Global warming is a fact. The degree to which it is occurring is in dispute, but just because a handful of scientists got caught hiding a decline and throwing out raw data does not mean it is not occurring or there is a global conspiracy. To think so is ludicrous and ignores the work of thousands of scientists around the world. Has there been global warming hysteria? Perhaps, but to treat global warming as a an outright hoax is an act of hysteria in itself.
I hate propaganda. I'm not surprised when I see certain people eagerly buying into it with little critical thinking.
Actually the fact is that the climate has been cooling since 1995, your talking points are far out of date and you are patently wrong and spreading lies. Shame on your and your disgusting ignorance. Edit a PUG into this bitch and lets see you disprove the "propaganda". I dare you.
Could you provide the actual journals which support your position? I love when people post videos which almost always take results and data out of context or overgeneralize their results.
Watch the video, he cites all his studies.
So basically, you haven't reviewed a single one of the studies that he has cited? Wow, Billy, you sure have excellent critical thinking skills if the extent of your skepticism is complete acceptance of the information without any review of the sources to see if the information is being accurately portrayed.
I think you initial emotional response goes a long way to indicate which part of your brain has been affected by this video. Clearly it is not the rational part.
Why would I? that's your job, you're the skeptic. Are you going to put up or shut up monkey boy?
As I said, I hate propaganda, and until actual studies are brought in to this discussion, there really isn't much to discuss. Simply provide the studies that are cited in this video and we can go over the results one by one to see if they have been accurately portrayed.
Get out of my thread, you have no place here, you are a hypocrite and full of BS. You couldnt even watch the video which cites its own studies after each point.
I'll gladly leave your thread. It is pretty pointless. I simply wanted to see the degree to which you have analyzed this video for accuracy.
Propagandists sure do love when people accept that the cites in their videos alone are proof that they have accurately portrayed the results of the studies.
totally agree, that anyone in this day and age can believe in the lies of the global warming hoaxists is insane to me.
I watched it and I don't think it accurately articulates the state of things at all. He is sensationalizing...I might even vote on the propoanda side, too. I've heard several presentations from top climatologists myself...some he cited. They are not extremists...either for the "it doesn't matter side" or the "catastrophe" side. It is an area of science where rock-solid certainty is legitimately and rightly hard to come by so efforts in this regard should continue.
But this guy's constant barrage of inflamatory language discredits him. I think he is fear-mongering in the face of Copenhagen, if he was a bit more professional it would help. Maybe he was pandering to his immediate audience...but I don't think so. His politics has compromised his objectivity, as it does with many these days. He also apparently loves to talk. Even so, if he can add a critical edge to the current debate, then, in the end, his efforts may help the discussion move forward.
FWIW, I don't think we will change anything for economic reasons and I think "whatever" is happening climate-wise will continue. We simply do not have the will as a species to circumnavigate the status quo. I do share his concerns for poor, though, assuming he wasn't using that for dramatic effect...hard to tell.
I suppose discourse before a public audience requires a bit of melodrama...he does that well, I suppose.
There have been more hot days in years past -- more cold days too. In fact, the weather has been getting pretty strange, with more severe storms and stuff like that too.
I really could give two shits less about whether global warming is true or not. Those who believe either sides believe it to the end, very very strongly. It could be happening; it could not be happening. I've seen very real evidence to support both. I don't think an extremist is going to push my opinion one way or the other, because I find it very hard to believe when someone says "It's definitely real!" just as I find it extremely hard to believe that "It's all a hoax!"
Here's what I do believe:
The number of people in the world is increasing exponentially.
We are using huge amounts of resources.
We are pumping great amounts of pollution in the air. Whether it's causing warming or not, it's still very unhealthy, and we don't have as many trees to clean the air.
Precious ecosystems are being destroyed. In our lifetimes, things like barrier reefs may no longer exist.
There are more stronger storms. Whether natural or not, the climate has been changing.
We have more trash than we need to have.
And I could go on.
Who cares if it's true or not! I think we should act as if it is, if only because that would help more than it would hinder anyways. We need to concentrate on the environment regardless, because we directly effect it and it directly effects us.
Good video.
Especially the end where he points to the fact that radiation being reflected back into space has steadily increased the past 20 years, and not decreased as various institutions has claimed using computer models.
I agree completely...and from the presenter's opening comments, it seems he might agree on some level, too. I think what is at stake here is the huge task of significantly reducing CO2 does boggle the mind. Some say it would be impossible to reverse anyway...we might only be able to slow it. In any case, the financial systems and profiteers (who probably run this planet) cannot realistically allow such an upset. I think that is what is really motivating a good part of this debate. Change is fine to talk about, putting it "where the rubber meet the road" is another matter.I think we should act as if it is, if only because that would help more than it would hinder anyways. We need to concentrate on the environment regardless, because we directly effect it and it directly effects us.