My radical centrism


I have a question about my political philosophy. It just drive people nuts it seems because I am a "radical centrist". My "Radical Centrism" drives peoples nuts because take 2 issues I can agree either a Democrat or a Republican on 1 of the 2 issues that I talk to them about. They walk away frustrated after the political debate is over. Does anybody else share my political philosophy? I kinda define myself as a Moderate-Liberal Libertarian or even maybe a Moderate Libertarian Liberal. I always thought of my views as semi-Progressive but not very left-wing Progressive. Like I agree with the left with Trade Issues and Progressive Taxation(exception their "tax the rich theme") but not on "Stimulus" or "ObamaCare". I can agree with the right on Voter ID and holding a pro-life position in regards to the abortion issue(with exception of rape, incest, and life of the mother) but not on same-sex marriage.
You know its hard to say we are wrong for having a great desire to compromise and to do what is right for the greater good. Some people don't believe there is a philosophy for our standpoint but I would call it wisdom. That wisdom may come off as intolerable or even indifferent but if it takes longer to process an argument its not because we're stupid. You and I are the people who mix human rights with justice and justice with human rights. We are those weirdos who are wishy-washy on what is true because we are the minority-majority. For example, if a man breaks into a pharmacy to save his wife from dying that would be justifiable. A man however, just because he is human cannot break in 2 or 3 times after that. Things like morality tend to make me barf because deep down people cannot become as evil as much as they can become good.
I have a question about my political philosophy. It just drive people nuts it seems because I am a "radical centrist". My "Radical Centrism" drives peoples nuts because take 2 issues I can agree either a Democrat or a Republican on 1 of the 2 issues that I talk to them about. They walk away frustrated after the political debate is over. Does anybody else share my political philosophy? I kinda define myself as a Moderate-Liberal Libertarian or even maybe a Moderate Libertarian Liberal. I always thought of my views as semi-Progressive but not very left-wing Progressive. Like I agree with the left with Trade Issues and Progressive Taxation(exception their "tax the rich theme") but not on "Stimulus" or "ObamaCare". I can agree with the right on Voter ID and holding a pro-life position in regards to the abortion issue(with exception of rape, incest, and life of the mother) but not on same-sex marriage.
I feel you. We need more centrist politicians.
I think people get too caught up in definitions and labels. It's a tool for sure to make conversation easier, but it really takes away from the points we're trying to make. For example, being a "leftist" does that mean that you're a communist, socialist, social democrat or maybe an american left-libertarian, and even then would the notion of say libertarian closely define your political stance?

I think it's important we can look at these questions without putting them in the perspective of whatever label we've chosen to identify with. Same with how we look at others, ask them what questions they believe in, not just what labels they put onto themselves.
Well for the 2020 Australian elections, I plan on making my own political party because nothing fits what I really believe in. The more I talk to my friends and professors the less I agree with any mainstream party.

I'm sure all the right wing parties will call me left wing because I am supportive of LGBTQ, and I'm sure the left will call me right wing for my distaste in unions and desire for a more market driven (but carefully regulated) economy.
I have a question about my political philosophy. It just drive people nuts it seems because I am a "radical centrist". My "Radical Centrism" drives peoples nuts because take 2 issues I can agree either a Democrat or a Republican on 1 of the 2 issues that I talk to them about. They walk away frustrated after the political debate is over. Does anybody else share my political philosophy? I kinda define myself as a Moderate-Liberal Libertarian or even maybe a Moderate Libertarian Liberal. I always thought of my views as semi-Progressive but not very left-wing Progressive. Like I agree with the left with Trade Issues and Progressive Taxation(exception their "tax the rich theme") but not on "Stimulus" or "ObamaCare". I can agree with the right on Voter ID and holding a pro-life position in regards to the abortion issue(with exception of rape, incest, and life of the mother) but not on same-sex marriage.

Count me in. I love this. Too bad it's obviously not catching on. What I would give for objective media and rational people who could see their favorite politicians are not God and the guys across the aisle aren't Satan.

CNN lied through their teeth during the Obama years. Fox News did during the Bush years. CNN were never going to give Trump a chance and they're factitious and dishonest about Obamacare but it doesn't mean that if Trump says a cow is purple when it's clearly and objectively orange they don't have the right to fact check it.
I think it's typical for a lot of people to be able to agree with certain talking points on both sides. I'm usually seen as super liberal, but I'm very supportive of gun rights for individuals (within reason tho-- violent offenders and those with certain mental health diagnoses should not be given licenses.)
I'm firmly middle of the road and centrist. I see things from both sides and despise the kind of 'team sport' psychology that is pervalent in politics. I argue issues, whereas many people seem overly concerned with who said what and --yes--labels. I typically don't get involved in political discourse for this reason.
I'm firmly middle of the road and centrist. I see things from both sides and despise the kind of 'team sport' psychology that is pervalent in politics. I argue issues, whereas many people seem overly concerned with who said what and --yes--labels. I typically don't get involved in political discourse for this reason.
I'm firmly middle of the road and centrist. I see things from both sides and despise the kind of 'team sport' psychology that is pervalent in politics. I argue issues, whereas many people seem overly concerned with who said what and --yes--labels. I typically don't get involved in political discourse for this reason.

I am 'left of centre' but only a little. i value the centre greatly. It may not be 'cool and trendy' but it's where all good things happen and are built. There's so much b.s. noise around politics, then once the parades are over. The real work has to get done.

Extremists are never interested in that part. It doesn't feed their ego and they think it's beneath them. So left or right ? they can take a hike. the only thing politics means to me is keeping that in mind and talking to people. in spite of any labels.
I am 'left of centre' but only a little. i value the centre greatly. It may not be 'cool and trendy' but it's where all good things happen and are built. There's so much b.s. noise around politics, then once the parades are over. The real work has to get done.

Extremists are never interested in that part. It doesn't feed their ego and they think it's beneath them. So left or right ? they can take a hike. the only thing politics means to me is keeping that in mind and talking to people. in spite of any labels.

Agree. I don't think politics is something that should be about what is cool or trendy or what gives you any kind of merit badge. It should be about what makes sense to you when all the facts are in. Whenever you introduce labels and divide people into groups, it is still more about polarized egos than it is about finding a collective solution.

I think it's better to hold labels loosely (this is where my ideas cluster) rather than identify with them (I *am* a liberal/conservative/cream puff/snapdragon etc.) it's difficult, because the label is built into the phrasing but y'know.
Agree. I don't think politics is something that should be about what is cool or trendy or what gives you any kind of merit badge. It should be about what makes sense to you when all the facts are in. Whenever you introduce labels and divide people into groups, it is still more about polarized egos than it is about finding a collective solution.

I think it's better to hold labels loosely (this is where my ideas cluster) rather than identify with them (I *am* a liberal/conservative/cream puff/snapdragon etc.) it's difficult, because the label is built into the phrasing but y'know.

Ha ha, lol. I love that description.

I think with politics I try to see things like an INTJ . Crucially, does it work? But with the proviso, does it harm people.

Provided it works and doesn't harm others. I'm usually in favor.

I read an article once that politics didn't change anything, only science and education did. Naturally I burnt that book. Dangerous. Das Kapital might have been an interesting book (I've never read it) but I'll guess the discovery of modern medicine did more to improve people's lives.

Exit to grapes joke. I've quit the pizza. 3 days now. I'm fine... Aaarg !! No I'm fine. ;)