Movies that you like and most people think are weird?

Solaris is probably the most under-appreciated movie I have ever come across... That movie is amazing... Watch it!!! It gets every ounce of your brain imagining and every bit of your intuition flowing, and it does it with suprisingly little dialogue at times. I can't stress how good that movie is, and strangely, I feel I do understand why it is underappreciated. It requires you to be excited to enter an active space in your mind that many people apparently aren't prepared to engage. Watch it, and if you're like me, you won't be dissapointed.
Lost Highway is my all time favorite.

One of the most underrated films in my circle of friends is Titanic :)
The discussion often goes like this:
- eww, Titanic is for pussies, I hate it. - someone declares.
- have you seen it? - I ask.
- No!

There are often misconceptions about anime: "so you like watching those Japanese cartoons about little schoolgirls?"
I tend to like Alfred Hitchcock's less popular movies so:

Rebecca (probably my favorite movie for sheer atmosphere)

Rope (a solo piano piece by Poulenc plays a key role in this movie)

The Lady Vanishes

Strangers on a Train

Non-Hitchcock movies:

Lady In White (haunting and reminds me of my childhood)

Les Diaboliques (very creepy)

The Serpent and the Rainbow

Jacob's Ladder

Now, if the thread was about just listing our favorite movies (regardless of whether people thought they were weird), this would be a much much longer list. I'm a bit of a film buff...well more than a bit.
I think Fight Club is really good.
Most people thinks that that strange for a girl to think so.. But Whatever! I'm no girly-girl^^
A lot of people I've known never really liked or maybe never comprehended Darren Aronofsky films (i.e. The Fountain, Pi, Requiem for a Dream) which are very unorthodox and labyrinthine in every sense, but I can't help but adore them.

The same goes for M. Night Shymalan... who usually leaves his movies open-ended which I particularly enjoy.

AS well as the sort of frantic hand held camera views from movies like The Blair Witch Project, Cloverfield, REC, Quarantine... all of which I think are extremely entertaining and gearing more towards the feeling of an amusement park ride.
I liked the Tinkerbell movie. I guess that's a little weird for a guy approaching 30. ;) I care not.

Yeah, it was a good animated film.

I like those movies most people think are not realistic or too Hollywood. Classical Hollywood is brilliant and still my preferred genre.
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I liked Jarhead, all the people who I know that have seen it thought it was bad. It 'lacked action'.
Ok I am going to name 2 movies that most the people I know say Im wierd for liking/ watching

(1) Donnie Darko (Go Frank)
(2) American Beauty

I seeing if the IN types like similar movies,

please add more movies and not too many. I cant read much more
wut? those are not weird at all..... And most of the movies in the thread are very mainstream, and highly accepted by most critics. I'm not gonna add such movies, like Baraka, or Magnolia - no use.

But... for example... I liked Volcano and Entrapment - both are said to be extremely dumb pop-corn, which they are, but I just enjoy them. (:

And I agree about Titanic, it's one of the greatest movies of all times, and that has nothing to do with 11/14 Oscars, Top box-office, millions of teenagers weeping - no, that's just a facet of it, but the way the movie is made is very hard to be reached soon (or compared with the past). Cameron is crazy about details; the hell, he built a whole real ship - not a decoration! - a real floating ship, goddamnit! - with all the decks, and all the beds, and all the pillows and all elements to match the blueprints of the real ship.... I mean, his level of accuracy and image mastery requires true madness (the man worked over 6 years, and he eventually gambled all his personal money on the project, delayed the screening, over the heads of his sponsors, and decided to take no salary for it... just in order to keep his artistic integrity and make it right!) There are very few people like Cameron left out there, and this was his opus magnum.
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I recently watched "How To Lose Friends And Alienate People", Simon Pegg stars. I found it absolutely hillarious.
Being John Malkovich--- Liked it ever since I was six. Most six year olds did not like that movie.
Films that I haven't heard many people ever talk about that are among my favourites:

Photographing fairies
Black Beauty

And some French films: <3
Au revoir lest enfants
Even among my fellow sci fi nerds, I have a few films that I'm almost unique in loving...

Sunshine (incredible sci fi from 2007)
Strange Days (incredible sci fi from 1994)
Space Battle Cruiser Yamato (a nostalgic cartoon show)
Daredevil - Director's Cut (23 extra minutes saves that film)
Push (incredible sci fi from 2009)
Ronin (one of the best spy films ever made - also starring Natascha McElhone from Solaris which was mentioned above)
Lucky # Slevin
The Passion of the Christ (incredibly moving film)