Most Common INFJ Enneagram types?

Statistically, enneagram 4 is the most common type amongst INFJs. 9s, 2s, and 5s are also pretty common amongst INFJs. I have heard about 6s and 1s being INFJs, but they are not the most common. An INFJ with an assertive core type (3, 7, or 8) is rare.
4s being common with infj would not be surprising to me given that being least common personality in the population would correlate to having a personality that sees itself as feeling different from others. 9, 1, 6 and then 2 would be next most common in my opinion.
Statistically, enneagram 4 is the most common type amongst INFJs. 9s, 2s, and 5s are also pretty common amongst INFJs. I have heard about 6s and 1s being INFJs, but they are not the most common. An INFJ with an assertive core type (3, 7, or 8) is rare.

That sounds pretty accurate to me.

INFJ 1s are not that common, even though they are often depicted in fiction/anime as the "quintessential" INFJs (like Dumbledore in Harry Potter).
Yes, that seems about right.

(Of course, the problem with all the statistics posted in this thread is sample selection bias. I don't believe for a second that any of the datasets are trustworthy or representative. That means the percentages could be way off. But I do agree that any of types 1,2,4,5,6 and 9 make the most sense for INFJs.)