Middle School Daters More Likely to Dropout, Use Drugs

I think it's better to get the craziness out of your system at a younger age anyway. I grew up sheltered from a lot, so I made/make a lot of stupid mistakes that many of my peers learned their lessons about ages ago. There are quite a few examples I have of friends/acquaintances who were on the bullet-train to skid row, but are now better-adjusted and more responsible than I am. Go figure.

Of course this is only the case for those who don't die or do something that gets them locked up seriously strung-out for a long time.
I think it's better to get the craziness out of your system at a younger age anyway. I grew up sheltered from a lot, so I made/make a lot of stupid mistakes that many of my peers learned their lessons about ages ago. There are quite a few examples I have of friends/acquaintances who were on the bullet-train to skid row, but are now better-adjusted and more responsible than I am. Go figure.

Of course this is only the case for those who don't die or do something that gets them locked up seriously strung-out for a long time.

Story of my life pretty much. I learned a lot of shit the hard way.

I started crazy stuff around 6th grade and it just snowballed from there. I was lucky to get out of high school alive, seriously. In my junior year I went to ONE class out of the entire year and it was a class that I didn't even belong in. I had a friend in the class I wanted to hang out with and he said it was cool because the teacher was kinda dumb and it turned out to be true - the guy didn't even notice I was there when I wasn't supposed to be. I didn't have a senior year.

I think it has a lot to do with how many fuckwads you happen to be surrounded by (apologies to ACD for stealing her term), which is often a matter of luck. I started dating at 14, but through sheer good luck, he was not a fuckwad. Nor were my parents -- they taught me at least the basics of human biology and reproduction, which was definitely a good decision on their part. And I was not interested in dropping out myself, I wanted an education, even if I found it difficult. Nor was I interested in drugs or druggies much, they simply weren't attractive to me, there was no other more complicated reason than that. So for those reasons, even though I did start dating at 14 (technically high school, not middle school) I neither dropped out or did drugs.

The study seems to ignore the fuckwad factor.
No matter what my friends, neighbours or parents may tell you, this is exactly the reason I didn't date in school.