What do you mean "Peak Experiences"?
What would a peak experience be if you were going through one?
What is going on with you these days?
Let me ‘splain…No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Been in counseling ~10yrs. Married an ES long ago, she thought me unbalanced and in need of 'meds' . Found a good counselor-(read-spirit guide) . After much testing, found me schizotypal and her histrionic and narcissistic. Love truly is blind.
Several months ago, found this forum, felt less alone, really dove into this stuff. Been cramming with MBTI, Jung, reading posts and haunting the web and other resources. That and gentle nudging in certain directions from my guide I believe led to this. About three weeks ago, I got up early for me ~4:30 a.m. and was reading posts here. Suddenly a rush of emotion came over me like nothing before, I could not see, hear, or feel anything of the body. Just an overwhelming 'something' . It felt like nothing more than what you described, all these feelings at once. There was a sense of being 'shredded' or something along those lines. It's difficult to explain. I came out of it after I don't know how long covered in sweat with tears everywhere. I also had a sense of peace I had not felt for a long time. There have been two smaller since the first 'big' one. I have a strange feeling this is not over. I am still discovering things that are different. My feeling side intensified. Tolerance for conflict extremely low. As far as our relationship it's almost like I'm back at the beginning but without the 'in love madness' for lack of a better term. Math skills lower,requiring more effort. Odd. I feel another coming, not sure when but I think it's important not to fear this. In it I felt nothing of malice or anything menacing. I have changed in some fundamental way, not sure why or how. Much learning and exploration is indicated. Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but there it is. Your post caught me up for it described a lot of how that felt. Google Abraham Maslow and 'peak experiences' for a more down-to-earth(haha)explanation.
P.S. My guide suggests I am in the process of self-actualizing. All I know is this is exhausting.