Most Overrated Vocal Artist Of All Time


On Holiday
Share your nominations for Most Overrated Vocal Artist Of All Time.

Mine is Rod Stewart. I've never listened to any of his stuff, but a year or two ago on Christmas Eve I watched a "Christmas Special" that he made. His voice sounded as destroyed as shredded toilet paper and he appeared to be constantly struggling to force the music through his throat, with all the finesse of a grinding wheel. The most painful moment came when he attempted to match his voice in a duet with a recording of Ella Fitzgerald's voice. It was horrendous. You can look that particular disaster up on youtube if for some reason you need to hate music.

[NB: I can't sing.]
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Every rapper.
Every rapper.

Well rap is a special genre, with its own history and standards.

Although I'm not very familiar with rap, my favourite rapper is Fiona Apple! (Although I'm sure some would suggest that she does not rap.)

Maybe there is some particular rapper who you think is not able to perform adequately according to the expectations of the genre?
Well rap is a special genre, with its own history and standards.

Although I'm not very familiar with rap, my favourite rapper is Fiona Apple! (Although I'm sure some would suggest that she does not rap.)

Maybe there is some particular rapper who you think is not able to perform adequately according to the expectations of the genre?

I think rap as a genre should be completely ignored and forgotten. It's awful.

Anyway, to give a more serious answer: I've never understood the appeal of Tori Amos. I dislike her voice. It sounds a little too boyish for me. Or maybe it's her accent.
Anyway, to give a more serious answer: I've never understood the appeal of Tori Amos. I dislike her voice. It sounds a little too boyish for me. Or maybe it's her accent.

Valid response!!!!

Speaking as a sometime fan of Tori Amos, I acknowledge her vocal style is recognisable through its idiosyncrasies. She says "Yes" a little bit too much!! Sometimes I'm thinking, "Knock it off!"

She has a tremendous vocal range that is not dependent on a studio environment for its expression. She has true control over her voice, she is never at the mercy of the limitations of her voice. Many other artists will never be able to reproduce their studio performance, Amos will constantly exceed her studio performance in every respect.

As a musician (and I recognise that this is off-topic for the question of vocal artist), she has had a part in the history of the piano as a rock and roll instrument. Her expressions through piano are sometimes clumsy, clunky... at other times mesmerising, labyrinthine.

Throughout her musical ability, she performs continuous inspiration. A highly creative artist, always working to say something new through her music.

Once, in an opera house, I saw her play a piano and an organ both at the same time. She was not faking it.

I don't listen to her a lot any more - but I have in the past, a lot. Not without flaws, but a truly great all-rounder (in my opinion).
I love Amos. What [MENTION=1814]invisible[/MENTION] said is exactly what makes her a great singer. She has no need of any editing whatsoever and in fact sounds better live than any recording. That is the hallmark of a true artist, when their work can be reproduced time and time again without a team of editors or electronic vocal modifications.
As far as who the most overrated vocalist is, anyone who can't sing without previously mentioned team. So, 99% of music "artists" out there now. I know I may just be a victim of my age and time, but I do feel today's music is mostly just garbage. My kids are growing up in a world where Bieber is a hot commodity. That says enough.
I love Amos. What [MENTION=1814]invisible[/MENTION] said is exactly what makes her a great singer. She has no need of any editing whatsoever and in fact sounds better live than any recording. That is the hallmark of a true artist, when their work can be reproduced time and time again without a team of editors or electronic vocal modifications.
As far as who the most overrated vocalist is, anyone who can't sing without previously mentioned team. So, 99% of music "artists" out there now. I know I may just be a victim of my age and time, but I do feel today's music is mostly just garbage. My kids are growing up in a world where Bieber is a hot commodity. That says enough.

Yes, she can really perform! I've seen her live and I've listened to many recordings of her... no flaws in her performances ever and all of them different.

I heard there was a big hit by Bieber this year. I saw it come on the television at New Year's Eve. I was waiting, waiting for the big pop music hook. Listening, listening. The hook never came! What is it about this song that has made it such a big success. I couldn't tell. The sweetness of his voice? Um, is there a sweet quality to his voice, can't tell.
Share your nominations for Most Overrated Vocal Artist Of All Time.

Mine is Rod Stewart. I've never listened to any of his stuff

Um..... Lol
Robert Plant
Um..... Lol

Sorry! I meant to say, except for about two solid hours of his live recorded performances on a television special. But I will have to get hold of that cd with "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" on it. Then I can properly decide with appropriate attention to his canonical output whether I really think he's overrated or not.
Sorry! I meant to say, except for about two solid hours of his live recorded performances on a television special. But I will have to get hold of that cd with "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" on it. Then I can properly decide with appropriate attention to his canonical output whether I really think he's overrated or not.

I remember his claim to fame being that he landed a super model more than his singing ability.
Umm….sorry but I can’t stand Fleetwood Mac…it makes my ears bleed.
Most of the popularized music today is garbage….you can thank MTV for mostly doing that, though someone else would have if they hadn’t.
They turned it from being about music to being about image.
Until we roll that back - we just get loads of horse shit plopping out of our speakers.
All death metal vocalists.

Sounds like burping/belching set over rhythm-heavy music.
Adele. Shoot me. Great voice, but goddamn... same song with different lyrics regurgitated a thousand times over. Taylor Swift is also tied for first place on my list.
JayZ. A few seconds will put me into kill mode.