This is also for @
sprinkles (don’t respond if you don’t want to, I’m not here to aggravate you), @
say what, @
Jacobi, @
efromm, @
charlene, @
Shaqie, @
Kgal, @
muir, and once again anyone else I seem to miss.
My response yesterday was not because I was angry...nor do I feel that anyone here is attacking my personal fact, I posted that because I really feel that a brick has been knocked out of the wall that separates me from reaching some semblance of faith....and this is of course personal to me, I wouldn’t expect any of you to believe what I believe.
That has sort of opened my eyes about how I’ve gone about certain just never really made sense to me before, and perhaps you won’t understand what I am saying now...but I bet most of you will.
Like I was saying before...the need to argue about who is right and who is wrong in regards to things that can not be proven with the science of today, possibly not frustrating turning me off to my own thread.
Some of the things people argue about not necessary in this thread but in the forum at large are just back and forth, round and round, until someone gets their feelings hurt usually.
I have been most guilty of this on more than one occasion. And I cannot say that I never will have a heavy debate with someone on the forum...sometimes it’s through debating like that that we find a new perspective on things...are asked questions that make you stop and go “You know...I don’t know.”.
It just seems to me that everyone gets too hung up on being the one that has to be right....that we are so scared to just say to them and ourselves that we don’t know. For some here, being the one who is wrong you would think is the end of their
I don’t wish to be the one arguing in cyclical ways....”There is a God!” here’s why “There is no God” here’s why...back and one can win such an argument...or the one LucyJr is referring to “Was there something before the “Big Bang” if there ever was such a thing as the “Big Bang” too?”
How could anyone possibly win such an argument or even a light-hearted debate on such a thing as that? What we have to go from are either scientific theories that we have no way to prove and are constantly changing, or we have religious texts that cannot be proven either.
I have found some semblance of faith in myself....not faith in a certain deity or religious order....but the realization that no matter what I believe...even if I were a genius like Hawking or Einstein - I would still be inherently wrong.
There is no perfect answer out there, it took me a long time to really grasp what that really entailed.
If you study the Bible...that is a wonderful thing, there are some beautiful stories and morally idealistic ways to live your life in there...but it isn’t what I believe in my heart to be 100% true....and that should be fine with you the reader of this...that doesn’t mean you have to save my soul by convincing me otherwise - because like I said before, the more aggressive someone gets in their debating of someone the less that person is inclined to believe you...even if it’s factual one likes to be one wants to lose the debate...and so no one wins (literally and figuratively).
I have lost my desire to argue...that doesn’t mean that I have shut myself off from new ideas, or thoughts on an old one...but these huge semantical debates that go on in here really just upset people and then they shut themselves off to what my be something of huge importance.
It’s like arguing if green is better than blue...
I want us all to present ideas, thoughts, innovations, feelings, stories, in regards to this be discussed....talked about...questioned in a non-“I’ve gotta be the right one.” kind of way.
Because you are not right.....and I am for sure not right (in many regards lololol) one on earth is one has it figured out, not even the super geniuses who work in science labs....nor does the Pope...or any other religious person alive today...we are all wrong.
So who am I to tell you it IS this way because science has this theory....and who are you to tell me vice versa?
By really realizing my fallibility, by not having to be right, I have in turn found the thinnest thread of faith....because really, in the long run, it doesn’t matter what you believe...we will all reach our deaths and see for ourselves.
Let’s share our ideas constructively...without arguing about what shade of blue the sky is.