I’m pretty picky in what I listen to. I don’t think I absolutely like or absolutely hate the whole of any genre. Similarly, when people tell me they hate a genre (rap, country, metal, whatever), after some probing I usually find that what they mean is they hate the popular music from that genre. And who can blame them? Music has a strange metric by which it becomes popular these days and with the exception of viral and sleeper hits, most music that is played on the radio is engineered to be popular. This is why most of the songs you’ll hear on the radio sounds very similar to other songs.
More than corporate label takeover, more than the death of physical media and the absolute dominance of the digital format, I think the key factor to why the music industry is in the position that it’s in is because of the automation of DJs. Previously DJs would have a lot more freedoms being able to play what they wanted to play; maybe something new, something they just thought was cool, something to promote a band coming to town. Somewhere along the lines a switch occurred and now with radio stations being owned by various corporations or labels, they play exclusively whatever is currently on the Billboard 100, with maybe a few older hits peppered in. I can think of a few radio stations in my town that don’t even have DJs, the whole thing seems to be automated and run by computers.
Anyway this is probably my biggest grievance regarding the music industry. The system is gamed and presented as authentic and the end result is shitty music being popular and people thinking, no fault to them, that music is getting worse. The truth is there’s still loads of good music around, and in every genre. You just have to search a bit harder to find it.