must we have a 'passion'?

I seriously believe that one should do what his mind is on about, if this can be called passion by itself, however just as one of the posters above has mention it, doing certain things 24/7 can be rather draining, obviously including following your passions. Life it appears should be lived in a rather balanced fashion, nothing that is done too much can be satisfying for oneself, and we all do look for satisfaction itself. I love my music production and I would love to do it as a job, however just like with everything, a job should be done for a certain time of the day, the rest is for the sake of your own needs.
Passions are ok.
There is no clock on passion. It lasts as long as it lasts.
its totally ok to go through life without passion.

what is with the negative attitudes towards passion here? OP, who do you think you are to say people are lying to themselves about Shakespeare? lots of people are passionate about Shakespeare and his work. just because you cant imagine being passionate about literary scholarship you decide other people cant be? that is called an ego problem.

and FA, are you suggesting that it is necessary to abandon every other aspect of living a life in order to pursue a passion?
If you don´t miss passion and you are satisfied with life in general, there is nothing wrong. Make life that suits you, not one others want for you.
I remember back when I was applying to universities this seemed to be the question-du-jour.

Do you really have to like what you do?
Isn't it enough to find it interesting/challenging?
As far as I'm concerned, that's the same thing as liking it.

Personally, I've never really liked anything I've studied, or school at all, for that instance, but I do it because learning math is way better than putting up with all those awful managers I've had over the years. Sometimes, anyways.
I'd rather party on the beach all day. Problem with that is, there's bills to pay.

But I don't really like it. I think it's interesting and I enjoy it in bitesize doses, but if whatever I was studying at the moment was the be-all and end-all of my existence, I think I'd probably kill myself. I don't like anything that much.
What you're studying doesn't have to be the most important thing in your life.

Also, I think when people say, "writing papers about Shakespeare is my passion", they are probably lying, not only to us, but to themselves.
It's tragic.

Life is rich with things to experience and it's a waste of one's life to live sedentarily.

"Get action. Seize the moment. Man was never intended to become an oyster."
-Theodore Roosevelt

My only goal as far as education is concerned is to learn something useful that someone will hire me for later on. Which I at least like a little bit. But admitting this makes me come off like a 'sell-out', and so I don't.
There's nothing wrong with selling out if it means that you're left with enough time to experience life.

I wonder a lot whether other people feel the same way, but won't admit it either.