Not necessarily what I adhere to, but part of it, yes...

A good meditation to try
@Ren (as a subject to enhance or represent or even challenge certain parts of your allusions and statements in your notebook)

Effortless Emergent Presence: Francis Lucille

Francis Lucille guides the audience in a meditation on the yes-saying path of "holy laziness.”
He reminds us that this moment, and always, everything is happening on its own.
Our decisions are in fact cosmic events, no different than the rain or the snow or the hurricane.
They just happen.
Nobody owns them.
The mind pretends to own them, to be the thinker of the thought, the decider of the decision,
but it's like a clown taking the bow after the ballerina's performance, to claim the applause.​
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Sorry everyone whom I haven’t really been keeping in good communication with.
Just been wiped out lately.
Dunno if it’s the new medication, but I’m not trying to not respond or get back to anyone who asks me something.
I’m not being purposefully rude is what I’m trying to say.
Have about enough energy to pop in here once in a while and post something random.
Having a hard time currently.
Try and be patient with me thanks.

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Curious and more curious.
True or not?

Researcher Discovers ‘Time Warp’ Near Las Vegas


It’s just a jump to the left.
And then a step to the right.

With your hands on your hips.
You bring your knees in tight.

But it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane.
And leads you to believe you have detected a micro-sized “time warp” hiding in the Nevada desert.

Noted paranormal researcher, author, and host of the the A&E Psychic Cruise
Joshua P. Warren says he has found a location north of Las Vegas in which time actually slows down.

Is this proof of some type of higher metaphysical mysteries?

Depends on your definition of “proof.”
KVVU-TV in Las Vegas reports that Warren made the discovery using a gizmo called a DT Meter, or differential time rate mater.

Warren says the device was created by a Silicon Valley engineer named Ron Heath, who has no discernible presence on the internet.
The device apparently consists of a 100-foot cable with a sensor on one end.

The device sends a signal down the length of the cable and measures the time it takes to reach the other end; theoretically, the device can detect small perturbations or differences in the speed of time itself.

Warren says that using the device allowed him to detect a spot in which time slows down – imperceptible to the human consciousness, but enough for his gadget to detect:

At this spot, on June 18 of 2018, I actually measured for the first and only time, time itself slowing down for 20 microseconds.
The weird thing, the real holy grail here, was what we picked up with this brand-new piece of technology.

That signal is always supposed to travel at the same rate of time at any particular place.
The only way that could change is if a black hole approached earth or something like that, which is never supposed to happen.

Of course, the more likely explanation is that the DT Meter, whatever it may be, malfunctioned. Warren stands by his assessment of this “time warp,” though, especially given its proximity to infamous spooky locations such as Area 51 or Bigelow Aerospace:

I think it’s really interesting when you consider that this site where we got this reading, showing this time anomaly, also happens to be one of the most popular UFO hotspots in the area.

The big question at this point is not whether or not we have these anomalies, but what’s causing them?
Is this something natural that gives us a window a gateway into another world or another level of reality?

Or is this the byproduct of some kind of weird technology, be it something secret and man-made or something that’s extraterrestrial?

Or could it be simply that some snake oil salesman selling gullible “researchers” a bit of repurposed garden hose and Christmas lights might have sold yet another “paranormal research” gizmo which does little except light up and emit boops and beeps?

Still, the idea of a time anomaly is interesting given that there are known areas on Earth in which gravity behaves differently.
Could a real “time warp” be possible through some time of tiny, localized wormhole?

Could this be what causes so much weirdness in the Las Vegas desert?
Or might all that sun play tricks on people’s minds?

Sorry everyone whom I haven’t really been keeping in good communication with.
Just been wiped out lately.
Dunno if it’s the new medication, but I’m not trying to not respond or get back to anyone who asks me something.
I’m not being purposefully rude is what I’m trying to say.
Have about enough energy to pop in here once in a while and post something random.
Having a hard time currently.
Try and be patient with me thanks.


Hang in there, this too shall pass,
love hugs to you all ♡
Eyes of my Son.
(2 years ago)

Magnets! How do they work!?

Awesome post!
You should get some really strong rare earth magnets and tape them to various parts of your head until you start to hear voices, lol!
Too bad I can’t magnetize my tinfoil hat!

There is demonstration of magnetic fields doing some very strange things to the functioning of the brain, specifically “the God helmet” -
There are also usually erratic and unexplained transient magnetic fields surrounding hauntings, poltergeists, paranormal experiences, etc.
The real question I think is not if something like the helmet is inducing a hallucination but more if it’s doing more than that like your post suggests, and opening other regions of our brains that give us the ability to see such things that may exist around us all the time but are beyond our perception as we are limited by our sensory organs and brain but also limited by our dimensional level of existence.
If said magnetic fields are transient then perhaps they are appearing and disappearing to a higher dimension that we cannot measure?
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“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.”
~ William Blake

“The “supreme reason” does not lie in the domain of mystical visions of any kind.”
~ Suzuki Daisetz

“A monk asked Ummon, “What is Buddha?”
“It is a shit-wiping stick,” replied Ummon.”
~ Case XXI of the Mumonkan

“If you understand, things are such as they are;
If you do not understand, things are such as they are-“
~ Gensha

Magnets! How do they work!?
Great video @Wyote !
Causes my curiosity to spark and ask if these lil antenna are helpers with human compatibility...the whys of why we "get along" with certian types of individuals, yet find other types repulsive.

Perhaps, The positive vs the negitive poles of the magnet...hmmm :puzzled: :skeptical:
Since we were talking about it.
Pretty crazy shit.
Pretty soon, no one will be able to lie, there is even the possibility of remote thought theft if you think about it...not to mention, if you reverse the process can images and things that never took place be implanted as a false memory?
It’s just a matter of time before we will be able to watch what we dreamed the night before.

Egyptian Afterlife Barbie Play Set!

That would've been at the top of my xmas list as a wee one.
Sorry everyone whom I haven’t really been keeping in good communication with.
Just been wiped out lately.
Dunno if it’s the new medication, but I’m not trying to not respond or get back to anyone who asks me something.
I’m not being purposefully rude is what I’m trying to say.
Have about enough energy to pop in here once in a while and post something random.
Having a hard time currently.
Try and be patient with me thanks.

:loveyhug: There are those that I think about often and silently wish well from afar, you're always one of them.
Since we were talking about it.
Pretty crazy shit.
Pretty soon, no one will be able to lie, there is even the possibility of remote thought theft if you think about it...not to mention, if you reverse the process can images and things that never took place be implanted as a false memory?
It’s just a matter of time before we will be able to watch what we dreamed the night before.

I was just thinking about this today, the transparency we're creating, and in turn, the loss of clarity. Intriguing information, thank you!

the transparency we're creating, and in turn, the loss of clarity

Yes, we are losing a certain amount of perspective and deeper understanding by only looking at the surface of things.
But it’s a start anyhow.
If we could last long enough as a species, we may be able to achieve telepathy, which would most likely change our entire dynamic of how we interact with one another.

Thank you Free!
I always keep you in my meditations too!
Much love!