Has always been one of my favorites.

"Have you been half-asleep, and have you heard voices?"
"Yes I've heard them calling my name..."


So I just wanted to give all a quick personal update...since this is still also kind of a blog of mine.
Health wise, doing so-so...have trouble sleeping at night recently (pain)...which is why I'm posting right now....but then I'll be up again at 5am so whatever.
I've lost a bit of weight...I think this is due to me stopping the antidepressant I was taking - Remeron/mirtazapine.
I just didn't like the sedative feeling it gave me...Anyhow, after stopping it...I just had zero appetite...but it's coming back now thank goodness.
Been taking a new regimen of herbal supplements...we got, Valerian root, Aswagandha root, Probiotics, turmeric/curcumin, and L-theanine...so far they seem to be working...no major flare-ups.
I am starting to mentally prepare for another round of dosing myself with entheogens....its been a good year and a half and during that time since I last took them the experience helped me significantly and for quite a while before the depression/anxiety start to creep back in...doom and gloom.
I couldn't have made it without the little guys changing my perspective...breaking me free from the rut I was stuck in...and also taught me how to meditate properly.
Before, I had difficulty maintaining for 15-20 minutes at a time due to the severe anxiety and taking a nap (which I so desperately needed at the time) was impossible during the day.
Some switch got flipped, the hard drive got defragged, the reset button was pushed..Ctl+Alt+Del in your brain.
Same concept as electroshock therapy only chemically induced.
This past year has been a challenge for sure...but I feel more mentally, emotionally, spiritually aware of what I need to do to maintain and keep myself from falling back down into severe depression/anxiety.
This Sunday is the first meeting of the new pain group I am leading - Treating Chronic Pain with Psychedellics.
So far I am very excited...most people don't realize that there are things out there that work amazingly well for not only their condition but also your understanding or your inner self and reality in general.
As always...there are medical issues to consider before such a thing should be attempted.
Most of these folks are at their wits end...tired of nothing working...tired of the constant unrelenting pain.
Pain causes depression and anxiety...it's like having the idle on your car adjusted up way too high...those things in turn aggravate and flare up the pain - and the cycle of BS continues...(unless you break it).
Also, depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, etc. are also a form of Chronic Pain...your brain interprets a broken arm the same way it interprets a broken heart...the pain there is real and the same...though most people suffering in that manner wouldn't say they have chronic pain, they actually do.
Anyhow....I get up at 5, but then meditate for a couple hours usually followed by a quick nap once I'm fully relaxed and have done my chakra balancing or whatever I am working on that day.
I often feel trapped here at home...in my body that sometimes malfunctions...but if I have done anything or learned anything from it all it was the ability to accept it for what it is.
Too much fighting myself...too much self-pity...too self-judgmental..too critical of my self-worth and the role I felt obligated to obtain, not feeling worthy of the love others gave me.
Time to step out of my comfort zone again into the psychonautic realm to break down the negative filters that our society and egotistic self for that matter get stuck in....the skip.
Yes...the skip...this is what I'm calling it now....the skipping record...no longer able to move onto the next song...round and around it goes over and over until you see no other perspective but one of feeling trapped, sad, and broken.
It's been some time since I have really tried to go out of body during meditation.
This partly due to the bad sleep I'm getting at night now - fingers crossed that changes soon and I can refocus my efforts on things I want to be doing...not forced to put up with. ;)
Enough rambling...time to veg out with a book or whatnot until I wake up at 2....change to my chair and try to sleep for a few more hours.
Much love my friends!
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@Skarekrow can you elaborate in any way regarding what you learned as proper meditation? I realize it may be too abstract but I'm curious.
@Skarekrow can you elaborate in any way regarding what you learned as proper meditation? I realize it may be too abstract but I'm curious.
Hmmmm....it seriously was as if a reset button was pushed somehow.
The first time I did it I was a little nervous...because I took a good amount.
That whole trip forced me to be fully present...I was in the moment the several hours it takes...the entire time.
Not wholly pleasant the first time, but so helpful.
fMRI scans show that the normal pathways in the brain are bypassed and new connections are created...parts of the brain that normally don't talk to each other or directly to each other - do.
So if your normal pathways are corrupted like a computer...or like a blocked artery on a heart...and everything you receive into your brain is passed through this negative, not necessarily reality, depressed/anxious filter via a brain pathway then this seems to help you to bypass it to get the full and normal benefits that should be there in the first place.
Yes, meditation takes practice....it wasn't just a magical transformation...I had been trying for a long time and my brain seemed to realize that somehow and adjusted whatever was blocking me IMHO.
Either I bypassed the normal negatively filtered pathways...or was able to reset those pathways somehow...at least that is how it feels the next day...like your brain has been defragged...lol.
my brain seemed to realize that somehow and adjusted whatever was blocking me IMHO.

Do you mean to say that it allowed you to experience more and/or have more enriched experiences during normal meditations after the fact? Can you elaborate at all on being blocked?

Sorry, I know these are sort of personal. If you want to pm me some time and talk about it more feel free. I'm just always interested in what people have to say about their meditating experiences since I've been doing it myself for so long.
Do you mean to say that it allowed you to experience more and/or have more enriched experiences during normal meditations after the fact? Can you elaborate at all on being blocked?

Sorry, I know these are sort of personal. If you want to pm me some time and talk about it more feel free. I'm just always interested in what people have to say about their meditating experiences since I've been doing it myself for so long.
I don’t mind at all.
That is exactly what I am saying.
The fMRI studies showing the activity in the brain is much more active...areas of the brain that normally cannot talk with one another - are able to.
Let’s see....before the experiences I had a hell of a time concentrating to meditate...the anxiety caused by the pain was so overwhelming that I was unable to be fully present - which is a huge part of properly meditating...it was so powerful that there was actually an uncomfortable physical sensation of tightness and burning in my chest.
I was waking up each morning immediately into a panic attack which would then take several hours to gain control over - through meditation.
All that changed after the subsequent doses I took.
No more waking into a panic attack....no more burning in my chest from anxiety.
Whatever happened allowed me to be fully present...to bypass the negative reactions my body was having...IMHO those pathways that were corrupted in my brain were either fixed somehow...or new connections were created to bypass or at least balance out the negative ones and this allowed me to gain control over all the negative issues that were affecting me.
If I am depressed...anxious...or even in pain...I can now lie down and am able to now focus on the negative issues I am dealing with and force them to dissipate...though the pain returns when I get up and start to move again...I can at least force it away while I maintain concentration.
I can force away the depression and anxiety...though like I said recently, it is time I feel to re-dose.
It’s been over a year now...so the lasting effects (at least for me) allow you to go for some time without taking a pill every day.
I’ve stopped the antidepressant I was taking...and for a week following a dose I am able to actually cut the amount of pain meds I take by half - which is huge deal and not normally so easily to just stop taking like that.
So yeah...it caused huge changes in my life...but not only that...it allows you to see and FEEL the interconnectivity and love that surrounds us all the time but is just beyond our perception...but I always knew it was there...the substance seems to open that valve of perception that your brain seems to filter out and mute.
Do you want more detail on anything in particular?
Take care and talk to you soon!

So I just wanted to give all a quick personal update...since this is still also kind of a blog of mine.
Health wise, doing so-so...have trouble sleeping at night recently (pain)...which is why I'm posting right now....but then I'll be up again at 5am so whatever.
I've lost a bit of weight...I think this is due to me stopping the antidepressant I was taking - Remeron/mirtazapine.
I just didn't like the sedative feeling it gave me...Anyhow, after stopping it...I just had zero appetite...but it's coming back now thank goodness.
Been taking a new regimen of herbal supplements...we got, Valerian root, Aswagandha root, Probiotics, turmeric/curcumin, and L-theanine...so far they seem to be working...no major flare-ups.
I am starting to mentally prepare for another round of dosing myself with entheogens....its been a good year and a half and during that time since I last took them the experience helped me significantly and for quite a while before the depression/anxiety start to creep back in...doom and gloom.
I couldn't have made it without the little guys changing my perspective...breaking me free from the rut I was stuck in...and also taught me how to meditate properly.
Before, I had difficulty maintaining for 15-20 minutes at a time due to the severe anxiety and taking a nap (which I so desperately needed at the time) was impossible during the day.
Some switch got flipped, the hard drive got defragged, the reset button was pushed..Ctl+Alt+Del in your brain.
Same concept as electroshock therapy only chemically induced.
This past year has been a challenge for sure...but I feel more mentally, emotionally, spiritually aware of what I need to do to maintain and keep myself from falling back down into severe depression/anxiety.
This Sunday is the first meeting of the new pain group I am leading - Treating Chronic Pain with Psychedellics.
So far I am very excited...most people don't realize that there are things out there that work amazingly well for not only their condition but also your understanding or your inner self and reality in general.
As always...there are medical issues to consider before such a thing should be attempted.
Most of these folks are at their wits end...tired of nothing working...tired of the constant unrelenting pain.
Pain causes depression and anxiety...it's like having the idle on your car adjusted up way too high...those things in turn aggravate and flare up the pain - and the cycle of BS continues...(unless you break it).
Also, depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, etc. are also a form of Chronic Pain...your brain interprets a broken arm the same way it interprets a broken heart...the pain there is real and the same...though most people suffering in that manner wouldn't say they have chronic pain, they actually do.
Anyhow....I get up at 5, but then meditate for a couple hours usually followed by a quick nap once I'm fully relaxed and have done my chakra balancing or whatever I am working on that day.
I often feel trapped here at home...in my body that sometimes malfunctions...but if I have done anything or learned anything from it all it was the ability to accept it for what it is.
Too much fighting myself...too much self-pity...too self-judgmental..too critical of my self-worth and the role I felt obligated to obtain, not feeling worthy of the love others gave me.
Time to step out of my comfort zone again into the psychonautic realm to break down the negative filters that our society and egotistic self for that matter get stuck in....the skip.
Yes...the skip...this is what I'm calling it now....the skipping record...no longer able to move onto the next song...round and around it goes over and over until you see no other perspective but one of feeling trapped, sad, and broken.
It's been some time since I have really tried to go out of body during meditation.
This partly due to the bad sleep I'm getting at night now - fingers crossed that changes soon and I can refocus my efforts on things I want to be doing...not forced to put up with. ;)
Enough rambling...time to veg out with a book or whatnot until I wake up at 2....change to my chair and try to sleep for a few more hours.
Much love my friends!

Sorry to hear sleep has been hard. I know you've probably tried everything I'm going to suggest, but I'll put it out there anyway. Maybe it could be useful for someone else at least. One thing I find helpful is white noise machines (or apps as they're a lot cheaper than buying a machine). If white noise doesn't work for you, they often come with a number of settings. I find pink noise especially good for getting to sleep. I also find having a routine every night helps get myself ready for sleep. I do the exact same things before I go to sleep, so my brain learns when sleep. I also stay away from any mentally stimulating books and from all screens. They make it more difficult to go into sleep mode.
I realize chronic pain makes things different, but I hope something there helps. If not, there's always whiskey. Copious amounts of whiskey. :P

I look forward to reading more of your experiences with entheogens. It's a shame that such methods of pain management aren't more accepted. But then pharma companies would only be crazy rich, rather than insanely rich. Think of the ridiculously rich. Won't someone please think of think of the ridiculously rich?
I now work for a pharma company, so I've become part of the problem. This means we now must be dire enemies. Oh well, we've had a good run.

Hm, I've never thought of conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD in the same light as chronic pain. I've struggled with each of those (though obsessive compulsive thoughts not quite to the level of OCD), and such an idea has never occurred to me. I suppose we're conditioned to see a wide divide between physical and psychological illnesses. There's still that part of my brain that believes I should simply be able to get over psychic wounds. The "just stop being depressed" method. Not very helpful, but it's what repeatedly thrown in our faces.

Glad to hear you're trying to be kind to yourself. Just tell those voices in your head to talk to me next time they try to make you feel like shit. I'll make sure they recognize what an awesome person you are. They might return a bit singed, but they won't bother you with negative thoughts anymore. ;)
those pathways that were corrupted in my brain were either fixed somehow...or new connections were created to bypass or at least balance out the negative ones and this allowed me to gain control over all the negative issues that were affecting me.
My appologies for just diving in the conversation. This does happen. The brain is an amazing organ. I don't mean to come off saying look at me, quite the contrary. In the back annuls of your thread I remember discussing with you and @ImaginaryBloke about A-TBI's and how the brain builds new neuro pathways to bypass the damaged parts, as well as traums recollection and how the mind and body will recall memories of events long forgotten, or may be unaware of at the time. Frim what you say, t's not a far fetch to assimilate something along those lines in your case.

Your gaining the ability to suspend the abnormal synapses and remove your pains is an undeniable feat indeed.

I have to ask though, do you find that you are hyper aware more so now of things like sound, voices or people talking, the subtle variations in colors and light, more sensory stimuli being picked up?
Sorry to hear sleep has been hard. I know you've probably tried everything I'm going to suggest, but I'll put it out there anyway. Maybe it could be useful for someone else at least. One thing I find helpful is white noise machines (or apps as they're a lot cheaper than buying a machine). If white noise doesn't work for you, they often come with a number of settings. I find pink noise especially good for getting to sleep. I also find having a routine every night helps get myself ready for sleep. I do the exact same things before I go to sleep, so my brain learns when sleep. I also stay away from any mentally stimulating books and from all screens. They make it more difficult to go into sleep mode.
I realize chronic pain makes things different, but I hope something there helps. If not, there's always whiskey. Copious amounts of whiskey. :p

I look forward to reading more of your experiences with entheogens. It's a shame that such methods of pain management aren't more accepted. But then pharma companies would only be crazy rich, rather than insanely rich. Think of the ridiculously rich. Won't someone please think of think of the ridiculously rich?
I now work for a pharma company, so I've become part of the problem. This means we now must be dire enemies. Oh well, we've had a good run.

Hm, I've never thought of conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD in the same light as chronic pain. I've struggled with each of those (though obsessive compulsive thoughts not quite to the level of OCD), and such an idea has never occurred to me. I suppose we're conditioned to see a wide divide between physical and psychological illnesses. There's still that part of my brain that believes I should simply be able to get over psychic wounds. The "just stop being depressed" method. Not very helpful, but it's what repeatedly thrown in our faces.

Glad to hear you're trying to be kind to yourself. Just tell those voices in your head to talk to me next time they try to make you feel like shit. I'll make sure they recognize what an awesome person you are. They might return a bit singed, but they won't bother you with negative thoughts anymore. ;)

Thank you much my dear friend.
I listen to white noise, pink noise, binaural beat, hypnosis, you name it...lol.
And they do help...so thanks for the suggestions.
Yeah...I gotta try to get to bed earlier...it’s just that it seems the longer I sleep (at one time) the more pain I feel upon waking...whereas if I’m up and down all night...I don’t hurt as much...probably cause I don’t really move much when I sleep...I wake up in the same spot I went out in...lol...sore.
Yeah...I try to avoid the whiskey...though a glass of wine or a puff on some pot helps sometimes - I don’t want to not wake up. ;)
Yes, the purpose of the group is to also help normalize the idea of using such things (entheogens) for verifiably positive reasons.
CA has been trying to legalize mushroom for some time...and if you want to grow your own there are plenty of websites that will sell you spore syringes and kits to grow them....it’s not illegal to own the spores - just to grow and ingest, which is dumb.
Of course, if you know your shit you can just go pick them in the forest...I just don’t know my mushrooms well enough and would probably kill myself in some painful manner...lol (have you seen what poisonous mushrooms will do to your liver...yikes!)
It’s okay....I used to work for Johnson & Johnson when I was a surgical sales rep.
I’ll just tap you in the future when the plan to take them down is ready and will give you further instructions to follow.
Yes...you can’t just stop being depressed...it never works like that.
That’s called “denial” and pushing it down further to where you don’t realize it’s still festering inside is even worse imho.
Thank you for the compliments...you know you are the most awesome INTJ here don’t you?
I will keep you updated on the entheogen path...tonight is my big night:

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Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 2.43.13 PM.webp

Yes, yes...my name is Michael...most of you already knew that though.

My appologies for just diving in the conversation. This does happen. The brain is an amazing organ. I don't mean to come off saying look at me, quite the contrary. In the back annuls of your thread I remember discussing with you and @ImaginaryBloke about A-TBI's and how the brain builds new neuro pathways to bypass the damaged parts, as well as traums recollection and how the mind and body will recall memories of events long forgotten, or may be unaware of at the time. Frim what you say, t's not a far fetch to assimilate something along those lines in your case.

Your gaining the ability to suspend the abnormal synapses and remove your pains is an undeniable feat indeed.

I have to ask though, do you find that you are hyper aware more so now of things like sound, voices or people talking, the subtle variations in colors and light, more sensory stimuli being picked up?

No need to apologize...I encourage discussion in my thread.
I do believe that is what took place in my brain...not only being born with a depressive affect, but I also had several concussions as a child (falling off bunk beds and things kids do) that could have effected it as well.
I can’t explain the changes other than they are indeed real...I am well aware of the placebo effect and it does have potential benefits.
But having gone through what seems like an endless shit show of trying this medication or that and having no positive effects but only bad negative side-effects...I had stopped putting any hope or faith in modern drugs I was being given, having gotten my hopes up that this or that will help me only to have it make things worse or have no effect at all.
I can say with 100% certainty that this is no placebo effect....something changed in my brain and it has allowed me combat those negative things that were plaguing me.
Yes...the ability to properly meditate was the biggest life saver of them all that I gained from the experiences.
Of course while under the influence of such things all those hyper aware things do indeed take place, as well as many other unexplainable states of being.
I saw a whole connected star grid in the sky - which was absolutely beautiful and amazing to see!
You see what look like waves of subtle energy flittering by...you can turn out the lights and look at the ceiling of your bedroom and it becomes a complex cathedral of the mosque type intricate designs towering over your head.

As far as post sensitivities....I was able to meditate away my pain and associated symptoms which was so amazing.
Before it all I was having strange bouts of Deja-vu...like I would feel this nostalgic feeling...followed by a deja-vu feeling and then remember what seemed to be a bit of some long forgotten dream I had long ago...these become more frequent after my run of doses - 7-10 in total.
Also, was practicing meditating and astral projection beforehand with some good results...afterward this also intensified and I was able to self-induce an OOBE - which was definitely no lucid dream or hallucination...subjective I know....you’ll just have to trust me on that one. ;)
While meditating I reach the vibratory stage sometimes without being purposeful about it.
During that time...your body is paralyzed (very disconcerting at first) because the whole idea is your body to fall asleep while your mind is awake.
Also during this phase you hear all kinds of noises....after the mushrooms this happened more frequently but was not the sole creation of taking them as I had already had some experiences.
I’ve heard piano music...what sounded like my SO yelling from the kitchen (broke concentration and took off my earbuds and nothing), a cacophony of voices all taking at once like a big crowd or party, loud bangs, deep scary sounding voices I couldn’t understand, explosions, etc.
It takes a while and several attempts to not let these noises an such break your concentration and cause you to lose your state of meditation.
In my everyday life...idk...I feel that maybe I am a bit more empathic than I used to be...but those are also subjective feelings and I have no way to prove that it’s actually that.
You definitely notice the small things of beauty that you normally disregard and walk past without noticing for some time afterward as well, at least for me...it made me more present, allowed me to stop being so trapped in my head and to see the beautiful things around me that the pain, depression, anxiety had turned grey and gloomy.
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"When you follow truth, first you are one, then, you are many/
When you live truth, first you are alone, then, you are multitude/
When you speak truth, first you are silent, then, you are thunder/
When you seek truth, first you are naught, then, you are omnipresent.”

- "On the Climb Up Masada" by Jerry B Brown
Fascinating. @Skarekrow to quote a phrase. The power of meditation is well documented and undedniable. I have started it do it myself. The defrag analogy is well taken.

Stay strong brother-in-arms!

"When you follow truth, first you are one, then, you are many/
When you live truth, first you are alone, then, you are multitude/
When you speak truth, first you are silent, then, you are thunder/
When you seek truth, first you are naught, then, you are omnipresent.”

- "On the Climb Up Masada" by Jerry B Brown

Fascinating. @Skarekrow to quote a phrase. The power of meditation is well documented and undedniable. I have started it do it myself. The defrag analogy is well taken.

Stay strong brother-in-arms!

Thanks man!
I appreciate the support!
Yes...meditation and learning to meditate correctly can open some really powerful doors that will alter your perceptions and change your whole state of being. It is amazing to me.
Take care my friend, good to see you around!!

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
Be well. :)

Thank you Sandie for your constant compassion.


I really liked that one too...good stuff!
An except from some current reading material.
‘One Year Wiser - An Illustrated Guide to Mindfulness’ by Mike Medaglia
It’s in the style of a graphic novel...very cool book so far.

“If you want more happiness in your life, then the first thing to do is stop trying to be happy.
Instead, take stock.

Look at all the bounty of your life - food, water, family, friends.
Be grateful.
Gratitude fills the well.

After that, go out and do things that give back.
That are beneficial to others and are active statements of gratitude for the immense gift of being alive and able.
Being of benefit fills the well.

We do not achieve happiness.
Instead we arrive at happiness as the result of mindful living, gratitude and beneficial activities."
But overall, I like the first 10-15 then not so much.

Yeah... I actually felt the same way... but the information in those first ones were damn good :) It was one hell of a loose string... I got the sweater and all :)[/QUOTE]

I saw the original video when it first came out in I think 4 parts, like 10 hrs! They were a group of college kids that made the film. I can tell they have just "stretched your mind" it strikes up some very interesting topics. However I think they have some very good theories as well as some that are pretty far off. However the truth is always stranger than fiction. Although, I don't think most people realize the depth & breadth of kabaalism and what/who it is today. If they did I think most would burn them at the stake. But there are plenty of people, especially in today's day and age that might not. Different strokes for different folks. An ABSOLUTE MUST SEE for everyone on this post is the unedited interview with Kathryn Grigs. She was the wife of a general for the Army. I think when exploring new theories it is important to have something to stay grounded to. People use many different thing, usually their faith. I do use my faith but I refuse to let it stand in the way of reason. And so I remind myself of the saying that "there is nothing new under the sun" Which I also have to bring up one more subject on that nore, D-WAVE quantum computing. Do you think the "parallel universes" "and entities" they are communicating with is just another form of communing with the dead? Sorry guys I know I'm all over the place but no one I know can keep up with this stuff. And once again if you don't know about D-WAVE look it up. The kay Grigs interview is most telling whistle-blower I have/will ever see in my life. Please LMK what you guys think.
Yeah... I actually felt the same way... but the information in those first ones were damn good :) It was one hell of a loose string... I got the sweater and all :)

I saw the original video when it first came out in I think 4 parts, like 10 hrs! They were a group of college kids that made the film. I can tell they have just "stretched your mind" it strikes up some very interesting topics. However I think they have some very good theories as well as some that are pretty far off. However the truth is always stranger than fiction. Although, I don't think most people realize the depth & breadth of kabaalism and what/who it is today. If they did I think most would burn them at the stake. But there are plenty of people, especially in today's day and age that might not. Different strokes for different folks. An ABSOLUTE MUST SEE for everyone on this post is the unedited interview with Kathryn Grigs. She was the wife of a general for the Army. I think when exploring new theories it is important to have something to stay grounded to. People use many different thing, usually their faith. I do use my faith but I refuse to let it stand in the way of reason. And so I remind myself of the saying that "there is nothing new under the sun" Which I also have to bring up one more subject on that nore, D-WAVE quantum computing. Do you think the "parallel universes" "and entities" they are communicating with is just another form of communing with the dead? Sorry guys I know I'm all over the place but no one I know can keep up with this stuff. And once again if you don't know about D-WAVE look it up. The kay Grigs interview is most telling whistle-blower I have/will ever see in my life. Please LMK what you guys think.

Yes, the videos have some good knowledge in them...but I like to always take such things with a grain of salt.
Keep a portion of your mind grounded in materialist possibilities even when it seems beyond any reasonable explanation.
Yes, there are those who practice Kabbala that would probably surprise the general public, but that doesn’t make it necessarily a bad thing.
I too feel similarly about “faith” and my own personal definition of “faith” is our ability to physically alter our reality via our thoughts and will.
But also, I try to keep my mind as much in science and such things simultaneously.
Thanks for the suggestion of the video...what do you think about the so-called “deep state” and who’s side are they on?
Do you believe all the claims of military coverups of government pedophilia?
As far as D wave, here is a link for those interested. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-Wave_Systems
Have you read up on Quantum Radar?
Now that is some interesting shit....apparently the Chinese are way ahead of us in this arena...which will make our conventional “stealth” tech obsolete.
This takes “spooky action at a distance” and applies it practically to our world - even though it is not fully understood as it clearly bypasses the supposed limit of the speed of light.
Easily explained by adding higher dimensions though. ;)
I think it is wholly possible that others from other universes or entities on another plane of reality could be trying to communicate.
I am a firm believer is PSI phenomena having seen my fair share of physical disturbances that couldn’t be explained otherwise...but if PSI is possible then why not “ghosts” or other “entities” who exist in a place where they can maybe see us, but we have trouble seeing or communicating with them.
I still like to refer people back to Carl Sagan when discussing dimensions and what we perceive, how that could easily be misinterpreted or cause a fear response to those who don’t understand what they are seeing or experiencing.

My brain is quite often all over the place as well...I get it...haha.
Thank you for sharing and your input!
Let me know if I can help!
Take care!
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I am very impressed skarekrow. About the deep state, let's just say I think I need to study encryption tech better. And the different dimensions to me are simply different frequencies that exist in the same time & place, which explains quantum entanglement, agrees with super string theory, but does not explain parallel or multiple universes. I think the most important things coming out of China right now are the trading of gold backed yen for oil. The doubling of it's oil and LNG consumption. It's recent statements of possibly launching it's 2nd overseas military base in an extremely short amount of time to "counter act us aggression", which leads to the subject of the new BRICS central bank, the impending doom of the dollar, and then of course to bitcoin. I'm curious show me something you most people haven't heard. And do you know other people that "keep up" so to speak?