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- Enneagram
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If anyone touches the monkeys you'll have a great hairy man-ape to contend with...
Iunno, sounds kinda fun, not going to deter me!
If anyone touches the monkeys you'll have a great hairy man-ape to contend with...
He's a snuggle bunny.
That's Dino. He actually managed to escape the asylum last week. He's a convicted mass murderer. He's free roaming the streets now. He's watching you, your family, your friends...and waiting...waiting... for an oppo... opportunity to... to... heh... heehheh... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And I just discovered this guy which is funny because he's been staring at me this whole time.
It's funny that you say that because I've always imagined him saying "Guys! Guys! Down here! I'm here too! Don't forget about me!"
That's Dino. He actually managed to escape the asylum last week. He's a convicted mass murderer. He's free roaming the streets now. He's watching you, your family, your friends...and waiting...waiting... for an oppo... opportunity to... to... heh... heehheh... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Which is so sad, because I honestly didn't even notice him until today. I think his name will be Mikey. Sort of like "Hey guys! It's me Mikey! Down here! Hey!"