Music you have to crank up in the car


Regular Poster
What's your "jam" music? What music do you love so much that if you're driving, you have to crank it up to full volume?

I have to admit, I love this moldy oldie. Though to be fair, it probably has a lot to do with the title. :D


Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It's the only way to live
In cars

Here in my car
I can only receive
I can listen to you
It keeps me stable for days
In cars

Here in my car
Where the image breaks down
Will you visit me please?
If I open my door
In cars

Here in my car
I know I've started to think
About leaving tonight
Although nothing seems right
In cars
i no longer drive, but when i did i liked tunes with a lot of percussion.
I tend to keep it low during my daily drives but at night, when I have the roads to myself, I like disrespect my surroundings.

Was listening to this type of music last night, windows down, no people around me. It's a liberating experience I tell ya.

Ooh! Good ones! I have to add another one I just discovered (The Kooks, "Junk of the Heart")

I recently got excited when a public radio station I was listening to played a cover of JJ Cale's "Crazy Mama" by the BAND. A killer version, unfortunately not available on YOUTUBE.

For some reason I'm always thrilled when a radio station plays something I own on CD, and I'll crank it up immediately, even if it's just "Gentle On My Mind" by Glen Campbell.
Listen to a lot of hip/hop + alt. stuffs in the car.




Or anything similar.
Not just in my car, but I also cranked up my headphone speakers when I just played it on Youtube :)


I love playing it all loud, but not many other songs fit as well as this one!


This song will always be turned up to 11 on any radio playing it (and if You don't "get" that number 11, you can't call yourself a real headbanger!)

[video=youtube;LQEgZNqa8jE] 4s[/video]

I posted this before, but it needs to be said again, and again, and again...


This one's bound to get the cops called on me in this little nothing of a town I live in but, how can you not play it loud??





Mostly classic rock.
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acd: thumbs up for "judy blue eyes" .. !

another few of my favorites





And the list goes on and on !
are you ready?

I thought this would be a reference to Korn. Yeah, I sorta like their first album - I give it 3 stars out of 5. Everything else they ever did was shit.

Anyway, your post made me think of 0:49

im not a huge korn fan ...this is the only korn song i like