I am very easy going and can turn a blind eye to most things people do, who am I to judge?
Unless they try to involve me.
I abhor stealing and lying above all.
Anything which hurts other people. :-(
I have certain criteria for someone to be regarded as a friend and other less selective criteria for people to be regarded as an acquaintance. Anyone who does not fulfill those critieria is out of my circle.
I don't understand why you even try to keep the friendship from falling apart. If they do not fulfill your standards, for me that automatically disqualifies them as friends. So why try to save something which is, by definition, no longer a friendship?
I agree with this. I must also be a cold blooded NT. I just figure there are plenty of other people I haven't met yet that are most likely more fun any ways.
Ehh, I have many acquaintances. Most of them consider me a friend, they don't realize that I do not feel the same way. Probably because of my kind and sincere nature.
I really only have five friends. There are those acquaintances that I would actually like to be friends with, but prevailing circumstances or their own emotional immaturity bars this from happening.
Everyone has a tipping point.. so if anyone brings you to that breaking point, dont be afraid to say enough is enough and walk alone. Its not easy being an INFJ. Tears of the few.
Morals do ruin many things. As for being afraid of standing alone... well I never used to be until one day I found that I was and completely at that.
Science has shown that the earths magnetic field not only has the capability of linking people together in ways not hugely understood as of right now but does in fact do this. I believe my sickness (who here is tired of hearing this from me at this point) at one point interrupted this connection. I remember driving down the road one day very early morning before the sun rose. There were other cars on the road with me but it was like there was no one in them, like there was no one on the rest of the earth. Its hard to explain but I felt completely alone. As though the cars were part of a movie and just props with no actual people inside. I felt completely disconnected from any other life. To feel alone like that is... well I am not sure there is a word for it. To be alive by yourself with no one else at all. I dont think humans were meant to live that way much less can live that way whether they know it or not. Anyway it took a while but that feeling passed. To my benefit I might add. I have never thought of myself as needing people but I now know that I do. I think some of us believe we can go live in the woods and get away from other people but I dont think thats true. I think even if you are 100 miles away from the next closest person you are still connected to other human consciousness.
You dont have to believe me but this is a true story.