Muslim Women

The silliness of your posts.

"Muslim women are so hot, but its just too hard to win ones affections! Can you imagine praying during the day?" - seriously? haha its just so obvious.

I like to throw some subtle humor in my posts. Whether or not it's trolling is subjective and up to you. But I'm not going to argue with anyone on this post because its not what the topic is about.
ive seen some cute muslim girls, but i dont think that they will ever put an eye on a hairy heathen like me ahahha

and it would be very difficult not to have problems with her. it must be very hard for a non muslim to be with a girl like that. Only if the muslim girl is not so strict about her religion
You're fetishizing an entire population of women--
Basically turning Muslim women into sex objects, which is degrading.
Why does admiration of one woman's outspokenness necessitate sexualizing her or others who share her beliefs?

I get the sense that the well-spoken and intelligent Muslim woman in your video wouldn't be so stupid as to fall for such immaturity...

And wtf are you talking about you are attracted to their hair and eye and skin color? Islam is one of the world's fastest growing religions..
That means that people of all demographics and ethnicities are practicing...
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Maybe its that whole "want what you can't have" phenomenon. The word "fetishizing" seems a little extreme to me; the connotation associated with "fetish" is usually something perverted. Also I don't think there is anything immature about thinking Muslim women are hot, maybe I just expressed it in a "silly" way.

Look up the word.
What you call the 'pheonomenon' of your attraction is really just the mocking of one of the tenets of their beliefs.
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ive seen some cute muslim girls, but i dont think that they will ever put an eye on a hairy heathen like me ahahha

and it would be very difficult not to have problems with her. it must be very hard for a non muslim to be with a girl like that. Only if the muslim girl is not so strict about her religion

Don't hella Muslim dudes rock facial hair and stuff. You could pull one. Except pretending to be a Muslim just to date one would be psychopathic, so that sucks.
You're fetishizing an entire population of women--
Basically turning Muslim women into sex objects, which is degrading.
Why does admiration of one woman's outspokenness necessitate sexualizing her or others who share her beliefs?

I get the sense that the well-spoken and intelligent Muslim woman in your video wouldn't be so stupid as to fall for such immaturity...

And wtf are you talking about you are attracted to their hair and eye and skin color? Islam is one of the world's fastest growing religions..
That means that people of all demographics and ethnicities are practicing...

You keep editing your comments and it's confusing. Anyways, I don't think Muslim women are hot because of one video that I saw on youtube. I have thought they were hot for a while now. I was just using the girl on the vid as an example of a woman that was outspoken because someone said they usually aren't. I was trying to show that I'm not attracted to them for being passive, if anything its the opposite. I'm attracted to them because they tend to have a subtle confidence about them, like the girl in the vid.

And when I was talking about the eye and skin color, I was talking about Middle Eastern women. There are a lot of Muslims in the Middle East. I don't think I mentioned their hair but their hair is definitely hot too.
I disagree not all of them are quiet and passive. The muslim woman wearing the burqa in this video is hot. I would consider her outspoken.

I wouldn't say she's "hot" ... but I enjoyed listening to what she had to say.
I disagree not all of them are quiet and passive. The muslim woman wearing the burqa in this video is hot. I would consider her outspoken.


I'm confused. Don't get me wrong. Not wanting to I insult anyone. just trying understand. But what exactly about her is "hot"? I can imagine she's dying for air under that thing so maybe she is hot
or warm. But I don't think that's what you meant. Was it the corner of her eye from under that big black tarp she has wrapped all over her. The only curve I can make out is her eyelid. There's a member here Sali. You should go visit his posts. If you're turned in by an eyelid, then wait till you see what he posts picture of.
I'm confused. Don't get me wrong. Not wanting to I insult anyone. just trying understand. But what exactly about her is "hot"? I can imagine she's dying for air under that thing so maybe she is hot
or warm. But I don't think that's what you meant. Was it the corner of her eye from under that big black tarp she has wrapped all over her. The only curve I can make out is her eyelid. There's a member here Sali. You should go visit his posts. If you're turned in by an eyelid, then wait till you see what he posts picture of.

Your definition of "hot" seems to only involve a persons physical traits. My definition of "hot" involves physical traits, but it also involves personality traits. What makes this Muslim woman hot is her linguistics, her confidence, her individuality, and her intelligence. Basically I just use the word "hot" differently than you do, that's why you were confused.

And so you don't get confused even more; this is ImNotFullyJressed I just changed my SN to chulo
Are you referring to the women speaking or the one of the left who you really can't see? The women speaking making the argument I thought was brave, although not clear on whether she was speaking for herself. Didn't seem life she was. But I can understand your definition of "hot." I might use a different word still but can definitely relate to being attracted to women that demonstrate or exemplify certain strengths. My wife for one. I keep talking about my wife on this forum I think people will not read what I say. Lol.
Can you imagine stopping whatever you are doing and praying 5 times a day???
I couldn't have imagined it, either, but I got to a point where I needed prayer for half an hour or more at a time for emotional support several times a day. So yeah, ritualistic prayer is cool, but heartfelt prayer is practical! hehe... anywayz I digress.
Wait, do you love MUSLIM Women, or Middle-Eastern women?

My country has a lot of Muslim, and not a lot are Middle-Eastern.. o_o;
I couldn't have imagined it, either, but I got to a point where I needed prayer for half an hour or more at a time for emotional support several times a day. So yeah, ritualistic prayer is cool, but heartfelt prayer is practical! hehe... anywayz I digress.

Prayer and self-reflection can be very useful at times. When times get rough people turn to prayer.
Are you referring to the women speaking or the one of the left who you really can't see? The women speaking making the argument I thought was brave, although not clear on whether she was speaking for herself. Didn't seem life she was. But I can understand your definition of "hot." I might use a different word still but can definitely relate to being attracted to women that demonstrate or exemplify certain strengths. My wife for one. I keep talking about my wife on this forum I think people will not read what I say. Lol.

The one on the left wearing the Burqa.
Not all Muslim women are dirty and live in a corner. The ones that have access to running water shower everyday like the rest of us. Also the Muslim religion requires that everyone showers on Friday before prayer and that they don't eat pork because pigs are dirty. Someone can easily make the argument that Muslims are cleaner than most people because most religions don't require you to shower at least once a week and eat a healthy diet.

I was being funny. In my own mind. And maybe disrespectful.

I want to say I'm sorry. Sorry cause I know better and really haven't educated myself. There is a disdain for Muslim culture since 911.

But I am hypocritical since I don't like racist global assertions but participate in them at the same time.

In short, I think if there is a culture of people that live the way they do by choice, then it sounds positive. When I read, and maybe it's the mainstream American propaganda machine, but I have had a multi cultural upbringing so I'm not that ignorant, but when you see women tortured on the BBC for what is being represented as disobeying some imposed moral law, I take issue with that. So maybe all the people in Iraq that live in dirt huts are there because they are practicing some self imposed Franciscan suffering and from the suffering comes joy and enlightenment.
But I'm going to assume those pictures are of people that would rather have clean water. And the imposed rules that keep them under garb are exactly that, imposed and not practiced because they have chosen it for themselves.
Not knowing anything else is not the same as choosing. IMO.
Exactly! The last 15 seconds where she talked about how the Burqa forced people to see her brain without being distracted by her physical appearance. It was a contrary but valid perspective on something that most people see as oppressive. I think people have an exaggerated image about Muslim women, Rferraris comment was a perfect example.

No I think what you heard is what you wanted to hear.

There are plenty of women all around me that run businesses, have families, are Veterinarians, lawyers. To name a few. They are very powerful. Very beautiful. Physically and as people.
They don't need to hide their faces to be taken seriously. It's insulting to suggest that is what a women should need to do in order to be taken seriously. Only an asshole would sit there salivating instead if hearing another person. To me it's the costume you put on that makes you play the part. If you really want to be brave, undress and then speak your mind.

I'm going to dress so that you can't see me. I'm curious if I'm able to articulate the point. And I doubt you'll understand it, but here goes. If you lived in a culture where there is mutual respect then when a person spoke regardless if they were a man or women you might be inclined to take them seriously. And you might not be so erect because of how unusual it is for a women to stand up for herself. If you even thought to repeat yourself to the women around me you get your ass kicked. I'd probably be the one to do it.

See where your thread was misguided from the start. You had to get here to see.

I think in her circumstance she is brave.
That by itself does very little for me. I respect that it makes your day.
I wound suggest you learn that for other cultures taking women seriously is a given. Or I expect you will learn the hard way.