when I have been jerked out of a dream and into an out of body experience it has been because something negative had entered my house and all sorts of alarm bells get tripped somehow...
hmm.. Not that long ago I had a particular strange dream that woke me from my sleep. While I was taking a moment contemplating laying half awake on my bed before closing my eyes to go to bed again, someone rang my doorbell. I had this odd feeling there was a connection between the two. I acted opposite of I did in the dream which turned out for the best. It's almost as if the dream prepared me somehow..
A lot of times when I fall asleep during car rides I wake up just a couple streets away from the destination, as if I sensed it somehow.
Quite different than your experience.. interesting you went OOB instead of just waking up
Anyhow...one could say that such waves are the full activation of all the chakras and/or the activation of your kundalini energy.
It's interesting that you talk later about not listening to the incredibly masculine "being" or guide or whatever as it is the sacred feminine that controls it.
It's not that she controls him.. But shes the one that activated this immense energy or gifted it.. Not sure about what or how. Think that's what you meant..
Give these a read through and see if they sound familiar in any way...
Nope, doesn't sound familiar as far as my personal experiences go.. I've done some light research on kundalini in the past.. Mostly just binge watching youtube vids
There seem to be a lot of people warning against evoking it because supposedly things could go horribly wrong? Since I wasn't sure who to listen to I just stayed away from it.
It's very important to learn to focus for longer than 5 mins. 
What are you doing when you can focus for longer, what do you naturally gravitate toward?
When I can focus for longer it's usually something that allows me to be active.. Like not just laying or sitting there. That or the topic must really interest me.
I have AD(H)D if you believe in labels.. I don't really care about labels anymore or letting them define me. I mentioned it because it might help you understand me better.
When something interests me I can have unlimited focus or hyperfocus until I get exhausted. If something doesn't really interest me I'm fighting myself to keep at it until I give up or go madd.
Also, I want results and might be a bit too impatient at times..
In this case I think I got annoyed by feeling I was failing, not noticing any difference.. Even though I didn't try it long enough I felt like a dummy just laying there. I stopped and switched to trying clairvoyance
It's not seeing it with your eyes closed - that is a very different type of psychic sight like clairvoyance...this is talking about developing your ability to see into the ultraviolet and infrared ranges by looking with your open eyes in the dark (no cracks of light).
The theory is that humankind once couldn't see the full range of colors we do now, and supposedly our eyes and brain are evolving over time to see a wider range or the light spectrum...those pages of the book give a better description!
Yea I read the pages you uploaded. Didn't expect the science behind it at all. All of a sudden psychic sight sounds a bit less interesting to me.. Mainly because in my mind I'm like maybe it's not for me, just because I wear glasses. Sometimes I think I was born with lesser sight and having to have lived that for a while for me to sharpen other senses.
I wonder though.. is it psychic sight that allows one to see shadow people and light beings?
I think clairvoyance fascinates me more, seeing without using your eyes.. right? Seeing auras might be cool but don't think it interests me enough to put a lot of effort in it.
Not to long ago I had a dream where I shot and killed a spirit predator with a psionic shot of energy. I didn't see the shot of energy. I just willed it into striking my target. It was the first time me using such technique. I wasn't even sure if it worked untill my target just poofed. Prolly wasn't sure cuz I didn't see it. Even though it was just a dream. Now I think of it I wouldn't really care for seeing the shot I fired. I know I willed enough energy to destroy my target with one shot and that's good enough for me.
So do you feel that they are some kind of spirit guides, or that they are more attachments of some other type of spirit or entity?
Or are they aspects of your subconscious/shadow-self that need to be explored?
What do you feel about them intuitively?
I do feel like Royal is some kind of spirit guide. I have the most doubts about Trap Queen. idk what to think about Wolf.
I dont think they are aspects of my subconscious.. I find the meaning of names interesting and think they can be quite significant. After I asked them for their names I looked up their meaning. It shocked me how much they resonate with me. I know for certain I knew not of the meaning of their names before hand. There is no way I could have picked those names for their meaning and attitude to shock and surprise me that much.. It was quite unreal finding out. I feel like the women speak to almost the same side of me but the wolf does speak to another.. Maybe the opposite
How I feel about them intuitively? well:
Royalty tries to show me the path of actually being like royalty. But not in a condescending way. She'd love for me to show some more class and dignity. She doesn't like me sharing too much of myself to others sometimes. She's totally fine with me being more of an enigma to others. If I'd follow her I feel like I'd become a man of few words but respected and loved my many.
Trap Queen mostly barks at me when my emotions and or actions get intense or go into extremes. But it's like I can never please her and she's never satisfied. If I listen to her too much I go crazy. Even if she possibly might mean well she never sounds nice in tone. She's suspect to me of being an attachment or some other type of entity. Also cuz I felt one shadow person enter me once. And I suspect that one to have been feminine. Or at least preferring to project that type of energy.
Alpha Wolf feels like hes opposite of Royal. He doesn't care for being loved. If I follow him I'd have my own wolf pack, I'd be respected and feared. I'd do whatever the fuck I want and oppose anyone who'd dare to challenge me and destroy them.
I think you are intelligent and thoughtful...I know what it's like to keep yourself or part of yourself hidden behind the walls we all have.
Thank you for your kind words and understanding
Yes...I'm not sure that it was my Dad actually (though I feel like he heard me and sent someone?)
If so he certainly knows the right folks and hopefully is in a good place
Looking back I should be dead or have had some kind of other serious issue from the event, but all was okay in the end thanks to whoever it was that helped me leading up to that.
Well, I'm glad you still here with us homo sapiens
Yeah...it really helps to ask the universe for some help...try it...but you gotta try not to get frustrated when you don't see immediate results.
You will find help when you really need it...but even then, there is no guarantee...I just know from experience that you find more help by asking than not.

Asking the universe makes me feel ashamed. Also there were times I used to believe in the christian trinity. Times I believed in just Yah. During those times I said a lot of prayers.. But I had names to pray to. Asking the universe feels a bit odd to me as it feels my words aren't directed enough? Or I'm just speaking into a void. Even if I dont swear allegiance to any religion anymore I still feel like kind of a sell out if I now where to ask "the universe"? does that make any sense?
Hope those pages of the book help in some way or were at least interesting.
Yea there was certainly interesting stuff in there. Thank you for sharing! Butttt.. What is the technique of invisibility itself? can it make me invisible?
Hey man, thanks for being patient with me!
So, that peculiar dream you speak of sounds like you were right at the hypnopompic stage of falling asleep...and having such bouts of precognition are more common in that state of mind - so you possibly did see what was about to happen...idk, you lived it.

Yeah, I have similar things happen like you waking up in the car too...I don't even know why I bother to set an alarm at any time day or night for myself because I have an almost 90% rate of waking up right before that bastard alarm goes off...which kinda sucks to look over and see you have only 5 minutes to sleep in, hahaha.
Our minds can do amazing things man...the Navy is studying precognition right now to try and enhance it.
The best thing you can do is to keep a notepad and take notes on dreams - things and people you see and what happens, then see if anything pans out in waking life.
I believe I went OOB instead of just waking up because it's easier to defend against such entities while in that state...you have powers and abilities you don't in waking life.
That time with the hag I actually sat upright in bed but had my eyes still closed...I wasn't moving my arms as far as I can tell in this reality, but my projected self was still moving my entire body - does that make sense?
I yelled out loud but was still partially OOB.
The second time I fully projected OOB and into the hallway of the place I am now I had a full overview of the entire house...could see in every corner at once...my vision was 360 degrees and even a second and third person type view all at once...the only difference was it was like viewing it through fine silk or something....it's not as clear though everywhere at once.
Anyhow...this whatever was in the living room and I yelled at it to get the fuck out of my house, that it has no right to be here.
I was floating in the middle of the hallway and the energy waves that I could feel emanating from me were incredible and felt so powerful and pleasant sensation-wise.
I easily pushed whatever it was out of the house...I then jumped back to my body and woke up covered in sweat.
The next morning, my Son tells me he hears me yelling really loudly in the hallway outside his door in the middle of the night and gets up to look only to open the door and it be silent.
My SO would have totally woken up since she sleeps next to me so I know I wasn't actually yelling in this reality.
So yeah...I think since I was haunted as a child that I developed some kind of trigger or alarm when sleeping now and something negative tries to enter my space.
At least...that's my best guess.
It could all just be a dream I suppose....although dreams don't throw clocks...clocks sitting behind a pile of folded clothes on the back of the dresser.
When I say the feminine "controls" certain things, you are correct that it's more in the sense of activation...however I am speaking of the sacred feminine we all have within us - your feminine side, usually associated with the subconscious and the right brain.
It takes the sacred feminine to active your chakras fully to start your kundalini rising...and it's not something that should be feared at al imho.
It's not a permanent state of being...it's momentary at best, but those moments do change how you see things and your perspectives.
You don't have to subscribe to the religious aspects of it for it to still have merit...I know I believe my own things in my own way and that doesn't go along with any religion that I have ever heard of (man that would be fucking weird).

Whatever you want to call it, it sounds like you've already had it activated several times.
Yeah, I remember we talked about finding a good meditative practice for you since you had trouble keeping still sometimes, no worries.
You can take something like drumming for instance and turn it into a meditative practice...it's all in the state of mind you try to maintain.
And every time you catch your mind wandering, you are actually in a moment of pure mindfulness and should congratulate yourself - most people get upset that their mind was wandering when the act of realizing that is what you want.
If you want to try things with more immediate results you could always make some ESP flash cards or go here -
Just remember that sometimes with ESP and clairvoyance you can mentally wear yourself out and your scores will actually get worse if you practice too long...at least the studies have shown.
There are all kinds of other things you can practice...remote viewing is a type of clairvoyance.
Anything that can keep your interest where you can get into the "flow" state of mind is good too.
Where your mind is lost in the subject totally.
We can talk more about this specifically later if you want.
So psychic sight is explained that way in that book, but it could really mean using PSI abilities to see what is normally outside of our "normal" perception.
You can keep the glasses on and still see auras and things in the dark.
There is a technique in that same book called "eye cupping" where you use the energies of your hands cupped over your eyes to help improve your eyesight - basically they are doing Reiki on their eyes before the name was there to call it that.
I can copy those pages too if you like?
It sounds like you have quite a few lucid dreams?
Have you tried to go OOB from a lucid dream before....it can be easier to do from there.
The descriptions of those you feel you have around you are quite interesting.
Have you ever heard of a tulpa?
It's a thought-form....it's like a poltergeist created sometimes from the subconsciousness of a person and are said to sometimes gain their own sentience.
I can only give you suggestions as what you are experiencing is not something that I can diagnose one way of the other.
Anyhow...people have been said to create them on purpose too....and sometimes they get out of hand and have to be destroyed.
Not saying that is what they are, just an idea.
If you feel the Queen is some kind of guide, then perhaps she is.
Thanks again for the kind words about my Dad and about me...it's very much appreciate and reciprocated.
Glad we have gotten to talk more.
I get you about asking the universe...I was raised Mormon as a kid and there was a lot of guilt that gets associated with such ideas.
When I say the 'universe' I mean everything...you, me, the cells in your body, the air, the plants, the earth and everyone and thing and beyond into the actual universe.
As well as the spiritual universe that I have seen that I don't fully understand but have had very strong and compelling signs that something incredible exists out there...it can be tapped into but it's not always easily done.
Ask your future self for help - your higher, evolved self if you don't want to ask the universe...there is really no such thing as time and I think once we die it is not linear like we know it here...I think maybe we can help ourselves from the future possibly...you see things in dreams with some amount of precognition, that would suggest that the you in the future can maybe help the you in the past.
Just food for thought.
Invisible to spirit beings or humans too? I've wanted to be invisible so many times

How come I dont get notifications for this thread? Did I mess up some settings?
You have a good one too!
Hahaha...well...I'm not sure about invisible to all spirits...in the book it's mainly to obscure yourself to the living.
It's all about mentally forming a cloud of particles that will allow light to pass through with you hidden in the middle.
Let me see if I can find an online copy...there used to be a free PDF...I'll have to look.
Or I can take more pictures for you hahaha!
Hope you are doing well today man and I hope you have a nice evening!
Much love!