Hmmmm....did he crawl through a wormhole under his sink, or is it all a hoax??
Pretty bizarre and intriguing.

The Time Traveller

This is my story.
It all happened on the afternoon the 30th of August.
It was a beutiful day and I was on my way home from a job in Färjestaden.

When I got home, I found water on the kitchen floor.
Somehow there was a leak.

I got my tools and opened up the doors to the sink.
And started to work.

When I reached in to examine the pipes, they seemed to be further in than I remembered.
I had to crawl inside the cabinet, and as I did so, I discovered that it just continued.

So I kept on crawling further and further into the cabinet.
In the end of the tunnel I saw a light, and when I got there, I realized I was in the future.

I meet myself as 72 years old, the year was 2042.
I did a lot of tests on him to see if he was really me.

And the strange thing is that he knew everything about me.
Where I hid my secret stuff when I was in first grade, and what the score was in the soccer match against Växjö Norra in the summer of -88.

He knew it all.
We even had the same tattoo, although he's was a little faded.
He told me some of the stuff that will happen, but not so much.

And I promised not to tell anyone. I made a film with my mobile phone.
Unfortunately the quality is not the best.

But it´s what I have got.
Actually I don't care if people thinks I am a lier.

I know I'm not.
I met myself in the future, and I was fine.

That's all I know.
But if it happened to me it probably must have happened to someone else.

Read more about me and my story at

/Håkan Nordkvist​
Weird - it would be convincing if he'd brought back a load of verifiable predictions. I've often thought there's something interdimensional about waste pipes though. I mean, stuff goes down them and just disappears .... doesn't it? I never see it again ;)
Weird - it would be convincing if he'd brought back a load of verifiable predictions. I've often thought there's something interdimensional about waste pipes though. I mean, stuff goes down them and just disappears .... doesn't it? I never see it again ;)
It is very strange I have to admit - unless it's all a farce.
It almost sounds like something that would happen in a dream or altered state of consciousness - but then to have some cell phone video, kind of dismisses that notion of it being a hallucination or dream.
Unless, (and this is just to wildly speculate) said dreams and other realms visited without this physical body per say are perhaps more real than we are aware of while in this state of consciousness and reality (and maybe they can cross over from time to time?)....or, perhaps such a vision was psychically powerful enough to imprint some kind of actual video to the cell phone?
Honestly though, I think it's those damn evil IKEA cupboards with their impossible engineering that actually need another dimension entirely to be properly assembled according to their "instructions". :tearsofjoy:
Maybe he does know stuff about the future, but interfering with anything will cause things to go insanely out of TV reality salesmen becoming President or something ridiculous.
Much love John!
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So I've been asked again to give another lecture on psychedelics/entheogens and chronic pain.
I'm throwing around an idea...something along the lines of - lessening the suffering caused by chronic pain with the assistance of psychedelics.
They want to do it on a live stream this I'm gonna have to play around with the platform they want to use and learn how to put up graphs and pictures and things, lol.
Then they want to do a Q&A at the end, which I admit is my least favorite part of such things...I like to be able to plan and check what I write when it comes to certain things...I'm sure it will be fine though.
Quite often I surprise myself by dredging up some random bit of information from the depths of the dusty file cabinets in my head, lol.
Anyhow...they've offered to pay me $ for my time and the lecture which is nice, though I made clear that I'm not comfortable with the advance offered (though grateful) but will accept it upon delivery of the goods by me. :blush:
I feel like being paid in advance like that would only add pressure to get it done and possibly try to cram too much information or powerpoint special effects to justify it in my head.
I know people take advances all the time, it's just me.
I also made it very clear (and I have worked with this person and organization before) that I like distant deadlines and lots of time to gather info and then organize and jumble it up in my head before coming out with some sort of rational outline to work from.
That's the only difficult part for me - deciding what is the most efficient way of getting the information across, and what information might that be, in what order, all while making sure it's easy to understand and not boring as hell, lol.
I'm excited's been a little while since my last lecture and group talk.
Never done a webinar type thing...maybe if you are nice to me I'll give out the password to join. ;)
I've already started the grand collection of studies and info from here and there, offline and in scribbled notes end up making sense to me and me only by the time I'm ready to start writing hahaha.
I wanted to make it clear though in this talk that such substances will not magically make the pain go away (physical or emotional), but it will and can, lessen your suffering and give you the tools to deal with the relentlessness of chronic pain or illnesses.
It will help you gain new insights and perspectives that will allow you to work past whatever is keeping you down.
But it also takes a lot of work by that person...the will to change must be there...but even if that is helps with a lack of motivation as well.
It's what you do with the tools presented that make the changes and difference in the end.
Pretty cool to have such offers made to gives me a platform to help others who need it...helping others in such a direct way has always been the most satisfying of actions and way to spend my time/energy.
And of course it's nice to be thought of, requested, and wanted by someone unsolicited too.
I'll keep you all updated!
Lots of love everyone!
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P. 482 of your thread is pretty revealing about this country - it's ok to walk around with m16s in public but a fungus that grows in nature is illegal.

Glass half full: there's a lot of room for improvement at least...
Haha...yes, the stigmas and taboos were created and turned into propaganda (Nixon) used for decades really did a good job misinforming people!
They are working on it though...Denver is good to go as is Oakland, CA of all places...Portland is probably next if it keeps up.
The other issue is still one of access as in the case for Oregon...they want to make it ONLY accessible through certain treatment centers...the same who have sponsored the bill to decriminalize it for their own profit giving them sole therapy rights.
So there are upsides and down.
The mushrooms are pretty much growing everywhere around the world if one knows where to good luck stopping those in the know.
I know most of the UK and other places you can buy the grow kits already inoculated...while you can buy the spores here for psilocybin containing mushrooms, and you can buy the grow supplies and mediums - you cannot buy them from the same online shop per some odd law saying they must remain separate.
Still, if one wanted, it's very easy to grow in the sterile bag-type mixes.
You could spend about $50 and have enough for years.
Though once you grow the spores you are breaking the law.
Not that anyone ever gets prosecuted for them unless they are selling them.
The idea that the exploration of ones' consciousness and the alleviation of many difficult or painful conditions is not legal because some old white fucker didn't like hippies is really irritating to me.
Dismissing decades of research showing that it does indeed work better than any antidepressant out there and is safe to boot.

Anyhow...then have guys walking around armed to the teeth.
That's not a "well-regulated militia" as per the Constitution...our National Guard is that now.
This isn't the Revolutionary war anymore...France hasn't crossed the northern border to attack us in some time, lmao.
The vast majority of the US wants common sense background checks and tighter gun restrictions.
To come out and protest with loaded machine guns is tantamount to public intimidation which is illegal.
To protest with loaded weapons of any kind should not be tolerated.
All it will take is one loud noise and some dude with PTSD and a hair trigger.

It is telling when our country also has the most incarcerated population in the world - yet we still espouse this notion of "freedom" being synonymous with Murica...really, where?

Good to see you!!!
Much love!
What say ye?

In some Eastern Systems of Personal Development there are only three questions that are considered of importance for the student to answer:
Who am I?
What am I?
Where am I?

The answer to each of these questions seem simple enough for the Westerner to answer, but only because the meanings of Who, What and Where are viewed differently in the West.

In the East however, these questions often form a life’s work for the student of Yoga.
Many never get past the first question for it is a type of question that defies answer from the intellect alone.

Who am I? cannot be answered through the mind, it can only be experienced.
To come to an awareness of Who I Am through personal experience, the student must become proficient in the use of a number of tools, each designed to open a level of awareness of the world that exists beyond that of the physical.

The different forms these tools come in make up the body of the Eastern Yogic disciplines.

The Eastern Yogic traditions are not to be confused with the form currently popular in the West which focuses primarily on only one school of Yoga, Hatha Yoga.

Hatha Yoga, as it is practiced in America, has become little more than a form of physical fitness with little emphasis on the development of the spiritual self.

One tool used in the Eastern traditions to facilitate experiencing the answer to Who Am I? is through the expansion of one’s knowledge of self during meditation (another one of those answers that until you have experienced it yourself, seem to be leading you in a circle).

The student is taught that to expand one’s knowledge of self it is important to clear away all things that are “not you” during the meditation.
A key aspect of this practice is the development of Detachment.

There are numerous reasons why Detachment is a key to much more than just a meditation practice, but for the sake of this discussion we will only address the process, not the justification for its importance.

Detachment can be reached in two ways:
(1) Detachment through Denial (will)
(2) Detachment through Perspective (experience)

Detachment through Denial is generally the first form of Detachment that a student can find some success in mastering.
I should make it clear at this point that Detachment through Denial is in no way related to the psychological coping mechanism of being “in denial”.

Detachment through Denial simply means that once the student has recognized the existence of a personal desire or craving for an object or a situation, they consciously decide to exercise their will to “deny” the desire or craving any power over them.

Obviously a lot easier to say than to accomplish, but change can come about through conscious effort with time.

The value of developing a state of Detachment in one’s personal development is described by Patanjali in his Kriya Yoga Sutras:

“Detachment allows one to remain in the presence of our true Self.
It is characterized by the feeling of calmness, despite the presence of many objects of attention or potential distractions.
This calmness is the emblem of detachment and includes not only an outward passivity, but an inner equilibrium.”
Kriya Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Siddhas [1]​

In the Sutras, the distractions referred to are “cravings” for objects and/or situations.
Detachment reached through Denial through exercising the Will over cravings for objects – things – emotions, as described by Patanjali, will not eliminate the cravings, but through Denial they will be under a reasonable level of control.

The goal of the continuous exercise of Denial of a specific craving is to get to the point where the mind “forgets” the form of the craving, and the amount of energy that must be expended in exerting control over that specific craving will become minimal, and thus less of a distraction.

The intent of developing this sense of Detachment during meditation is that as it becomes a permanent part of your “inner self” it will spill over into the remainder of your life resulting in your eventual development of a complete sense of Detachment from the daily affairs of the manifest, mundane world.

Development of a complete sense of detachment means you experience the experience, but you have no reaction to it.
Someone gives you a raise for a job well done, you have no emotional reaction; someone fires you for a job not well done, you have no emotional reaction to it either.

But here is where a problem can arise from our efforts to become a more spiritually developed individual.

If one is living in a Monastery with walls to protect you from the outside world, and a rigid social structure to function within that provides protection from the individuals that you interface with, this level of detachment can be safely practiced.

For the rest of us, Detachment through Denial, when used in balance and in its proper place can be beneficial, but the use of this method in the mundane world, as opposed to the artificial environment of a monastery, can result in unintended consequences.

The fact that we must be aware of is that the overwhelming majority of our fellow inhabitants of this planet neither understand, nor are much interested in understanding, our interest in developing a sense of detachment.

As a result, they can misinterpret one of the aspects that manifests in an individual as they develop a sense of Detachment through Denial.

“This calmness is the emblem of detachment and includes not only an outward passivity, but an inner equilibrium.” (Emphasis mine.)

The appearance of “outward passivity” has become a prominent goal in many of the Westernized Yogic and New Age Philosophies.
It has been promoted as a character trait to be prized and developed on its own, rather than recognized as an outer manifestation of an inner development.

The snag is that Passivity developed as a personality trait alone, can actually draw conflict.

Ok, that is a pretty strong statement and one that seems to be counter to most of the Spiritual Development movements popular today.
To be able to put this statement into context and to understand the social process involved, Passivity must be viewed in terms of one of the many personality related energy signals that we unconsciously radiate.

As a Human Consciousness (Soul) made up of a complex compilation of pure energy patterns, we constantly radiate information in the form of signal patterns (waveforms) that our fellow beings are aware of on a “sub-conscious” level.

Someone instinctively knows when we a feeling down, or ill, or angry.
They get this knowledge from the signals that we transmit just as a part of being an active consciousness, and then they interpret the pattern received in terms that they are familiar with as a result of their own energy patterns.

In other words, they recognize the signal pattern of the emotion of say, happiness, in themselves, so when they receive a similar signal pattern from another individual, they interpret the signal to mean that the other individual is “happy”.

In a Parapsychology Laboratory this process is studied under the classification of ESP, but it is a process that goes far beyond the limits that mainstream science has placed on the laboratory definition of ESP.

One segment of these patterns, the Active Personality, is associated with the type of person or personality type that we exhibit under normal social conditions.

This personality type can be portrayed as a signal pattern located within a frequency spectrum where one end of the spectrum is labeled as Totally Passive, and the other end of the spectrum is labeled as Totally Aggressive.

It is doubtful that anyone remains long at either end of the spectrum, except possibly for a brief moment in time, or that anyone is at any given position in between the two extremes for all situations in their life.

[Totally Passive – Assertive – Totally Aggressive ]
(lower frequency) – Active Personality Spectrum – (higher frequency)​

The flow of energy between individuals whose personality types are normally located at different positions on the spectrum between Passive and Aggressive is similar to that experienced in Thermodynamics, the science of heat.

In Thermo, the direction of flow of heat is always from the material of greater temperature to that of lesser temperature.
Since heat is simply an expression of the rate of vibration of the material, the direction of flow is from the material that is vibrating at a higher rate, or frequency, to that which is vibrating at a lower rate, or frequency.

If you equate Aggression with the higher frequency of the warmer material, and Passivity with the lower frequency of the cooler material, you find that Aggression automatically flows towards Passivity.

This flow occurs as a natural process without thought in most individuals and its sudden appearance can frequently be a surprise to them.
It is an unconscious reaction, although some people do find that allowing their aggressive side to come out results in their getting their way, and then come to consciously use it.

The goal in our personal development is to strike a balance between the two extremes of being either totally passive or totally aggressive.
This balance point can be described as Assertive.

Assertiveness does not refer to a specific point or frequency on the spectrum.
Rather it refers to the process of conscious decision making involved in the individual’s attempt to maintain a balance in their interactions with other Human Consciousness’s.

Balance refers to being able to maintain whatever position we have chosen to occupy between the two extremes in the Active Personality energy spectrum.

For example, if we are interacting with an individual who is further toward the Passive end of the spectrum than we occupy, we can consciously decide to control (consciously reduce) our own level of aggression, thus preventing the flow of our more aggressive energy to that individual.

In this way we prevent the imposition of our Will over theirs.

Likewise, if we find ourselves in a situation where someone else is attempting to exercise their Will in an aggressive manner with the intention of exerting control over us, we can respond by increasing our own level of aggression by a sufficient amount to first block, and then push back their aggression.

To maintain balance, to be Assertive, one must be capable of both reduction and amplification of their personal position on the passive – aggressive spectrum.

The point at which an Assertive person resides between the two extremes of Passive and Aggressive is not some magical mid-point on the scale.
The Assertive person adjusts their position to reflect the situation that they find themselves in.

Focusing on remaining as close as possible to the Passive end of the scale actually stimulates aggression in others.
It is the same principle as the flow of heat in thermodynamics discussed earlier.

Our culture has promoted a passive approach to both personal and international interactions for the last 50 to 60 years.
One of the unfortunate outcomes of this shift in the approved method of response to aggression towards the passive end of the scale can be seen in the rise in the number of cases of “bullying” of children and young adults in this culture.

These types of situations can, unintentionally, arise when Detachment through Denial and its accompanying outward passivity is practiced without taking into account the outer world we function in.

If we are successful in becoming completely detached from the outcome of events in our lives, we not only give the appearance of being Passive, but in fact we do become Passive, accepting of any form of Aggression, without limits, that we may be subjected to.

The second way of reaching Detachment, Detachment through Perspective, comes to the individual almost as a side effect, as they develop an understanding of Who Am I?

As the individual, through practice, experiences the expansion of one’s knowledge of self, the location of items on their lists of things that are “important in their lives”, and of things that are “nice to have but that are not all that important”, and of things that are “no longer important” in their lives at all, began to shift, with more and more items moving to the “no longer important” list.

It is at this point in the individual’s development that a different kind of detachment process begins to occur.
At this point the person becomes detached from cravings and desires, not as a result of a conscious decision, but as the result of the process of putting things into perspective.

Because the individual who is practicing Detachment through Perspective will typically appear to be calmer, more centered, outwardly they will present much the same appearance of passivity as occurs in the person who is practicing Detachment through Denial.

But there is a significant difference.
Because the outer appearance is as a result of an inner change, it is not fixed in one place on the Active Personality Spectrum as it is when the outer appearance is as the result of a decision to not allow events to trigger any emotional response, regardless of the provocations involved.

Detachment as a result of perspective allows the individual to evaluate each situation and apply the appropriate response (be assertive) without that response being based on emotion.

Remember, this was the original goal of developing a sense of detachment, the ability to control ourselves through conscious choice, with the choices being grounded in our personal values, in place of being driven to act (being distracted) by our emotional response to stimuli.

So, since it can take a lifetime to develop Detachment through Perspective, and working on our program of personal spiritual development utilizing the process of Detachment through Denial can result in inviting aggression by projecting passivity, what are we to do?

I would suggest that the individual who is working on a program of personal development, in addition to the kinds of meditative processes used to acquire a sense of detachment that are outlined in works such as Patanjali’s Kriya Yoga Sutras, spend some time meditating on just what constitutes a reasonable response to the various kinds of situations that an individual is likely to encounter in their daily life.

By using the concept of Assertiveness detached from emotional response as a guide in determining what constitutes a reasonable response during their meditations, if or when one of the situations meditated on arises, the individual will be better prepared to react to the situation appropriately.

[1] Kriya Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Siddhas, Translation, Commentary and Practice by Marshall Govindan



So I've been asked again to give another lecture on psychedelics/entheogens and chronic pain.
I'm throwing around an idea...something along the lines of - lessening the suffering caused by chronic pain with the assistance of psychedelics.
They want to do it on a live stream this I'm gonna have to play around with the platform they want to use and learn how to put up graphs and pictures and things, lol.
Then they want to do a Q&A at the end, which I admit is my least favorite part of such things...I like to be able to plan and check what I write when it comes to certain things...I'm sure it will be fine though.
Quite often I surprise myself by dredging up some random bit of information from the depths of the dusty file cabinets in my head, lol.
Anyhow...they've offered to pay me $ for my time and the lecture which is nice, though I made clear that I'm not comfortable with the advance offered (though grateful) but will accept it upon delivery of the goods by me. :blush:
I feel like being paid in advance like that would only add pressure to get it done and possibly try to cram too much information or powerpoint special effects to justify it in my head.
I know people take advances all the time, it's just me.
I also made it very clear (and I have worked with this person and organization before) that I like distant deadlines and lots of time to gather info and then organize and jumble it up in my head before coming out with some sort of rational outline to work from.
That's the only difficult part for me - deciding what is the most efficient way of getting the information across, and what information might that be, in what order, all while making sure it's easy to understand and not boring as hell, lol.
I'm excited's been a little while since my last lecture and group talk.
Never done a webinar type thing...maybe if you are nice to me I'll give out the password to join. ;)
I've already started the grand collection of studies and info from here and there, offline and in scribbled notes end up making sense to me and me only by the time I'm ready to start writing hahaha.
I wanted to make it clear though in this talk that such substances will not magically make the pain go away (physical or emotional), but it will and can, lessen your suffering and give you the tools to deal with the relentlessness of chronic pain or illnesses.
It will help you gain new insights and perspectives that will allow you to work past whatever is keeping you down.
But it also takes a lot of work by that person...the will to change must be there...but even if that is helps with a lack of motivation as well.
It's what you do with the tools presented that make the changes and difference in the end.
Pretty cool to have such offers made to gives me a platform to help others who need it...helping others in such a direct way has always been the most satisfying of actions and way to spend my time/energy.
And of course it's nice to be thought of, requested, and wanted by someone unsolicited too.
I'll keep you all updated!
Lots of love everyone!

WooHoo! It's great to see your knowledge and wisdom getting out there!! You're helping people in so many ways! I want the password to watch the livestream.
WooHoo! It's great to see your knowledge and wisdom getting out there!! You're helping people in so many ways! I want the password to watch the livestream.
Thank you Kgal!
That's very kind and encouraging of you to say. :)
And of course I'll give the soon as I know when and what it is!
I'm excited to do another is a tidbit of research and planning to keep things fresh and on the forefront of what's going on, but it's also very satisfying to me in a few various ways.
I will definitely keep you in the loop and on the list.
Lots of love, have a peaceful day!
IMO, depression and anxiety (or similar) are also both chronic pain conditions, albeit emotional.
(sometimes existential)
The brain initially interprets both emotional pain and physical pain in the same region, causing similar areas of activity to trigger and producing distress - which is then interpreted by our higher thinking regions (medial prefrontal cortex) sometimes making it worse. ;)
These turn into self-perpetuating negative thought loops/negative pain loops.
Otherwise known as "rumination".
Conversely, one could say that chronic pain is the body/brain stuck ruminating on a specific pain signal/pathway that has been grossly negatively reinforced.
To break the ruminating is a huge step toward freedom, both physically and mentally.

Centrally acting psychedelic drugs such as lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin have also attracted interest for the management of chronic pain [59].

Psychedelics act as agonists at 5-HT2A receptors and may modulate pain through action in the rostral ventromedial medulla enhancing descending pain inhibitory pathway activity [60].

Psychedelics influence metacognitive interpretation of pain including the resting state of awareness mediated by the default mode network in the brain [61].

Pain interferes with activity in the default mode network causing intrusive cognition and the breakdown of normal self [62].
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New research confirms lingering mood benefit of psychedelics
JANUARY 20, 2020

By surveying them, the researchers were able to characterize the psychological effects of the “afterglow” of psychedelic experiences​

The results of a field study of more than 1,200 people attending multi-day arts and music festivals in the United States and United Kingdom confirm previous laboratory research indicating that psychedelic substances enhance feelings of social connectedness and improve mental well-being, the authors say.

“Our results show that people who take psychedelics ‘in the wild’ report positive experiences very similar to those observed in controlled laboratory studies,” said Yale’s Matthias Forstmann, postdoctoral fellow and first author of the paper.

Senior author and assistant professor of psychology Molly Crockett and her team visited a half dozen festivals and asked attendees who were not then under the influence of psychedelics about their recent social experiences, mood and substance use.

By surveying them, the researchers were able to characterize the psychological effects of the “afterglow” of psychedelic experiences.

The team found that people who recently took psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin, more commonly known as magic mushrooms, were more likely to report having “transformative experiences” so profound that they came out of the experience radically changed, including changes to their moral values.

Transformative experiences, in turn, were associated with feelings of social connectedness and positive mood.
The most pronounced effects were reported by psychedelics users who had taken the drugs within the past 24 hours.

People who abstained from substance use, drank alcohol or took other drugs such as cocaine or opioids did not report transformative experiences, increased connectedness with others or positive mood to the same degree, the study showed.

Crockett cautioned that the study was not designed to assess the negative reactions to the use of psychedelics that have been reported.

Further studies are necessary to learn which environmental factors are associated with positive versus negative psychedelic experiences, she said.
But the findings add to a body of evidence suggesting psychedelic substances may have potential as therapy for mood disorders.

“We are encouraged that our study is consistent with previous laboratory findings showing mood benefits of psychedelics in healthy people and in patients suffering from anxiety and depression,” she said.

Funding: The research was conducted as part of The Experience Project funded by the John Templeton Foundation.

Media Contacts:
Bess Connolly – Yale
Image Source:
The image is in the public domain.

Original Research: The study will appear in PNAS.

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I need this sign...





Hellz yes...

What a rip!

So a friend of my older brother had a series of small strokes a few years ago, unfortunately as a result lost his sense of smell.
They decided to try psilocybin to treat it and low and behold - while under the influence of the mushrooms - he could smell again!
All I can say is "Wow!"
He was wearing eyeshades and at random points my brother and his friend's boyfriend would hold some fresh cut herbs under his nose.
The first time they tried, he was able to smell them!
(Old pathways are bypassed and new pathways are formed or can circumvent damaged areas or pathways)
It doesn't last completely after it wears off, but it's left some residual positive effects.
They are going to try subsequent doses focusing on retraining new neural pathway and hope for the best.
So many subjective claims like this get ignored by the mainstream medical and "scientific" community all while people are finding out every day new helpful and positive uses for the substances.