narcissistic personality inventory

Your Total: 20
Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.

Authority: 3.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 4.00
Exhibitionism: 4.00
Exploitativeness: 3.00
Vanity: 3.00
Entitlement: 2.00
Your Total: 16

Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.
Here's how you rated on the seven component traits of narcissism:
Narcissistic Trait
Strength of Trait Authority: 3.00
Self-Sufficiency: 2.00
Superiority: 4.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 3.00
Vanity: 1.00
Entitlement: 3.00
Your Total: 3

Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.

Here's how you rated on the seven component traits of narcissism:

Narcissistic Trait Authority: 1.00 Self-Sufficiency: 1.00 Superiority: 0.00 Exhibitionism: 0.00 Exploitativeness: 1.00 Vanity: 0.00 Entitlement: 0.00

It's a relief.
Your Total: 4

Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.

Strength of Trait
Authority: 1.00
Self-Sufficiency: 0.00
Superiority: 1.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 1.00

I have zero sense of self-sufficiency?! I may not be a narcissist, but I'm guessing there's some other disorder on the opposite side of the pole I'd be off the charts in. ;)
I have zero sense of self-sufficiency?! I may not be a narcissist, but I'm guessing there's some other disorder on the opposite side of the pole I'd be off the charts in. ;)

Well the possibility to watch out for is Dependent personality disorder. I don't think that's you, though, nor do I think this test is subtle enough to mark the difference between selflessness/altruism and dependency/inverse narcissism.
Nor does it consider the difference between a public and private face. It assumes that if you bend to the will of others at times, for example out of neccessity at work, that you are somehow less self sufficient, but I don't think that's an accurate conclusion.

Like any such test, it paints in primary colours, a mere appromximation of character. :)

Personally, I'm just relieved I'm not numbered amongst the evil N-horde. ;)
Your Total: 6

Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.
Here's how you rated on the seven component traits of narcissism:
Narcissistic Trait
Strength of Trait Authority: 1.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 0.00
Exhibitionism: 1.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 1.00
Entitlement: 1.00

Errr... great... I guess.
Your Total: 6

Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.​

Here's how you rated on the seven component traits of narcissism:​

Narcissistic Trait
Authority: 2.00
Self-Sufficiency: 2.00
Superiority: 1.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 0.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 1.00​
Your Total: 2
Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.

Here's how you rated on the seven component traits of narcissism:

Narcissistic Trait Strength of Trait
Authority: 0.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 0.00
Exhibitionism: 1.00
Exploitativeness: 0.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 0.00

I think my score would have been much higher if I had taken the test years ago. As time goes on I'm more and more impressed with other people and less so with myself.
Authority: 1.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 0.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 2.00
Entitlement: 1.00
Your Total: 7

Authority: 2.00
Self-Sufficiency: 2.00
Superiority: 1.00
Exhibitionism: 1.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 0.00
Your Total: 1

Authority: 1.00
Self-Sufficiency: 0.00
Superiority: 0.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 0.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 0.00
Your Total: 13

Narcissistic Trait

Strength of Trait Authority: 2.00
Self-Sufficiency: 4.00

Superiority: 2.00
Exhibitionism: 2.00
Exploitativeness: 2.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 1.00

Somehow I had a feeling Self-sufficiency would be highest.

And wow, 0.o so many people getting extremely low scores.
Why is being self sufficient being narcissistic?

I guess it might be that you don't expect anything from other people. Because you either don't trust them OR you think that they're incapable of doing things. ~~? Maybe?

But it does seem strange~ because narcissism seems like a negative trait to have, whereas self sufficiency is pretty positive.

I dunno :D
I suppose it's a misnomer in the context of this test. It probably translates to "everyone else but me is incompetent, if you want it done right you have to do it by yourself".
It's actually inverted for self sufficency (it's worded bad), the lower the score, the more self sufficent you are. At least, that was my interpretation because I am a very self-sufficent person (at least I try to be at all costs).

I find this test to be interesting. People automatically assume that any form of narrcissim is a bad thing. I could see some people scoring very high on this that aren't narcissist, and some that would score low that are. Also, having a very low score would be good in some cases, but it could also be a sign of low self esteem. That's the other end of the narcissim spectrum.