Community Member
This doesn't affect celebrities alone. It affects human beings in general. Any situation in which someone inflates another's ego, leading them to feel that they are more than they are, they will likely become narcissistic. It's almost inevitable that you begin to think of yourself as bigger and better because everyone keeps telling you that you are.
We're all vulnerable to it to an extent. Some are more susceptible than others of course. But in a culture which values recognition and publicity over everything else, it's hard not to fall victim to it.
Yeah. I noticed, for example, on a certain message board (not this one), that there was a culture that fed narcissism on the message board. There were several persons on the forum that everyone remembered and seemed to respect, and they were always being mean to other people. I wonder if they became narcissistic individuals as a whole necause of their "fame" on the message board or if it was just a role on the web. Most of them have become softer imo but one of the persons (who was one of the most "famous" on the message board) started acting in a more and more narcissistic manner and was eventually banned from the forum, and as I've seen him elsewhere on the web, he acts in a very narcissistic manner all over the web. Probably there have been other issues in his life, too, that have resulted in this, but I wonder if being "famous" on a message board catalysed his narcissistic demeanour.