Morality: The World As Indifferent

How exactly does your worldview reflect who you are?
Because you said you hate the world based on your perceived indifference of the world.

It's not possible to claim that the whole world is indifferent, that sort of claim is entirely subjective because you don't have the proof to back it up. You may have scattered circumstances, but that's not enough.

As it's subjective, it reflects a bit of yourself. Besides, the world is too full of too many things and too many changes occur to claim it is only one way or another.

What exactly are you doing to not contribute to the indifference of the world? Sounds kind of harsh, but you choose to be an obsolete person.
The world is indifferent. Certain individuals in the world are not indifferent, but for the most part, the world is.

Understanding that is just good sense.
I was thinking humanity as a whole is not indifferent or otherwise. But alright. That makes sense.
Humanity is OUR world

Even if you are a complete recluse
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Yeah.. What Flavus said..^^

The OP is speaking about the world in anthropomorphic terms.
I didn't take it that they were talking about the biosphere,
but about the human systems (made of people) that keep civilzation going.
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I hate the world. Does the world hate me? No, the world is much worse than that; the world is indifferent. I cannot decide whether it is better to become evil or to commit either philosophical/religious or literal suicide.

What cowards most people are! And their justifications for their cowardice are stupid and absurd.
Based on that, it seems the OP views the world as humanity. That's what I was going off of.
I read that as Objectivism, and insulting humanity for being sheeps to concepts rather than living their own lives.

We have different paths of beliefs I guess that took us to our understanding.
I agree with what most are saying. You have to change your perspective. I used to think the same way you do. Then, I realized that there really are caring, kind, good, loving people in the world. If you think everything sucks, then you're only going to see what does suck. It's just as unrealistic to see the world as indifferent as it is to see it as perfect and utopian. There are people who care, but you can't see it for only noticing those that don't. And if you commit physical suicide just b/c you think the world is indifferent, then you're letting indifference win. Stop letting others make you feel a certain way. You need to be responsible for your own feelings and outlook.
Topics like these make me wonder about the way in which other people view forums.

Are forums only for the intellectual stimulation?

Do you actively apply the things you say here to your own life?

Do you try to detach yourself from the ideas in a topic in order to reach the level of abstraction required by topics like these? Do you detach yourself in order to debate objectively ?

I'm asking because the issue raised in this topic has always haunted me.

How is it that there are so many indifferent people in the world? And like the original poster, I believe that this callous indifference can sometimes even be worse than outright evil.

The responses were intelligent and thoughtful as always, and the two prominent thoughts are:

1: There is not that much indifference in the world. The original poster is letting his tunnel vision negatively color his perception of the world around him.

2. There is too much indifference in the world, and the original poster needs to BE the change he wants to see.

I understand both of those two perspectives, and I think that it is best to combine the two. But this is where I have trouble.

Eniko seems to subscribe to number 2, and she said that she fights tooth and nail to not be like rest of the indifferent people in the world. How exactly do you go about doing that? Can you please give some examples?

alt ctr del seems to subscribe to number 1, and Dragon should change his narrow perspective or at least try to not contribute to the indifference he perceives. Again, I would love some examples of how to go about doing this.

I'm asking because I want to actually apply these insights to real life. To me, this is more than just a topic to debate on a forum. There is SO MUCH wisdom and knowledge and insight from the amazing people on this forum, and I want to try to practically apply this wisdom to real life. 'tis a struggle that I need help with.
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I answered the questions in his post. My answers are the ones with efromm behind them.

Topics like these make me wonder about the way in which other people view forums.

""Are forums only for the intellectual stimulation? "

No most of the ones I have been too are there for others to boost their little egos. Places like this only exist because those who are there choose to learn and get along. This place will ban you if you get too far out of line. Self discipline is the key. efromm

"Do you actively apply the things you say here to your own life?"

Yes and no. Somethings are just concepts that you are trying to work out. I usually try to see my problem and then actively try to change it. Some concepts I have learned from others and have applied them to my own life. Influence is a stronger force than we realize and when your heart is filled with the right kind others will gravitate toward it. I noticed I am most popular when I am practicing what I am preaching. The problem is for myself is I eventually burn out. The world takes it out of me and I feel emotionally drained. It's usually then that I spend some time alone thinking and digesting my emotions and feelings. efromm

"Do you try to detach yourself from the ideas in a topic in order to reach the level of abstraction required by topics like these? Do you detach yourself in order to debate objectively ?"

You have too there is no other way. Unless you want to win the argument, then all bets are off. I can remember arguing with people just to win when I was younger. I have learned that yelling at people is just another way of saying that I am not listening to you! There is a time and place for yelling anger is good at times it's a release of emotion. But in the end I have found my emotions to be very suspect. And as you get older you learn to actually deal with emotions and by doing so you also have a greater depth of understanding. Emotion is the root cause of a lot of unplanned evil. efromm

I'm asking because the issue raised in this topic has always haunted me.

"How is it that there are so many indifferent people in the world? And like the original poster, I believe that this callous indifference can sometimes even be worse than outright evil."

It has evolved over time. I think the world is at a cross roads right now and a lot of us are not liking the life being sold to us. We really can create the world we want. The president is doing it right now. There is no debate its just getting done period. Problem is he is not considering the way his plan is going to hurt others. That is where the callous indifference will grow from in the end. Because people will start to think why bother what can I do? And in turn you will be less involved in the world. Really all other people want from you is acknowledgment of themselves. To feel like they are a part of what is going on. When you lose that people feel isolated to the point of indifference. efromm

The responses were intelligent and thoughtful as always, and the two prominent thoughts are:

1: There is not that much indifference in the world. The original poster is letting his tunnel vision negatively color his perception of the world around him.

2. There is too much indifference in the world, and the original poster needs to BE the change he wants to see.

I understand both of those two perspectives, and I think that it is best to combine the two. But this is where I have trouble.

Eniko seems to subscribe to number 2, and she said that she fights tooth and nail to not be like rest of the indifferent people in the world. How exactly do you go about doing that? Can you please give some examples?

alt ctr del seems to subscribe to number 1, and Dragon should change his narrow perspective or at least try to not contribute to the indifference he perceives. Again, I would love some examples of how to go about doing this.

I'm asking because I want to actually apply these insights to real life. To me, this is more than just a topic to debate on a forum. There is SO MUCH wisdom and knowledge and insight from the amazing people on this forum, and I want to try to practically apply this wisdom to real life. 'tis a struggle that I need help with.

Its easy really instead of finding fault and hate love everyone. Even the guy who cuts you off in traffic. Or your mean boss. If you can find a use for those you dislike you will be able to accept them in the end. I don't mean to say to let them kill you or demean you either. At times you will have to defend yourself it's a part of natural selection. Although I think you can build your little paradise and even then there will eventually be trouble. Its a mind set and it's one that will take time to grow. Now if you can bring others along with ya it makes the journey easier. Life really is simpler that it appears. Sometimes we try so hard to make sense of it all and in the end it does not make sense so we give up on life. And that feeling of despair can breed intolerance in us. Life really is an inside job and when you strip everyone of their precious wealth and status what are they in the end? Human. Just like you. The only difference is in your own mind. efromm
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Sigh, apathy is far more caustic than hate, in my humble opinion.

And yes, harmony is very difficult to come by these days. I happen to love the saying "You are your brother's keeper", but most people think just the opposite of that

"Why should I have to take care of him? His situation is his own fault."
This sick, sad, world. But it's also beautiful at the same time. Paradoxes...