My wife calls him Donald Dump. I actually like many of his ideas, but feel he talks too much crap for a President. He needs help with implementing some of his strategies. I would try to help with it, but he might fire me. For example: China's trade situation. Trump did not state how China has been breaking our anti-dump policies with steel and other goods. China was breaking our limits over twenty years ago. They would send the limit of pipe to the USA, which left room for other countries' imports here. It left some room for our own products. Then, they would just keep sending and sending more to corner the market. That was forbidden, but nobody tried to do anything about it. Trump tried to fix decades of dumping and denial all at once. My solution?
Simple. Allow them the limits at a reasonable tariff. Anything after that? Hold it at the ports for a quarantine, having them pay fines, extra tariffs, and demurrage. That way, we do nothing as long as they play by the rules...which they do not. Anything over their limits would then cost them too much to ship here. It sounds like we are doing some kind of wrong to China, when we are just trying to be fair to everyone. Why could it not have been stated as such? China is now punishing us and we do not overextend our exports. Good ideas, needed ruling, handled wrongly.