My MBTI type.

My Type

  • INFJ

    Votes: 15 88.2%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other NF

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You don't fit the MBTI.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ok, I am once again struggling through the process of figuring out my MBTI type and after much introspecting, I have come to the conclusion that I am an ENFJ. Now I am still rather uncertain but I figured ENFJ made the most sense.

Here let's analyze my ENFJ traits:

-I apply feeling before the use of intuition, I always first consider how it will affect everyone, how others will think and I am always concern with being polite before explaining my theories.

-Though I am very self-reflective, I also enjoy the company of others, though I prefer smaller groups much more, I will get lonely if I don't see this group often and can become trap in negative emotions.

-Once I warm up to someone, it is extremely hard for me to let go, I become addicted and can become severely depressed if a good friend were to walk out of my life.

-I enjoy the role of a teacher, I love teaching others and I also enjoy watching them reach their full potential,it brings me great joy to see others happy.

Why I might still be an INFJ:

-I know shyness does not mean introversion, though there seems to be some correlation. I am very shy and have difficulty starting conversations. This does not mean I do not want conversation, I enjoy telling others about my theories it is just that I find myself unable to express myself correctly and well sometimes I fear my topics of discussion will bore people

-I am very reflective and introspecting, I need time to reflect and think about life. Some might consider me to be ''deep'' or ''mysterious''
- I also enjoy solitary activities such as reading and listening to music in my room

-I find myself sometimes more interested in finding meanings and patterns than connecting with other people ( this is where my Ni wins my Fe out)

-I am quite, do not usually enjoy loud noises or parties, take time to think and let ideas flow though my mind and I do not feel very comfortable given a big speech.

As you can see I demonstrate traits of both INFJ and ENFJ, after all the types are off by 1 letter which is how they gain energy and well they share the same cognitive spread. I have also heard that ENFJ's tend to be quite introverted extroverts. They take time to think things through due to Ni, need alone and recharging time to empower their vision through Ni and well they seem overly extroverted due to their great concern in helping others and making them reach their potential. I have always imagined myself in said role of a teacher.

My latest cognitive spread demonstrated the following pattern: Fe>Te>Ni>Si>Ti>Ne>Se>Fi, as you can tell there is an increase in the use of extroverted functions. I have also noticed that most of my INFJ results come off from when I am in a melancholy mood and I get ENFJ when I am at my peak. Fe Te Ni and Si are all very close as they are my most used processes, followed y Ti which I will say it's a bit above average and the rest just quickly fall down in terms of how much I apply them.

Now I have also come to the conclusion that due to said preferences I am indeed an NJ variant which can switch between INFJ, ENFJ, INTJ and ENTJ given the right time and position, of course this is theory but it is the only explanation I can come up with. The strong Si also makes my J score quite strong.

So in your honest opinion and after such analysis

Which type do you think I am?
i don't really feel qualified to say, considering my history with my MBTI type and my overall lack of knowledge about some of the cognitive processes...
You're fairly young so I think it might still be a little up in the air for you. With that being said you seem like an ENFJ to me. Also, don't confuse introversion and extroversion of mbti with their normal denotative meanings.
Hey hon, I still believe you're an INFJ.

We have had so many conversations on MSN that I feel I know you very well and love you a whole ton. I feel it's safe for me to say that you are INFJ who is dealing with internal inner shifts due to "life", and you could be displaying traits of different types. You have amazing Ni. Sorry if I am frustrating you by stating my belief that you're INFJ when you're thinking you're actually an E. I understand how frustrating type confusion is.
either infp or infj. this reminds me of the thread ria made; you two seem of a similar personality type.
Hey are to me true blue INFJ...I agree with Ria.

I think its funny that none of the INFJ's want to be INFJ's anymore...are we just to scared of being so...uncommon?
I think its funny that none of the INFJ's want to be INFJ's anymore...are we just to scared of being so...uncommon?

I think this phenomenon is the result of how our functions interact.

Ni wants the most single most correct answer possible.
Fe wants to define social roles and categorize honestly.
Ti wants to tinker with how things work and seeks authenticity.

In INFJs, we start this process of self discovery and find that we are INFJs...but our Ni can't stop trying to self discover, which forces Fe to keep adapting the self's social role, which forces Ti to keep tinkering which sends it back to Ni... and the process begins again.

From what I've seen, this is a big cycle, usually takes months to roll through the entire loop. This distinguishes us from the Ne types, which roll through their ambivalence about their type very quickly, and from the Fi types who feel very strongly that they are whatever type they want to be without double checking much. It also distinguishes us from the Te types who already see how this relates, and the Si types who won't deviate from the manual once a choice has been made. Most importantly, it distinguishes us from ENFJs because this logic loop doesn't include Se, which is their tertiary function. An ENFJ just wouldn't bother geeking out like this because they'd hit Se before they got to Ti, and Se would be too busy living in the moment to throw this thought process back to Ni or Fe.

Sorry, Gabe, but the fact that you do this once every few months just like the rest of us means you are in fact one of us. You're an INFJ with a well developed Fe which was likely forced to develop by having to meet the STJ expectations in your family. That's where mine came from.

Also, keep in mind that you're not done building your cognitive processes or preferences. You're still developing as a person. From time to time you're going to have growth spurts in various functions, and before this is all done, you may actually form a different personality type. The standard model for cognitive maturity is 25 years old, but I'm here to confirm that some of us continue well past that. Just be who you are, because who you are is awesome.
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What Von said. :D

And truth be told, I struggled over my personality and type for years. I mean, it took me a good fifteen years before I finally accepted my type (that's like, half of everyone's life on this board...or more). It's okay to take time - but remember two things: One, not one of us - any of us - are 100% our type and two, enjoy who you are on the way to where you're going. You *will* wake up one day and go, "aha! That's it" and on that day you'll truly be satisfied. Problem is you'll have to exhaust all of your options to get there, first. Once *you* make the realization in your heart, and you accept it, you'll have your answer.
I think you are an INFJ

I think the reason that you concider everyones feelings before you use your Ni is because of your home situation and social anxiety. I do that too, when I don't feel secure I concider everyones feelings and thoughts before doing or saying something. But I know now that I don't feel very comfortable doing that. It is not my comfort zone, Fi is. So does it feel comfortable using Fe so intensively or not?

Also I think all the treads you wrote under ENFJ, in my opinion, are rather INFJ treads then INFJ treads. The fact that you only like small groups of people means you are an introvert. The fact that you warm up slowly for someone also means you are an introvert. Being social, or to enjoy the company of others doesn't automaticaly mean you are an extravert, introverts enjoy that too, only less intensive. My view on ENFJs is that they have a gift in helping people. They are the kind of people everyone goes to for help because they give away an air of openness "whathever you ask me, I'll do my best to help you". When I use Fe intensively, I'm still not approchable. The reason I concider other peoples feelings or try to help them is because I desperately need a support group and not because I have a natural flair of helping others.
Ok, I am once again struggling through the process of figuring out my MBTI type and after much introspecting, I have come to the conclusion that I am an ENFJ. Now I am still rather uncertain but I figured ENFJ made the most sense.

Here let's analyze my ENFJ traits:

-I apply feeling before the use of intuition, I always first consider how it will affect everyone, how others will think and I am always concern with being polite before explaining my theories.

-Though I am very self-reflective, I also enjoy the company of others, though I prefer smaller groups much more, I will get lonely if I don't see this group often and can become trap in negative emotions.

-Once I warm up to someone, it is extremely hard for me to let go, I become addicted and can become severely depressed if a good friend were to walk out of my life.

-I enjoy the role of a teacher, I love teaching others and I also enjoy watching them reach their full potential,it brings me great joy to see others happy.

Why I might still be an INFJ:

-I know shyness does not mean introversion, though there seems to be some correlation. I am very shy and have difficulty starting conversations. This does not mean I do not want conversation, I enjoy telling others about my theories it is just that I find myself unable to express myself correctly and well sometimes I fear my topics of discussion will bore people

-I am very reflective and introspecting, I need time to reflect and think about life. Some might consider me to be ''deep'' or ''mysterious''
- I also enjoy solitary activities such as reading and listening to music in my room

-I find myself sometimes more interested in finding meanings and patterns than connecting with other people ( this is where my Ni wins my Fe out)

-I am quite, do not usually enjoy loud noises or parties, take time to think and let ideas flow though my mind and I do not feel very comfortable given a big speech.

Good comparative analysis. I see what you mean actually. When we're at a low point, we tend to identify with traits which reflect our state mind, our comfort zone. We notice and exercise one set of traits but ignore or neglect the existence of other traits, which often means we don't perceive the full picture of who we are.
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yea von said it perfectly! and Like Arby, I have had a few years to just stop questioning. I still do from time to time because I am a P/J cusp.