Music you have to crank up in the car

I like to call it cruising music:


Of course, blast it as you drive over the queensborough bridge in New York City for optimum results. (You'll see the rooftop for Silvercup Studios - the final Highlander scene sword fight - off to the side)
Fire it Up by Modest Mouse

Just love this song cranked up loud on a nice sunny drive

In town or in traffic, I'd rather listen to radio talk shows or the news.

Rock (classic, blues, country, southern) songs for +80 miles/hr rides:



(vulgar, but it's the music that I like)

If I am going out clubbing or partying with some friends, I like to put on some of Christina Aguilera's songs to set the mood:



(also, vulgar)

I was almost late to lab because this song came on when I parked and I had to do the dance. : D
How can you not live in the southwest and crank up the Eagles????!?



Love 80s

truth is, i listen to most music loud. but there is a song that plays on an australian radio station at the moment called we bros by wu lyf. and i like it very much.
Take it easy - Eagles. What more can be said?

To her door - Paul Kelly. Paul Kelly is one of my favourites of all time

Kill you - Eminem. Always fun, especaily when youre pissed off