Mistype Investigator Cognitive Functions Test


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Just for funsies.

My test key result

"According to the score evaluated by mistype.investigator's formula, your most likely MBTI type is ENFJ, followed by INFJ and ESTP."
My results:


I also took it somewhat hastily during a stressful day while also at work. So I'm taking this with the largest grain of salt.
I found that the questions in quite a few cases didn't offer a true spectrum between poles, at least for me. Choosing between physical evidence and impact on others, for example, are orthogonal for me rather than 180 degrees apart, yet quite a few questions seemed to be like that so I stayed in the middle for those. Maybe that is part of the design, but looking at the results suggests to me that very slight differences in answer could lead to rather different type conclusions.
I found that the questions in quite a few cases didn't offer a true spectrum between poles, at least for me. Choosing between physical evidence and impact on others, for example, are orthogonal for me rather than 180 degrees apart, yet quite a few questions seemed to be like that so I stayed in the middle for those. Maybe that is part of the design, but looking at the results suggests to me that very slight differences in answer could lead to rather different type conclusions.
I could not agree more. Some of the questions shaded this way and that, but some needed no adjustment whatsoever. Of course, that could be because we are advanced masters who are well-seasoned and flexing our functions like the tentacles of a deep-sea octopus.

It seems it did alright by you, but as with many tests, it wasn’t sure if I was ENFP or INFP, which is forgivable, inasmuch as I was unsure for years. But me, a J? Surely they must be taking the piss.

I do think cognitive nature, and very likely neurodivergence, color these tests, and how could they not? I cannot envisage how that might be avoided, or that it should be.

I live in my head and present as a golden retriever puppy. Of course my four highest scores were Ni, Ne, Fi, and Fe.

I could not agree more. Some of the questions shaded this way and that, but some needed no adjustment whatsoever. Of course, that could be because we are advanced masters who are well-seasoned and flexing our functions like the tentacles of a deep-sea octopus.

It seems it did alright by you, but as with many tests, it wasn’t sure if I was ENFP or INFP, which is forgivable, inasmuch as I was unsure for years. But me, a J? Surely they must be taking the piss.

I do think cognitive nature, and very likely neurodivergence, color these tests, and how could they not? I cannot envisage how that might be avoided, or that it should be.

I live in my head and present as a golden retriever puppy. Of course my four highest scores were Ni, Ne, Fi, and Fe.

I can't see you as a J either LOL. It's your high score in Ni that's led to that, obviously, but your Ne is pretty well identical in score, within noise level error bars. And your Fi is significantly higher than Fe too. You've probably been hanging around too many Ni doms again :tongueout:

I must say, though, that in answering these questionnaires I'm all too well aware these days of which function/s most of them are testing for. With the best will in the world I can't be completely MBTI-blind in how I respond, and I think this loses the plot with them to a considerable extent.

I'm sure you are right about other psychological factors biasing the results too. MBTI doesn't span the whole psyche as far as I can see, so influences that lie both inside and outside its scope surely distort its ability to model accurately. But are you ambivalent in yourself about I v E? I know that someone in an 'inferior grip' can take on their shadow type, or some of their shadow functions, but that's very different to how (e.g.) neurodivergence might impact on type identity. People who are in a grip and become an inferior extrovert or introvert for a while aren't rational, either logically or in feeling terms. Like you, I wonder whether a questionnaire suitable for neurotypical folks is also valid for neurodivergent people?
You've probably been hanging around too many Ni doms again :tongueout:
Not possible. Best company, best therapy, best spellcraft.

I must be in super serious mode right now rofl.
My results:



I also took it somewhat hastily during a stressful day while also at work. So I'm taking this with the largest grain of salt.

Now you two have to switch your typing. The crystal typing ball has spoken!!

All That Magic GIF by Nickelodeon
My how my cognitive functions have sagged.
That’s your fleshbag. Cognitively, you’re still as sharp, if not sharper. The difference is once it was like a rapier, but now it is supple, like a birch branch used as a lash.
