That's interesting. I'm wondering if it's the moisture in the air or the air-pressure, as opposed to the allergens.
I would still get an MRI of the brain done at least once every 5-10 years, because studies show that migraines can cause brain lesions over time, and you may want to keep tabs on it. Honestly, MRIs of the brain should be done on
everyone at their annual physical, at each decade of life if they have any kind of symptoms. Doctors get a baseline for every other organ, except the "master organ!!" Aside from migraines, for all we know, there could be "ADHD kids" or "autistic kids" with lesions too... we just don't know because society doesn't want to blow money on anyone until they become A+ taxpayers! I also think it'd be an interesting study if they did an MRI of the brains of all the prisoners in a given place (particularly murderers), to see if they can find anything "wrong" with them. But I'm digressing.
Sending strength your way to live with the pain!