My Brains Are Made Of Space

ALSO, interesting me note that probably isn't really interesting to anyone else: I sound a LOT like an INFP most of the time. However, I make lists of things to do, write lots of outlines and plan things ahead of time, and feel pretty independant about my relationships (current stance on boys: "dear heavens. another thing to take up my time? PLEASE. go AWAY").
You could still be an INFP despite these things...
You could still be an INFP despite these things...

I've been seriously considering J score is always really low.

At the same time, though, I watch what I do in the darkroom - I plan everything out from test printing the negative to see if I need to fix it, to seeing how the print comes out on different materials, to doing several test prints once I figure out what materials work to make sure everything works out well - and then I watch what my ISFP, very P, friend does - as he just jumps in without any thought and starts printing his big prints without doing any tests - and I think to myself, "this is me being J." (that was a really long sentence.)

I think the spacey is from my Ni and my Ne being my strongest two functions(?).

I also think that my P is coming out right now because I am SO brain-dead that I can't do anything J-like ever.
And I Don't Like It!

Am I the only person who forgets their words in the middle of sentences? Who misplaces things? Who forgets assignments? Who wanders around with a bemused look on their face?

And what is it about the INFJ(p?)ness of me that DOES this?

....and what personality type should I marry so that I don't accidentally misplace my CHILDREN??


believe me, your children will not allow you to misplace them. They have ballistic missile nuclear submarine capabilities. I try hiding from my twins at various times of day but they have Mommy Radar and a very high frequency sonar that sounds like "mommymommymommymommymommy"....
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believe me, your children will not allow you to misplace them. They have ballistic missile nuclear submarine capabilities. I try hiding from my twins at various times of day but they have Mommy Radar and a very high frequency sonar that sounds like "mommymommymommymommymommy"....

AH. That sounds vaguely terrifying.

Thinking some more, looking at cognitive functions results...Si and Se are my two lowest scores. Could that have something to do with it?
AH. That sounds vaguely terrifying.

Thinking some more, looking at cognitive functions results...Si and Se are my two lowest scores. Could that have something to do with it?

It is indeed. Fe overload I assure you.

I don't know much, but your theory seems to point towards it. "awareness of present environment" and "recollections of the past and figures" and such.

I wonder how the interdependence works with these??? Hmmmm..

*going to read more*
ahahaha recollection of the past. at the height of my spaceyness, I literally had to ask my best friend, "did I pull an all-nighter this week...?"
This describes me almost perfectly! Seriously. When I read the opening quotation I was like..."!!!!!!! ME! I would write those words!!!"

Also, it said this about Si: "This stealth function in the third position gives INFPs a natural inclination toward absent- mindedness and other-worldliness." aha. yes. win.

I think I might just have to accept my INFp-ness. Even though my P is still very low and close to J (INFJ lists describe me too...)