Murder Quiz

haha this quiz is based in some radical stereotypes

You Scored as Serial Killer

Haunted by the demons of mental illness, sexual deviancy, and traumatic childhoods, Serial Killers are driven to kill by a compulsion they cannot even begin to fight.

"The thought of being executed in public excites you" WTF?
haha this quiz is based in some radical stereotypes

You Scored as Serial Killer

Haunted by the demons of mental illness, sexual deviancy, and traumatic childhoods, Serial Killers are driven to kill by a compulsion they cannot even begin to fight.

"The thought of being executed in public excites you" WTF?

LOL that's one scary description, especially the part about being excuted in public. :D
Murdwe Quiz

You Scored as Not a Killer
You Scored as Not a Killer
The average person finds it unthinkable to take another human life. Whether it's empathy or simply fear of getting caught, those who cannot kill will forever be the victims of those who can.

Passionate Killer65%Not a Killer55%Serial Killer35%Spree Killer30%Sociopathic Killer25%

I don't get it. I scored higher on passionate killer.
You Scored as Not a Killer
The average person finds it unthinkable to take another human life. Whether it's empathy or simply fear of getting caught, those who cannot kill will forever be the victims of those who can.

Passionate Killer65%Not a Killer55%Serial Killer35%Spree Killer30%Sociopathic Killer25%

I don't get it. I scored higher on passionate killer.

yeah, I was thinking the same thing! I scored 85% on serial killer and still got Not a Killer. :ohwell:
Not only that, but your not a killer was only 15%. Strange decision making for this one.
whoot not a killer!followed very closely though by passionate killer oops!
You Scored as Sociopathic Killer
Pure sociopathy is extremely rare, but Sociopathic Killers embody it. Able to compartmentalize their emotions (or more rarely, not experiencing emotions at all), they can kill without any remorse.

I am definitely not surprised. I would worry that so many tests have called me a sociopath if it wasn't for the fact that I'm so certain I'm not. Still, maybe I should just give in to destiny and become a hitman.
You Scored as Serial Killer
Haunted by the demons of mental illness, sexual deviancy, and traumatic childhoods, Serial Killers are driven to kill by a compulsion they cannot even begin to fight.

LOL orly
You Scored as Passionate Killer

Everyday people with extreme reactions to the emotions they feel, Passionate Killers are completely normal until a triggering event, such as being cheated on or having someone close to them harmed.

Passionate Killer 75%
Sociopathic Killer 65%
Serial Killer 60%
Not a Killer 50%
Spree Killer 50%

You Scored as Passionate Killer
Everyday people with extreme reactions to the emotions they feel, Passionate Killers are completely normal until a triggering event, such as being cheated on or having someone close to them harmed.

Passionate Killer 45%
Sociopathic Killer 40%
Spree Killer 40%
Not a Killer 40%
Serial Killer 35%

Murder's a messy affair. There are more satisfying ways to hurt people, if desired.
You Scored as Serial Killer
Haunted by the demons of mental illness, sexual deviancy, and traumatic childhoods, Serial Killers are driven to kill by a compulsion they cannot even begin to fight.

Serial Killer
Sociopathic Killer
Passionate Killer
Spree Killer
Not a Killer
You Scored as Not a Killer
The average person finds it unthinkable to take another human life. Whether it's empathy or simply fear of getting caught, those who cannot kill will forever be the victims of those who can.
You Scored as Serial Killer

Haunted by the demons of mental illness, sexual deviancy, and traumatic childhoods, Serial Killers are driven to kill by a compulsion they cannot even begin to fight.
ou Scored as Not a KillerThe average person finds it unthinkable to take another human life. Whether it's empathy or simply fear of getting caught, those who cannot kill will forever be the victims of those who can.

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 150"]Not a Killer[/TD]
[TD="width: 130"][TABLE="width: 35%"]
[TD="width: 40, align: center"]35%[/TD]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 150"]Serial Killer[/TD]
[TD="width: 130"][TABLE="width: 25%"]
[TD="width: 40, align: center"]25%[/TD]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 150"]Sociopathic Killer[/TD]
[TD="width: 130"][TABLE="width: 15%"]
[TD="width: 40, align: center"]15%[/TD]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 150"]Passionate Killer[/TD]
[TD="width: 130"][TABLE="width: 5%"]
[TD="width: 40, align: center"]5%[/TD]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 150"]Spree Killer[/TD]
[TD="width: 130"][TABLE="width: 5%"]
[TD="width: 40, align: center"]5%

lol, is all I have to say.