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I wanted to resurrect this because I used to get severe migraines that lasted up to a week or more during hormone surges. Pain on one side of my head, sensitivity to light, nausea, vomiting, the works. I have tried beta blockers, topamax, triptans (those worked best but not anymore) and expensive ergot based spray along with just about every painkiller they offer. I kept logs, tracked what I ate, how I slept, cut out trigger foods, everything. None of that helped as much as this:
100mg B2 combined with 300+ mg iodine daily, preferably in liquid form, especially prior to an expected hormone surge or drop
I don't get them anymore unless I don't sleep for a few days, forget to eat or forget to take the combo. Exercise and low carbs helped alot, too, but not enough. I always tested low normal on thyroid, so no one though I needed to focus on that. My neurologist finally recommended that I try this and I noticed a huge difference.
This has really helped me! My partner suffers terribly when he is home and apparently when he's at sea it is even worse. This might be something he can try, thank you for posting this!