My Latest Wacky Theory

  • Thread starter Thread starter VH
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introverted Intuiting (Ni)*****(37.8)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne)***(38)
Total N = 75.8
Factor = 1.01

extraverted Feeling (Fe)****(31.8)
introverted Feeling (Fi)***(32.9)
Total F = 64.7
Factor = .97

introverted Thinking (Ti)***(30.8)
extraverted Thinking (Te)***(22.5)
Total T = 53.3
Factor = 1.36

extraverted Sensing (Se)***(25.7)
introverted Sensing (Si)**(20.5)
Total S = 46.2
Factor = 1.25

Ni **********X********** Ne
Fi **********X********** Fe
Ti *******X***|********** Te
Si **********|**X******** Se
Von.. I often find myself thinking when reading your posts that it would be interesting to actually sit down with you and pick your brain... However, you would definitely have to be patient with me because, even though I understand what your saying, it all gets blurry to me after a few sentences and I have to go back and force myself to reread and actually get what you're saying. I always feel like I'm studying when I'm reading your theories. They're interesting, but I always just want to give you my results and say, "Here, you do it."

I won't do or say that but, just know, I'm thinking it:m105:..... I'm gonna have to come back to this...

Danke! Ich versuche, meine Gedanken zu erkl
(Ni) *** (41.4)
(Ne) *** (29.3)

Total -- 70.7
Factor -- 1.41

(Fe) *** (38.3)
(Fi)*** (34.3)

Total -- 72.6
Factor -- 1.11

(Te) *** (14.9)
(Ti) *** (24.1)

Total -- 39
Factor -- 1.61

(Se)*** (28.1)
(Si) *** (29.8)

Total -- 57.9
Factor -- 1.06

Okay... so as I was doing this^^ I sort of started to see and understand what you were trying to say. The total is how much of that function we actually use, and the factor is the difference in usage? Does that makes sense...

So now.. this next part of the scale so to speak is something I will try to find understand hands on also.. Let me know if I am wrong.

Ni ******X**|**********Ne
Fi *********|*X********Fe
Ti *****X***|**********Te
Si *******X*|**********Se

Okay... did I do this right? ^^
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So now.. this next part of the scale so to speak is something I will try to find understand hands on also.. Let me know if I am wrong.

Ni ******X**|**********Ne
Fi *********|*X********Fe
Ti *****X***|**********Te
Si *******X*|**********Se

Okay... did I do this right? ^^

It looks right to me. I totally guesstimated my scales. There is no accuracy involved in those scales for anyone. I was only implying the graphic I eventually made. (Te)

And yes, it is good for you to do facts and math. It helps raise your Ti and your Te. :-) Never a bad thing, especially for us NF types.

if you have photoshop, I can email you the file I used to make the graphic, with the layers already set up. :-)
Lol! I was trying so hard to figure out the X placement. I'm such a dork! *shakes head* I'm the dork of dorks.. but it gave me something to do.. although to be honest.. I have lots to do.. It was still fun. :D
I graphed your results Gloomy...

Retook it for experimental reasons --

extraverted Sensing (Se) ************************* (25.7)
average use
introverted Sensing (Si) ******************** (20.5)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************** (38)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************* (37.8)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ********************** (22.5)
limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ****************************** (30.8)
good use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ******************************* (31.8)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ******************************** (32.9)
good use

View attachment 1236

From the looks of it, you're just as much an ENFP as you are an INFJ.

It might be interesting to see if your self assessment scores are influenced by your other functions, and Ti result is raised by your Fi and your Se result is raised by your Ne. If that's the case, you're actually an ENFP. Or, your Ni and Fe might be raising your respective Ne and Fi results.

The last option is the one I've recently adopted, which is you're simply all the above.

Cognitive Process
extraverted Sensing (Se) ********************* (21.8)limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ***************************** (29.8)average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************** (38.9)excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************************* (31.8)good use
extraverted Thinking (Te) *********************** (23.9)limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) *************************** (27.6)average use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************************* (25.7)average use
introverted Feeling (Fi) **************************************** (40.1)excellent use

Yeah, so I tried taking this while mildly under the influence of alcohol(I was able to finally slink away from a party, no I'm not an alcoholic drinking alone taking personality tests), haha! And this is what i got, which, about what I expected. I usually am a little closer to INFJ functions than this, but, I suspect this is obscured a little by my deepening understanding of the actual functions, but, I say that just to be responsible, I normally try to search myself as objectively as I inhumanly can. EDIT: Except, perhaps when I am slightly tipsy the temptation is stronger to focus on my understanding of the functions, and then to decide my responce a little more whimsically. I am definately an INFP, but I'd eat right up any occasion that someone thought I was an INFJ, INTP, or INFP! I'm usually zeroed out on Se, which, I think I somewhat consciously changed this time. But, suffice to say, Se is not a function I am a fan of...
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What program did you use for this? I wanna make myself a graph! (I loooooooooove graphs :D)
I don't have photoshop, but in two weeks I will (I'm getting a macbookpro and my mom is getting me free photoshop), so I am gonna put you on hold for a bit :tongue1:
I graphed your results Gloomy...

View attachment 1236

From the looks of it, you're just as much an ENFP as you are an INFJ.

It might be interesting to see if your self assessment scores are influenced by your other functions, and Ti result is raised by your Fi and your Se result is raised by your Ne. If that's the case, you're actually an ENFP. Or, your Ni and Fe might be raising your respective Ne and Fi results.

The last option is the one I've recently adopted, which is you're simply all the above.


Hell, let's just throw the I/E and J/P out of there completely! They're just weighing me down -- I'm all N and F (and T when it comes up)!

I could see ENFP a little, but I think I'm probably INFJ that's slowly, but surely, branching off until I just swallow the entire N and F axises whole.
I don't have photoshop, but in two weeks I will (I'm getting a macbookpro and my mom is getting me free photoshop), so I am gonna put you on hold for a bit :tongue1:

Yeah I got it for free aswell, through, ahem, a friend named Vuze