Migraine and how do you deal with it?

I wanted to resurrect this because I used to get severe migraines that lasted up to a week or more during hormone surges. Pain on one side of my head, sensitivity to light, nausea, vomiting, the works. I have tried beta blockers, topamax, triptans (those worked best but not anymore) and expensive ergot based spray along with just about every painkiller they offer. I kept logs, tracked what I ate, how I slept, cut out trigger foods, everything. None of that helped as much as this:

100mg B2 combined with 300+ mg iodine daily, preferably in liquid form, especially prior to an expected hormone surge or drop

I don't get them anymore unless I don't sleep for a few days, forget to eat or forget to take the combo. Exercise and low carbs helped alot, too, but not enough. I always tested low normal on thyroid, so no one though I needed to focus on that. My neurologist finally recommended that I try this and I noticed a huge difference.

This has really helped me! My partner suffers terribly when he is home and apparently when he's at sea it is even worse. This might be something he can try, thank you for posting this! :)
Definitely! I just told him about it and then I started to read up on it (like I do lol) and I think he might actually have elevated oestrogen. We know that he has Gynecomastia and after reading the earlier posts I started to wonder if he was producing too much oestrogen, which could be a cause of the migraines as he has suffered them since puberty and that would make sense.

So I have been looking at ways we can reduce that and he's going to go for a test as soon as he gets back from sea. I was reading that this can lead to prostate cancer later in life so your post may have done more than just help with a migraine issue! :)
Definitely! I just told him about it and then I started to read up on it (like I do lol) and I think he might actually have elevated oestrogen. We know that he has Gynecomastia and after reading the earlier posts I started to wonder if he was producing too much oestrogen, which could be a cause of the migraines as he has suffered them since puberty and that would make sense.

So I have been looking at ways we can reduce that and he's going to go for a test as soon as he gets back from sea. I was reading that this can lead to prostate cancer later in life so your post may have done more than just help with a migraine issue! :)

I hope so! I am so glad I posted this.
I sit down and close my eyes then I breathe in my nose and out of my mouth very deeply all the while listening to the fluid pulsing inside my head until everything syncs up evenly. There will often be many strange thoughts that arise almost like dreams and I try to write them down. Then I go do a whole lot of reading afterwards.

If the migraine is particularly strong then I elevate my legs and massage my balls.
I am a HSP and I get migraines from sensory overload, usually combined with stress or lack of sleep. If I can go into a cool dark room with almost complete silence for about 15 to 20 minutes within an hour or two of one starting, it usually helps it ease but if it gets full blown, then I struggle to overcome it. I try to stay away from medications, OTC stuff doesn't touch it and I don't like being on prescription meds if I can help it. Sensory deprivation is the best cure for me. Usually followed by a nap when it's convenient. Drinking cold water in sensory dep helps too.

I've never had an aura, at least not a visual one, but I get nausea and pain and will become pale and shaky and unable to focus on anything. I miss when I worked at the hospital in the basement because going into the bathroom there and closing the door was the best sensory dep location I ever found.
I heard that Atlantotec has very high success rates regarding Migraine:

There exist certain contraindications however:
Currently there is no Atlantotec practitioner in USA unfortunately, so if you want to get a correction, you would have to book a correction if you make holidays in Europe etc.. Checking the atlas position is free, the correction costs 250 EUR.

Of course, there are a lot of other possible causes for Migraine, so there are no guarantees that this will work ;-)
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I have found strong emotions are one major trigger for my migraines. Not the only one, but more of a problem than I had previously noticed. This is in fact well documented. Some people even avoid orgasms because it brings on a migraine! It seems more like negative emotions can bring it on for me. The other day some guys shouted obscenities at me from a car because they apparently didn't like that I was going to turn left from the left turn lane when the opportunity arose (Boston drivers for ya!). I got home and felt weepy, shocked, like I had been attacked. I was flashing-back to childhood abuse too and spiraling to grief over my mother's rejection of me. It was a whole host of painful, sad emotions mushrooming out of control. I definitely felt a migraine coming on and reflected the triggers that day, and I realized the trigger was the silly @holes having road rage earlier in the day. So I took half hour in my bedroom with low stimulus (no music, lights, computers etc), took a Xanax, and felt quite a bit better. I think if I had let my emotions keep spiraling to despair and all kinds of memories of abuse I would have had a full-fledged migraine. So that's one thing I realized that helps lately.
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I think a lot of people here get headaches from the use of their implants. Myself, I use ibuprofen for headaches, though there was something lately about how prolonged use of it isn't good for your heart.
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I think a lot of people here get headaches from the use of their implants. Myself, I use ibuprofen for headaches, though there was something lately about how prolonged use of it isn't good for your heart.

Sorry, what implants are you referring to?
Sorry, what implants are you referring to?

The ones that enable telepathy, among other things.:-) People who have them get bloody noses sometimes. Strange moments in my life were sometimes accompanied by migraines, as well as other experiences I've had... no, nobody in either side of my family has schizophrenia. This place seems like a gathering of people with them actually... many people who talk about space aliens and have seen ufo's probably have them. I don't know exactly how they work, but I wish I did. There have been several studies that have come out recently that point to this technology definitely being possible... one sharing thoughts and images from people using a "thinking cap" stimulating one's brain in the way that another person's was by natural stimuli, and the other study having to do with using nano-particles manipulated by light to change a mouse's behavior. There was also something about smart graphene paper folding itself into origami cranes... there's more but that's probably getting too far ahead.:-)
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The ones that enable telepathy, among other things.:-) People who have them get bloody noses sometimes. Strange moments in my life were sometimes accompanied by migraines, as well as other experiences I've had... no, nobody in either side of my family has schizophrenia. This place seems like a gathering of people with them actually... many people who talk about space aliens and have seen ufo's probably have them. I don't know exactly how they work, but I wish I did. There have been several studies that have come out recently that point to this technology definitely being possible... one sharing thoughts and images from people using a "thinking cap" stimulating one's brain in the way that another person's was by natural stimuli, and the other study having to do with using nano-particles manipulated by light to change a mouse's behavior. There was also something about smart graphene paper folding itself into origami cranes... there's more but that's probably getting too far ahead.:-)

I'm not sure I understand your answer. In fact, I am sure I don't. But I accept it as containing information that may be of value to others.
if you speak to any neurologist they would confirm that if pain killers are actually helping your migraine, it is probably not a migraine. starting at around age 30+ people and specifically men suffer from what's called cluster headaches that are often confused with and misdiagnosed as migraines. i have had cluster headaches, and they are horrible. a heavy dose of pain killers and some rest helps, but i hear migraines are still far worse.
The ones that enable telepathy, among other things.:-) People who have them get bloody noses sometimes. Strange moments in my life were sometimes accompanied by migraines, as well as other experiences I've had... no, nobody in either side of my family has schizophrenia. This place seems like a gathering of people with them actually... many people who talk about space aliens and have seen ufo's probably have them. I don't know exactly how they work, but I wish I did. There have been several studies that have come out recently that point to this technology definitely being possible... one sharing thoughts and images from people using a "thinking cap" stimulating one's brain in the way that another person's was by natural stimuli, and the other study having to do with using nano-particles manipulated by light to change a mouse's behavior. There was also something about smart graphene paper folding itself into origami cranes... there's more but that's probably getting too far ahead.:-)

*filing away information*
I've only had migraines a few times in my life, and it literally made me want to die. You guys are cool for handling it!
I pour coffee down my throat until it goes away.

I do not recommend this method.
As my posting seemed to go totally unnoticed, I would like to repeat that statistics show that over 80% (!) of Migraine sufferers massively benefit from the Atlantotec method https://www.atlantotec.com/en:


Most people have a dislocated atlas because of birth assist techniques, see http://www.naturesplatform.com, the chapter about pregnancy and childbirth. The birth channel is 10 - 20% too small because of the wrong birth posture, therefore doctors / nurses "must" tear at the childs head to get the baby out. As the bones are still soft, the atlas can then become dislocated. This is the deeper reason why ALMOST EVERYONE runs around with a (more or less) dislocated atlas. The more dislocated it is, the greater the health problems that this person may have later in life. One typical symptom is Migraine. However, there are a lot of other possible causes for Migraine as well.

P.S.: Yes, the WYSIWYG editor works!