Most favorite and Disliked Subjects in School

I do hate gyms actually, the one I've been to is basically a glorified swimming pool. People gave me weird looks when I attempted my normal workouts from training. It's a very self conscious environment. I could feel all the guys sizing each other up and the women on the tread mills scanning the environment as they "run". Not to mention expensive! Man, gimme a wall and a door way in a house and I could go about a decent strength building routine. No fancy equipment needed.
My P'ness is so huge I get tired just thinking about physically exerting myself.

Se actually is a P function. My J score is rather high, which explains it some. I don't like to physically exert myself, if it is in a group. I love to ski and I love the physical challenge of that.
Maybe some people's perceiving has Se aspects, with me it just makes me flat lazy. Plus, I just like an excuse to say P'ness whenever possible. I think my four highest dilly-bob functions are: Ne, Ti, Fi, Si.

Civitas/ History
Band (until this school)
English / Literature
Most all social sciences and humanitarian classes


Math (too much homework)
Classes that are based on memorizing terms -- I connect things, and I really suck at names, dates, vocab, etc.
If your Se is very, very small as you put it, then your shadow functions must be non existent! It seems strange to think this, since we all have the same functions within our brains. Uh, I don't know enough about types to form any intelligent conclusions...
This is a hard question for me, because like a lot of you have mentioned, the instructor can really ruin a class, and possibly a subject. I usually loved taking art and English classes, but I had some good and bad teachers in both (I had a couple terrible English teachers in high school). Same with history and Spanish. I loved science, and I had some excellent science teachers in high school.

Overall, I would have to say my least favorite subject was math. I always found it intimidating, and I cannot recall one math teacher who really engaged me in it.
Always liked English and History. I also liked Gym, but mostly because it meant girls had to wear short shorts during my most hormonal phase. Math was fun in theory, but I didn't like how rigid it was. I sucked at art even though I liked it. Didn't like music and sucked at it too. Never loved science.
Overall, I would have to say my least favorite subject was math. I always found it intimidating, and I cannot recall one math teacher who really engaged me in it.

Math became much easier for me after I was out of school.

It's as if once I was allowed to conceptualize it on my own terms a light bulb went off and I got it.

I have to be honest. After grade 9, school was a huge waste of time for myself.
It became so boring, and unenlightening. I really feel they spent years 10, 11 & 12 repeating what they had taught up to the point of 9th grade.
I learned so much more than what they taught in school by reading on my own.

As my son was growing up I had to bite my tongue many times and not state my real opinions of the school system.
English (especially freshman year)

FOREGIN LANGUAGE!!!!!!!! (I'm taking Spanish and I SUCK at it)

I notice a lot of INFJs said that they hated chemistry. That's not good for me 'cause I'm taking it soon. I'm still in school btw.
This isn't necessarily relegated to one subject it's a bullshit teaching strategy that spans disciplines.

"Ok class find some partners were going to do a group project!"


I've actually dropped classes that were heavy in group activities. Maybe it's just a weird personal quirk of mine but I can't stand working with other people. That goes for school as well as work environment. Self-employment ftw.
English (especially freshman year)

FOREGIN LANGUAGE!!!!!!!! (I'm taking Spanish and I SUCK at it)

I notice a lot of INFJs said that they hated chemistry. That's not good for me 'cause I'm taking it soon. I'm still in school btw.

I hated chemistry because it deals with alot of attention to detail. If you miss something in a solution, you're screwed. That was the only class that I got an average on.
This isn't necessarily relegated to one subject it's a bullshit teaching strategy that spans disciplines.

"Ok class find some partners were going to do a group project!"


My worst nightmare. So awful! :D
I always get stuck with some slovenly half-wit or some hot but brain-dead sorority trollop and have to do all the work, while they just kind of exist and stare blankly at the wall or mewl their tales of mundane existence. Ever watch furbies communicate? It's exactly like that.

"I have to pick up my boyfriend from football pracitice at 8. I hate it he's always so smelly. I have a report due for Dr. Fuckwit and I haven't even started! etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc until the end of fucking time."
Starting college next month so don't have any classes to talk of. so here's high school

Favorite classes taken
AP art history
AP English Lang/ AP Lit

Disliked classes
AP US history
Math Analysis

Actually I do pretty well in my dislike classes I just didn't like studying them :P
English (2nd language)
