or Shahnama (“The Book of Kings”) is a Persian epic poem written by Ferdowsi around the end of the 10th century A.D.
It tells of kings reigning 1,000 years, several hundred years, down to 150 years, and so on.

Modern Claims of Longevity

Even today, people report lifespans of some 150 or more years.
These reports often come from rural areas, however, where documentation is scant.

Documentation was probably even less valued in rural communities more than a century ago, making it harder to prove such claims.

One example is that of Bir Narayan Chaudhary in Nepal.

In 1996, Vijay Jung Thapa visited Chaudhary in Tharu village of Aamjhoki in the Tarai region.
Chaudhary told him he was 141 years old, Thapa wrote in an article for India Today.

If this claim was true, Chaudhary trumped the Guinness World Record holder for the longest life ever recorded by almost 20 years.

But Chaudhary didn’t have the papers to prove it.
He did, however, have collective village memory.

“Almost all the elders around remember their youth when Chaudhary (already an elder) would talk about working in the first Nepal survey of 1888,” Thapa wrote. “Village logic goes that he must have been more than 21 then, since the survey was a responsible job. Chaudhary claims to have been 33 and still a stubborn bachelor.”

Many people in the Caucasus region of Russia similarly claim ages reaching even over 170 years without the documentation to back their claims.

Dr. Hou wrote: “These exceptionally long-lived people have invariably lived humble lives, doing hard physical work or exercise, often outdoors, from youth well into old age. Their diet is simple, as is their social life involving families. One example is Shisali Mislinlow who lived to be 170 years old and gardened in the Azerbaijan region in Russia. Mislinlow’s life was never hurried. He said, ‘I am never in a hurry, so don’t be in a hurry to live, this is the main idea. I have been doing physical labor for 150 years.'”

A Matter of Faith?

The issue of longevity in ancient times has long been connected to Taoist practices of internal alchemy, or mind-body cultivation, in China.
Here, longevity was connected with virtue.

Likewise it is intertwined with Western spiritual beliefs as part of the Bible.
Do not read lightly.
Be aware.
I wouldn’t try anything unless you know what the hell you are doing.

Liber Null & Psychonaut:
An Introduction to Chaos Magic PDF


Two complete volumes in one.
Liber Null contains a selection of extremely powerful rituals and exercises for committed occultists.

Psychonaut is a manual comprising the theory and practice of magic aimed at those seeking to perform group magic,
or who work as shamanic priests to the community.

PDF Here -

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Is This What The Sirians Look Like? Sirius Spaceship Appears On Bimini Island

February 13, 2017 Spiritual Awakening


by Nikki Colombo,
Editor – Contact Online Magazine

Bringing more light to a special Lightworker 777Alaje from Pleiades, there is more going on in this video if you have the eyes to “see”.

Light beams of pale pastel violet and dark and light green show up as these lightworkers are charging themselves up in the water near Bimini Island in the Bermuda Triangle before a lightworking session. You can see in the screenshot below a Spaceship encompassed by a dolphin shaped cloud also known as Sylphs.



You will also notice a male face in the water and I couldn’t help notice how much he looks like the ET in The Green Lantern. If we can imagine him with blue/purple skin, it looks like he could be revealing himself on purpose. If you add the context in which this screenshot was taken as well as the words on the screen as you watch the video, you can tell there is a synchronicity.


Flipper in the sky? Did you know that Beatles wrote a song named Flipper in the Sky with Diamonds?

Am I being sirius serious or am I flip[per]-flopping?
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Drop the Mask And Be Who You Are
bodymindsoulspirit | February 12, 2017

by Jacqueline

That title is easy to write but can be incredibly difficult to do. From a young age, we are encouraged to wear a variety of masks and labels so much so that the #1 regret of the dying is: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

And that’s exactly what it takes–courage. 3 years ago, I wrote a post called Be You, and it in I said, “the most courageous act you will ever commit is to simply be yourself.”

What I didn’t know at the time, is that throughout life you will continuously have an opportunity to keep or drop the masks and labels you carry. Different masks show up at various stages of your life. Some of them might be preprograming about who or what you need to be in your career, relationship, or as a parent.

One of the reasons I love being an entrepreneur is that you have 100% freedom to create your business any way you want. Of course, 100% freedom comes with 100% responsibility. And you have an opportunity to choose how you show up–to your clients, your colleagues, and to your team. You get to be you, if you choose to.

Hidden labels or masks about how we think we need to be, most often surface when we take on something new. The unfamiliar can be terrifying, especially when starting a business because it’s so personal. If the business fails, we fail, and those of us that carry around the “Type A/perfectionist” label really don’t like failing. The fear of failing can be so great, that most never start. Their dreams become one of the Top 5 Regrets of the Dying, and they leave this world wondering, “what if?”

Someone asked me today what differentiated me and my business from all the other blogs and consulting offerings. It’s a valid question and one that I often discuss with my digital marketing clients. It’s also one of those questions that can be almost as painful as “What do you want to be when you grow up?” or “Who are you?”

I responded with the truth: Six Months to Live is powerful because it reminds us that we all have a limited time on earth and that how we choose to spend every moment and day, makes up a lifetime. Do I have type A streak? Absolutely. I’ve embraced it. I think it makes me better in everything I do. But I don’t let it hold me back because on my deathbed, I want to confidently say, “I have no regrets.” I would rather have tried and failed any day than never known what could be.

The same is true for being true to myself. I’m not going to lie. It can be really hard. Not the being you part. That’s actually really easy because it’s who you are. What’s difficult is getting past the fear that if you are truly yourself, you will be accepted. I can tell you this though, with every layer you let go it’s a HUGE relief because all that energy you used trying so hard to fit something you’re not can go towards creating your dreams, loving yourself as you are, and being true to you.

Just managed that myself recently.
Is This What The Sirians Look Like? Sirius Spaceship Appears On Bimini Island

February 13, 2017 Spiritual Awakening


by Nikki Colombo,
Editor – Contact Online Magazine

Bringing more light to a special Lightworker 777Alaje from Pleiades, there is more going on in this video if you have the eyes to “see”.

Light beams of pale pastel violet and dark and light green show up as these lightworkers are charging themselves up in the water near Bimini Island in the Bermuda Triangle before a lightworking session. You can see in the screenshot below a Spaceship encompassed by a dolphin shaped cloud also known as Sylphs.



You will also notice a male face in the water and I couldn’t help notice how much he looks like the ET in The Green Lantern. If we can imagine him with blue/purple skin, it looks like he could be revealing himself on purpose. If you add the context in which this screenshot was taken as well as the words on the screen as you watch the video, you can tell there is a synchronicity.


Flipper in the sky? Did you know that Beatles wrote a song named Flipper in the Sky with Diamonds?

Am I being sirius serious or am I flip[per]-flopping?

I think that picture of the cloud is probably just a cloud that kind of looks like a dolphin.

I’m awfully speculative on UFOs in general, having even seen a light one night that made a total right turn and zipped off faster than anything I have ever seen...also witnessed by my wife when I was married.

I just think that most are probably our own government...or they are ourselves from the future returning to study or perhaps “fix/alter" certain things on the earth or our DNA...and lastly I think they could be inter-dimensional travelers or travelers from another planet.
IMHO they could be from a higher plane of reality...and may know how to cross this boundary to visit, for whatever purpose.
UFOs make me more skeptical than other things for some reason.
I think that picture of the cloud is probably just a cloud that kind of looks like a dolphin.

I’m awfully speculative on UFOs in general, having even seen a light one night that made a total right turn and zipped off faster than anything I have ever seen...also witnessed by my wife when I was married.

I just think that most are probably our own government...or they are ourselves from the future returning to study or perhaps “fix/alter" certain things on the earth or our DNA...and lastly I think they could be inter-dimensional travelers or travelers from another planet.
IMHO they could be from a higher plane of reality...and may know how to cross this boundary to visit, for whatever purpose.
UFOs make me more skeptical than other things for some reason.

Or it might just be astral travelers rearranging the shapes of clouds into barely discernible patterns to confuse people who are open to suggestions. You have an artistic streak, we know that.

It's amazing how incomplete our history probably is. David Attenborough made a radio documentary about the evidence that has been found, (but scoffed at by the historical and science communities, in the main), to say that man was once an aquatic ape, and spent a lot more time in the sea than was supposed. Catching fish and diving to deep sea levels etc. There are some tribal people doing this today. People who have learnt to slow their heart rate to stay under water a very long time, so we know our bodies can adapt, (as they can at an altitude for some mountain peoples too).
Skare, you might be interested in the following videos. :teddyhug:

Get an add-on for free download. In Firefox: Tools -> Add-Ons. Search for a Youtube download add-on.


Total Healing (v2) - Powerful Mind / Body Balance - Binaural + Monaural Beats

This video contains frequencies which will greatly assist in Physical / Mental Balance, and the Regeneration of Cellular Structure.

In Yogic Tradition, the Body and Mind are not separate, but rather the Mind, or -- Consciousness -- Controls the body.

The following frequencies are contained in this video:

DNA Repair (Ancient Solfeggio Scale - Tone 5)
528 Hz
Pure Tone

Balance Frequency
Derived from the Golden Section
Physical Body Healing (per NASA astronauts)
The Earth generates a 360 Hz tone in space.
360 Hz
Pure Tone

Mind / Body Unity
10.5 Hz
Alpha Binaural Beats

Stress Reduction
8 Hz
Alpha Monaural Beats

Schumann Resonance
"Earths Vibrational Frequency"
7.83 Hz
Theta Binaural Beats

Whole Being Regeneration
3.5 Hz
Delta Monaural Beats

"Universal Healing Rate"
1.5 Hz
Delta Monaural Beats


Quantum Detox - Full Body Detoxification - Rife Frequencies

This video contains frequencies which will greatly assist in Full Body Detoxification and Toxin Removal in general.

These frequencies are based on the work of Royal Raymond Rife.

Rife was a 20th century inventor who through frequency was able to cure many ailments of the body, including most common illnesses that we seek medical assistance for today.

The "Schumann Resonance" (7.83 Hz) (Earths Vibrational Frequency) is also included to provide Cellular Regeneration while the frequencies detox the body.

The following frequencies are contained in this video:

10000 Hz
Pure Tone
Rife Healing Frequency (Full Body)

6766 Hz
Pure Tone
Rife Healing Frequency (Lymphs and Glands)

5000 Hz
Pure Tone
Rife Healing Frequency (Full Body - Lower Octave)

3713 Hz
Pure Tone
Rife Healing Frequency (Endocrine System)

3176 Hz
Pure Tone
Rife Healing Frequency (Nervous System)

222 Hz
Pure Tone
Rife Healing Frequency (General Detox)

20 Hz
Binaural Beats
Rife Healing Frequency "Cure All"
Carrier Frequency: 222 Hz

7.83 Hz
Monaural Beats
Schumann Resonance (Earths Vibrational Frequency)
Carrier Frequency: 136.1 Hz ("OM") C#


Youthing - Anti-Aging / Reverse Aging Process - Binaural Beats

This video contains frequencies which will geatly assist in Cellular Regeneration and Anti-Aging.

The following frequencies are contained in this video:

2.5 Hz
Binaural Beat
Releases DHEA and Brain Endogenous Opiates (Anti-Aging)
Left - 109.1 Hz (Hyper-Gamma)
Right - 106.6 Hz
Effect - 2.5 Hz

3.0 Hz
Binaural Beat
Cortisol Reduction (Hormone associated with Stress and Aging)
Left - 112 Hz
Right - 109 Hz
Effect - 3.0 Hz

3.5 Hz
Binaural Beat
Melantonin Production (Decreases aging process)
Left - 114.9 Hz
Right - 111.4 Hz
Effect - 3.5 Hz

4.0 Hz
Binaural Beat
Cellular Regeneration (Anti-Aging)
Left - 117.7 Hz
Right - 113.7 Hz
Effect - 4.0 Hz


Pain Relief (v3) - Powerful Physical Pain Relief (Migraines, Back Pain, Arthritis) - Binaural Beats

This video contains frequencies which will greatly assist in Pain Relief (Headaches, Back Pain, Body Aches).

* This is a requested video, and as always you are welcome to request a video in the comment section below.

To gain the maximum effect, it is recommended to use this video for at least 15 minutes twice daily.

The following frequencies are contained in this video:

10 Hz
Binaural Beats
Beta Endorphin Release
Carrier Frequency: 144 Hz

5 Hz
Binaural Beats
Deep Physical Relaxation (Theta Frequency)
Carrier Frequency: 108 Hz

2.5 Hz
Monaural Beats
Releases Endogenous Opiates (Pain Relief)

For best results, you should listen to this with your eyes closed.
Situation Update ~ COBRA Update ~ 02-12-2017
February 13, 2017 by Colaborama

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. There was a drastic improvement of the situation in our Solar System lately. The Light forces have managed to clear most of the plasma anomaly from the Solar System and beyond, and the vast majority of plasma anomaly with most remaining toplet bombs is now accumulated close to Earth within 3 Earth radii from the Earth center.



This is the area of the „head“ of the Yaldabaoth entity and the area of quantum anomaly well within which the quarantine Earth resides. The edge of this anomalous plasma field is described as the plasma shield in this article:


The Chimera group keeps this anomalous plasma in position with a scalar field with most prominent resonant frequencies of 11.76 Hz (corresponding to alpha brain waves) and 15.68 Hz (corresponding to beta brain waves). These two frequencies are the basic frequencies of the Veil. You can counteract some of the harmful effects of the Veil’s scalar field with binaural tones of the same frequency:

The so-called „tentacles“ of the Yaldabaoth entity are not really tentacles but actually plasma filaments that are ever shifting and changing and they are not being removed one by one but are all gradually dissolving as the Light progresses. You need to understand that Yaldabaoth entity is a plasma parasite that feeds upon the healthy solar plasma that is emanating all the time from the Sun and distributed throughout the Solar system by solar wind:


Density of the anomalous plasma filaments of the Yaldabaoth entity together with toplet bombs throughout the Solar System is now decreasing fast to the point of being almost completely dissolved and now basically only the „head“ of the Yaladabaoth entity remains. This „head“ is comprised of many layers of anomalous plasma that were laid upon the surface of the planet in the last 26,000 years.

The vast majority of this Solar system beyond Earth—Moon orbit is now in the hands of the Light forces and their fleet.

At the same time, battle for the energy grid closer to the surface of the planet is in full force and this unfortunately includes brutal scalar attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors:

When the head of the Yaldabaoth entity with its toplet bombs is removed, events will accelerate exponentially towards the main Breakthrough:

Meanwhile, on the surface of the planet, the forces behind president Trump are consolidating.

First, there is Erik Prince as the secret adviser of Donald Trump and the Sovereign Military order of Malta behind him:

Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) is controlled by the Jesuits:

The main forces directly controlling SMOM are old European Archon black nobility families, such as Pallavicini and Ortolani and the former King Juan Carlos of Spain.

The second force behind Trump is Goldman Sachs:

The Jesuits are using Trump as a tool to polarize the population of the US into „leftists“ and „rightists“, artificially engineering a national conflict. Needless to say, they will not be successful.

As we come closer to the Event, it is very important to revitalize the Prepare for Change groups throughout the planet. Here are excellent guidelines from the Czech Prepare for Change group for creating and expanding your Prepare for Change group:

You are also welcome to join us on our new Ascension Conference in Taipei, Taiwan on March 11th-12th:

Much new intel about the Ascension process will be released there because the time is right.

Victory of the Light!


Yaldabaoth will soon be beheaded. :)

(OK, not treated painfully but the energy that is consciousness will be recycled for new experiences in the Tao.)
It's amazing how incomplete our history probably is. David Attenborough made a radio documentary about the evidence that has been found, (but scoffed at by the historical and science communities, in the main), to say that man was once an aquatic ape, and spent a lot more time in the sea than was supposed. Catching fish and diving to deep sea levels etc. There are some tribal people doing this today. People who have learnt to slow their heart rate to stay under water a very long time, so we know our bodies can adapt, (as they can at an altitude for some mountain peoples too).

There oldest surviving maps of the world that still remain show Antarctica along with accurate coastlines and mountains most of which have always been under glacial ice and how did they make such accurate maps and we have to then think that maybe the poles of the earth were in a different position and perhaps Antarctica was as Australia is now or maybe it was a lush jungle...the garden of Eden perhaps?
We have the Christian and Biblical story of a great flood, but maybe it was a flood because all the polar ice melted at once in some kind of catastrophe such as a pole swap or maybe we were hit with a good asteroid, comet, etc. that created Tsunami sized waves the likes the people had never seen?
Maybe that’s where Atlantis is? There are so many ifs....and there are also objects that are seemingly “out of time” like tools encased in coal that have metallurgy thought to not exist for millions of years...much less humans...maybe we have been here a lot longer than we think?
Yes...I used to be on swim team in High School...I held the school record (not sure if it still is good or not) for the longest distance underwater on one big it’s not just how long you can hold your breath...but your body is actively burning through the oxygen it needs...(so being a fast swimmer helped but you also have to get into kind of a meditative state).
I swam...two and a half olympic size pool lengths underwater on a single breath...which is....ummm....75 meters or 246 ft....not too shabby....the world record is 500 ft.
That was the most competitive type sport I have ever done...backstroke and butterfly...I got first for backstroke once at a meet...that was cool.
There is a good movie about the type of deep diving you are describing...I think it was “The Big Blue”?
Anyhow...we could have had whole civilizations and then the earth could have become unstable and all the crusts cracks and become fluid wiping out any sign of intelligent life except for some very odd things found here or there.
Hopefully when we die, we will know all that kind of cool shit.
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Skare, you might be interested in the following videos. :teddyhug:

Very familiar with these...I have used them...though I have had better results with some other ones I will list for you.
Thanks mate!

Here you go...these are my own recommendations...the one’s that I’ve had the most success with.​

And if you are feeling especially brave, there is 18.98 Hz aka - "The Ghost Frequency" back on what you see/hear (or don’t if you dare!)

Gahhh..that's sooo romantic :hearteyes:

I think so too :)
I’m gonna save it and make it into a woodburning/pyrography project once I’m done with a certain person’s butterfly request I think.
Very familiar with these...I have used them...though I have had better results with some other ones I will list for you.
Thanks mate!

Here you go...these are my own recommendations...the one’s that I’ve had the most success with.​

And if you are feeling especially brave, there is 18.98 Hz aka - "The Ghost Frequency" back on what you see/hear (or don’t if you dare!)

I will try my videos first just to see how effective they are. A nightly session with a playlist of Detox (6 hr repeat) will give an indication of what it does and how good it is. I convert the videos to high quality audio for maximum quality and minimum energy use.

I have not tried astral traveling yet. I should do that when I get time for it. I opened my third eye last summer. I realized that my computer screen is third eye otherwise. I read articles and watch videos about what is going on around the world.

Have you gone astral traveling beyond planet Earth? Is the quality of experience different? The Matrix makes up the experience of both the physical and the astral planes here. If you go beyond it, the rules and the experience ought to change too. Just make sure that you have permission of landing where you go. Corey Goode warned that ETs are territorial and do not like unexpected visitors. Adronis went as far as saying that you do not apply for a permission to land a spaceship on another planet; you get an invitation if they like you from a previous encounter. Such are the current diplomatic rules of the galaxy owing to wars. If now the AI is the cause of war in the galaxy, I suppose that removing it will yield a new era of peace. Corey spoke of such plans amongst higher dimensional ETs.

You better get a good lawyer if that ghost frequency is not sufficiently scary, as is a tradition in your country. I want to wake up with my heart reaching breaking point and an ocean of sweat in my bed sheets. :m092:

"Anything that you say or write can and will be used against you."
I will try my videos first just to see how effective they are. A nightly session with a playlist of Detox (6 hr repeat) will give an indication of what it does and how good it is. I convert the videos to high quality audio for maximum quality and minimum energy use.

I have not tried astral traveling yet. I should do that when I get time for it. I opened my third eye last summer. I realized that my computer screen is third eye otherwise. I read articles and watch videos about what is going on around the world.

Have you gone astral traveling beyond planet Earth? Is the quality of experience different? The Matrix makes up the experience of both the physical and the astral planes here. If you go beyond it, the rules and the experience ought to change too. Just make sure that you have permission of landing where you go. Corey Goode warned that ETs are territorial and do not like unexpected visitors. Adronis went as far as saying that you do not apply for a permission to land a spaceship on another planet; you get an invitation if they like you from a previous encounter. Such are the current diplomatic rules of the galaxy owing to wars. If now the AI is the cause of war in the galaxy, I suppose that removing it will yield a new era of peace. Corey spoke of such plans amongst higher dimensional ETs.

You better get a good lawyer if that ghost frequency is not sufficiently scary, as is a tradition in your country. I want to wake up with my heart reaching breaking point and an ocean of sweat in my bed sheets. :m092:

"Anything that you say or write can and will be used against you."

Those sets of videos are alright...I’m saying mine are better.
They are also far less annoying to the ear imho....which is good if you are trying to find that place between sleep and awake.
Or just get into trance state to begin with...that is something that you have to develop yourself, but the binaural beats to help once you learn how, to reach that state much faster in my experience.
Those specific frequencies are for specific things also.

In my own experiences I have not had to have permission to go to another planet...I have recurring dreams of worlds being destroyed...of the whole population human and alien being killed where the piles of bodies went up so high it was unseen through the mist.
I questioned why I kept having such apocalyptic dreams, especially when it clearly is not Earth sometimes...other times it’s Earth, though it’s another Earth...there was one that was so under the control via drugs of it’s controllers that the population failed and I witnessed it in my dream for some reason.
I have come to the conclusion that that is what I am supposed to be...a matter how bizarre it seems to me when I wake up from these ultra-vivid “dreams”.
As far as being OOB here it is exactly the same as normal reality except you can visually and physically manifest your thought-forms.
And if you can’t see any ghosts then there is a 12 hour version...stay up for 3 days listening to it on repeat with no breaks or sleep and I guarantee you will see something...hehe.
One of my favorite places to be is the woods in the dark and’s an emotion I cannot coziness? home? excited?
Find a word to encompass all those feelings into one and it’s kind of close to how I actually feel inside.
Feels Natural
Feels Natural

Yes...that’s a good one to add.
I guess it’s where I feel the most “at one” with nature and everything as cheesy and cliche as that sounds.
Yes...that’s a good one to add.
I guess it’s where I feel the most “at one” with nature and everything as cheesy and cliche as that sounds.
I used to jog to the centre of a pine forest and have a nap on the pine needles, then take a bath in the limpid water of the small stream there, before heading back to the university for afternoon lectures. It was perfect solitude and ease with the surroundings.
I used to jog to the centre of a pine forest and have a nap on the pine needles, then take a bath in the limpid water of the small stream there, before heading back to the university for afternoon lectures. It was perfect solitude and ease with the surroundings.

Pine forest in continental Australia!?! Tasmania?