- Enneagram
- Warlock
At first I wanted to contradict this statement...and then I thought "naww...let it float away".
Instead...knowing the struggles you are going through I think the Thought "I admire you for your strength and courage to be here Now". ....and my heart glows a little more.
If we are thinking thoughts about the past...we are in the past.
If we are thinking thoughts about the future....we are still in the past....because those Thoughts are based upon past experiences organized in a way to project them in to imagined future.
You make a good point. It is essentially the Observer you who is watching "in the present Now moment" at how the mind is thinking thoughts.
I think liberation comes when we notice ourselves able to let the thoughts be just what they are....which is energy filtered through our operating system of beliefs. When we can be in that state of Being we know the thoughts can form and unform clouds to rain and water back to clouds again.

Yes, I understand your point.
The point I was attempting to make though was what you also said at the end there.
That the one creating those thoughts (the observer) is in the present as are those thoughts albeit of the past/future - it’s all a matter of perspective imho.
Your psyche may be lost in those thoughts, but the projector of those thoughts is in this present now.
(Good personal reminder to stay present, or realize you were all along)
From the present the past and the future are just stories we tell ourselves...when we try to see it from a more connected view those stories tend to drop away and we are left with this strange ever changing play of consciousness.
Much love!
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