Awakening Psychokinesis

Awakening Psychokinesis

Psychokinesis is the the power of our intangible thoughts to produce tangible effects.
It is direct action of mind on matter—on our own bodies, and sometimes, on external bodies.

But that’s magic! you might say.
Correct, as discussed in Dean Radin’s book, Real Magic, an excellent primer on the science of magic.

Consider the greatest magician of all time--God.
We read in the Book of Genesis: “And God said, ‘Let there be light!’ And there was light.”

Now that’s PK!
Psychokinesis--which means mind-moving, mind-transforming.

If I had one phrase to distill what I’ve learned from my research, it would be this: PK is the spark of divine creativity in us all.
For indeed as the poet said we are “made in the image and likeness of God.”

We’re not just carbon-based physical organisms; but minds, a source of consciousness with powers that boggle known science.
PK, moreover, is not rare.

There is normal PK, evident all day as we direct the movements of our bodies, restraining and shaping them in various ways; there is abnormal PK in the form of ulcers, high blood pressure, and other psychosomatic diseases; and finally supernormal PK—effects like levitation, shapeshifting, bilocation, weather control, materialization, dematerialization, instantaneous healings, placebo, nocebo, stigmata, odor of sanctity, and much more.

There is a mountain of facts that supports the idea that we humans own a spark of supernormal capacity—a spark that can sometimes ignite a fire.
So, with some hesitation, we might ask: How can we ignite the fire of our potential soul power?

Which is what I mean by the technical term psychokinesis.
According to physicist Helmut Schmidt, PK is a goal-oriented process.

Suppose in a test you’re trying to influence the fall of dice, say, to get sevens.
You don’t concentrate on how to make it happen.

Instead, you keep your attention on the goal, the end-state, the thing itself—in this case, to roll sevens.
Don’t calculate, worry or strain.

The ‘method’ is to fix attention on the goal; hold it there firmly; visualize what you want to actually happen.
The image of the goal becomes the lodestar of your consciousness.

This may be useful in shaping the course of everyday life.
The important thing is having our aims clearly and steadily before our consciousness.

But this is hard to do, especially for us in our hyper-active techno-culture defined by endless distractions.
If you really want to perform a ‘miracle,’ all of you has to be present.

Often, ironically, the ‘miracles’ in our lives occur when we least expect them.
Sometimes you can aim too hard; like trying too hard to remember something—stop trying, give up, and then it comes back.

Sometimes we have to give up before something we’re aiming for can happen.
Total concentration is required, but being too anxious about success will get in the way.

The big idea is that we can shape the course of our journey.
It’s either that or we get blown hither and yon, slaves of chance and fate, fodder for the dark forces.

I have defined PK in such a way as to show it represents a spectrum from normal to abnormal and supernormal.
The supernormal and ‘miraculous’ potentials are rooted in our normal everyday minds.

As human beings we’re capable of doing far more than we might normally suppose.
We find evidence for this all the time.

It would be useful to learn how to activate that potential.
In fact, thanks to the explorer instinct of our species, many ways have been discovered.

The physicist Helmut Schmidt, along with mystics, shamans, and magicians from all traditions provide various hints and rules.
It’s up to us to make use of them.
In some cultures pain is viewed as a gift from God(s).
It can act as a barometer of our structural and emotional well being as well as structural changes in the brain.
As I prepare for this new lecture tomorrow, I have begun to compile a list of all the beneficial changes that the chronic pain has brought about.
These are the positive changes that I am embracing and finding gratitude for as opposed to focusing on the loss the pain has caused.
Here are just a few, but it’s an ever-growing list...

Better self-understanding, self-awareness, and self-mastery.

Greater compassion.

Deeper empathy.


Greater awareness of time in it's many iterations.



Clarity of what the important things and people in life are.

Clarity of who your true friends and loved ones are.

Greater recognition and appreciation of the good moments and things that can sometimes be fleeting.



Education, both of myself and others.



Can/has deepened parts of relationships with others.


Greater emotional self-awareness.

Greater understanding of what triggers the pain.

Overcoming depression and anxiety.

Better meditation practice.

Decrease in fear from the various medical/emotional complications that chronic pain/illness can cause.

Decrease in pain avoidance.

Less future/past oriented mindset, more present.

Ability to separate my physical pain from my emotional pain.

Ability to then decrease my physical/emotional pain through meditation and other techniques.

Greater desire to help those still suffering.


These are just a will forever be growing I hope!
I do feel that is it far more beneficial and important to focus on these aspects of change that have taken place over the years of chronic pain and emotional pain.
Yes...I could make a huge list of all that I have “lost” in my life...but that helps nothing.
Though these changes were/are accompanied by sometimes unbearable pain - there is no other way to do it than to see and experience the yang to the yin.
I am thankful and grateful for the immense perspective changes that it has brought me to over the years and decades.
I truly can say that I am suffering far less than I was for years.

Thank you to all those of you who have offered kind words of support...those that listened to my venting and whatnot.
It’s still, and will probably always be a hurdle...and we may not see the positive aspects of a things for a long while...but you can absolutely change your perspective and in turn your own subjective level of suffering.

Much love to all who are in emotional or physical pain/stress.
Let me know if I can help and I’m there!

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(Not sure about this???)






(It’s making me tired just thinking about it, lol!)

(It’s making me tired just thinking about it, lol!)

I believe in you! ...and everyone else for that matter. It is a struggle for real. It's easy when everyone around you is on board with it too. But, how to make that happen? Lol.

These are the positive changes that I am embracing and finding gratitude for as opposed to focusing on the loss the pain has caused.
♥ Wow, Skare. You really are amazing. ♥
I admire you for being able to see the bright side of things, especially in terms of chronic pain.
My heart is with you, and you are in my thoughts (positive) often. I wish for your healing, but it seems you have a good grasp of it. I mean, everything improves when you a positive outlook, right? Even if just a bit?

I absolutely adore the pictures you share. Your humor is adorable and I always find a light around my smile each time I giggle to one of your shares.
My faves this time were that cutesy shit. lol. The ones with all the different animals and the quotes. Gah! So adorable. ♥ ♥ ♥

I don't have much to offer as far as contributing to your smart posts, but I really feel it.
I just had to stop by and say how much I adore you. ♥

Oh! The image that stated: Telepathy exists between hearts.
That really resonated with me. It's true. Truly. ♥ ♥ ♥
I believe in you! ...and everyone else for that matter. It is a struggle for real. It's easy when everyone around you is on board with it too. But, how to make that happen? Lol.

♥ Wow, Skare. You really are amazing. ♥
I admire you for being able to see the bright side of things, especially in terms of chronic pain.
My heart is with you, and you are in my thoughts (positive) often. I wish for your healing, but it seems you have a good grasp of it. I mean, everything improves when you a positive outlook, right? Even if just a bit?

I absolutely adore the pictures you share. Your humor is adorable and I always find a light around my smile each time I giggle to one of your shares.
My faves this time were that cutesy shit. lol. The ones with all the different animals and the quotes. Gah! So adorable. ♥ ♥ ♥

I don't have much to offer as far as contributing to your smart posts, but I really feel it.
I just had to stop by and say how much I adore you. ♥

Oh! The image that stated: Telepathy exists between hearts.
That really resonated with me. It's true. Truly. ♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you again.
Idk about “amazing”, but I’ll take it.
No, I’m just doing my best like anyone else.

There are really only two ways to go about it with pain...okay three...
One is to wallow in self-pity and wither away to nothing in pain and misery.
Two is to do the opposite of lift yourself up out of the suffering that is within your control.
And three is the common habit of people flip-flopping back and forth between the two, lol.
Which I have done myself and is a normal human reaction.

Anyway...been working on my new lecture I’m giving tomorrow night and just the information that I have been studying about my own condition, but also pain in general has altered my perspective on my long-term prognosis.
I find I’m being much more proactive with myself these last couple of weeks...much more mindful of my body state and the tension I carry.

You’re always so generous with your compliments and kindnesses, it makes a difference!
I am glad, and I’m sure the rest of the forum is too that you have stuck around!

In other words, you are...
Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 8.15.41 AM.webp

Well, the talk went really great!!
Had a good mix of folks there, from those with chronic pain issues, to Psychologists and Physical Therapists.
The lecture I spent a good amount of time preparing was received very well and per request will be made available (after I remove my notes) to those in the group.
The sound was recorded by someone there, but no video...perhaps in the future I will post a video for you all....maybe. ;)
Yesterday was a bit stressful because of the event last wasn’t the best day to try and relax, so I’m looking forward to catching up now, lol.
Overall it was a success!
I’ve was asked at the end to hold another in the future. :)

Much love all!
perhaps in the future I will post a video for you all....​
I would love to see you present/lecture. You're an amazing speaker, truly. ❤️

I'm glad it went well. I hope the day is kind to you. Maybe the sun is shining well enough to ease your pain a bit? Maybe not, but I wish you well. ❤️

I said 'well' a lot in that.

...oh well. ❤️ Lol.
I would love to see you present/lecture. You're an amazing speaker, truly. ❤️

I'm glad it went well. I hope the day is kind to you. Maybe the sun is shining well enough to ease your pain a bit? Maybe not, but I wish you well. ❤️

I said 'well' a lot in that.

...oh well. ❤️ Lol.
Thanks @BritNi !
One day I will present a video on here...once I play around with powerpoint I’ll try to make a good video (someday).
My pain is alright.
Though it isn’t technically hurting less...I am training myself to be indifferent to the sensation - and it’s working!
Thanks again for all the kind words, thoughts, and support!
Even the smallest bits of encouragement can make a huge difference for someone...thanks for that!
I would have taken the clove...









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Man the Wonder Twins sure did suck...lmao





Hey @Skarekrow,

This is such a random question, but I figure, if anyone knows about pain management and holistic health, you might... Do you got any wisdom you can drop regarding sciatic nerve pain?

Sorry to hear about that!
Have you had an MRI and stuff yet to confirm that the nerve is being pinched actually?
Do you have a bulging disk or otherwise?

Have you heard of piriformis syndrome?
That’s a possibility also...just a thought.
This pain can also be triggered by stress and the amount of stress/tension you hold in your body.
Intuitives and introverts, as well as those who are very self-critical (INFJs lol) or perfectionists - tend to hold so much body stress that they actually work twice as hard physically as an extrovert doing the same task because your muscles are playing tug-o-war already being in a state of tension.
Piriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle, located in the buttock region, spasms and causes buttock pain.
The piriformis muscle can also irritate the nearby sciatic nerve and cause pain, numbness and tingling along the back of the leg and into the foot (similar to sciatic pain).

What have you done thus far?
How long has this been going on?
Longer than 3-6 months?

I can teach you some techniques to not suffer as much from the pain...which in turn helps it hurt less...but getting rid of such things completely is not so easy. ;)

Let me know!
I will try to do what I can...
I am going to post my latest lecture a gave last Thursday night up here on my thread once I edit out, or expand upon my shorthand notes to myself an whatnot.
There may be some good ideas for you.
I’ll tag you when it goes up, but in the mean time we can try to figure something out to help you hurt less!
Much love!
Sorry to hear about that!
Have you had an MRI and stuff yet to confirm that the nerve is being pinched actually?
Do you have a bulging disk or otherwise?

Have you heard of piriformis syndrome?
That’s a possibility also...just a thought.
This pain can also be triggered by stress and the amount of stress/tension you hold in your body.
Intuitives and introverts, as well as those who are very self-critical (INFJs lol) or perfectionists - tend to hold so much body stress that they actually work twice as hard physically as an extrovert doing the same task because your muscles are playing tug-o-war already being in a state of tension.
Piriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle, located in the buttock region, spasms and causes buttock pain.
The piriformis muscle can also irritate the nearby sciatic nerve and cause pain, numbness and tingling along the back of the leg and into the foot (similar to sciatic pain).

What have you done thus far?
How long has this been going on?
Longer than 3-6 months?

I can teach you some techniques to not suffer as much from the pain...which in turn helps it hurt less...but getting rid of such things completely is not so easy. ;)

Let me know!
I will try to do what I can...
I am going to post my latest lecture a gave last Thursday night up here on my thread once I edit out, or expand upon my shorthand notes to myself an whatnot.
There may be some good ideas for you.
I’ll tag you when it goes up, but in the mean time we can try to figure something out to help you hurt less!
Much love!

I appreciate it, @Skarekrow

This is actually my mom. She's stubborn as all hell and refuses to go see a doctor and insists on it going away on its own. I convinced her to go to an acupuncturist, twice, which did help but once it did, she hasn't kept up her regime. It's been ongoing for about two months now. The piriformis syndrome is a possibility, except that the pain radiates out to the front of her leg from time to time as well.

I've already convinced her to do some stretching, which does help, but its her keeping with a routine that's a problem. She's currently grappling with a bout of anxiety that isn't really helping matters.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on pain management. <3
I appreciate it, @Skarekrow

This is actually my mom. She's stubborn as all hell and refuses to go see a doctor and insists on it going away on its own. I convinced her to go to an acupuncturist, twice, which did help but once it did, she hasn't kept up her regime. It's been ongoing for about two months now. The piriformis syndrome is a possibility, except that the pain radiates out to the front of her leg from time to time as well.

I've already convinced her to do some stretching, which does help, but its her keeping with a routine that's a problem. She's currently grappling with a bout of anxiety that isn't really helping matters.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on pain management. <3

Hmmm....sounds like the anxiety and probably depression too are making things really difficult for her!
I am editing the lecture I gave the other day had a bunch of notes to myself and shorthand once it’s finished being altered for reading purposes I will post it.

It’s difficult to work with someone that is non-compliant like that...but, there are usually reasons for it like the anxiety or whatever else.
It may be necessary to work on the anxiety and stuff first before she can find significant pain relief.
The pain sets off the emotions and then the emotions set off the pain until it spirals out of control.
It only takes 3-6 months of constant pain for it to wire into your brain as “chronic”.
So you can expect it to take just as long to unwire it and make new healthier brain connections.

Does she take any pain meds for it?
Anxiety meds?

Gotta run for a bit but I will be back and will try to post that talk up for you!
Talk to you soon!