Narcissistic Personality Inventory.

Anyone want to speculate on the idea that a narcissist may be more aware of themselves than someone who does not test high in this regard? A narcissist may potentially be more aware of themselves and how they move in the environment they find themselves in. More conscious?

I have read the opposite. Narcissists are delusional and delude even themselves, but sociopaths are very aware of themselves, their environment and other people. Narcissism and sociopathy are similar in many ways because they are both conditions where people have very little or no empathy. Obviously I'm talking about people who are to the point of having a disorder. Also, people can have both narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies. I think like in every other human condition or disorder there is a wide range of types of narcissists and sociopaths and it seems a lot of confusion between the two.
I have read the opposite. Narcissists are delusional and delude even themselves, but sociopaths are very aware of themselves, their environment and other people. Narcissism and sociopathy are similar in many ways because they are both conditions where people have very little or no empathy. Obviously I'm talking about people who are to the point of having a disorder. Also, people can have both narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies. I think like in every other human condition or disorder there is a wide range of types of narcissists and sociopaths and it seems a lot of confusion between the two.

I wonder what I person would be like who was perfectly in the middle of all physiological profile designations.
I wonder what I person would be like who was perfectly in the middle of all physiological profile designations.

Would that be the elusive 'normal'?
What is this, ask a question now? :) Is it not impossible to have a "Normal"?

I guess the question might be on automatic now :). I think your question might require a new thread, because, what is the definition of normal?
I guess the question might be on automatic now :). I think your question might require a new thread, because, what is the definition of normal?

Exactly. "Normal" can never happen more than once, normal would never be a majority and therefor would never be "normal".
Exactly. "Normal" can never happen more than once, normal would never be a majority and therefor would never be "normal".

Wouldn't 'normal' be what is the average? or does normal have to fit a scientific or psychological criteria?
Perhaps. Would it be an averaging of a majority?
Here's from Wikipedia:

In general, 'normal' refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average.
I wonder if a lot of the self-centered behaviour some exhibit has roots in ego. That animal part is VERY old (probably before conciousness) and the effects are legion.
These are your results on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory.

Your score is 10, out of 40. Higher scores indicate greater levels of narcissism.

In addition to the primary score, investigation into the structure of the NPI has found that there are seven different "facets". Your scores for each are graphed below.
"Normal" is the middle of the week, so Wednesday.
Normal is not abnormal.
Normal is not disturbing or disruptive to most normal people.
Normal is the 50's, a mirage, a trick of the eye.
Normal is sunny skies and 75 degrees.
Normal is what I have never felt.
Normal is feeling the full range of emotions but nothing too intensely or too often.
Normal is Leave it To Beaver and pearls while vacuuming.
Normal is …is..
Normal is so wrong…..
Bitch please ...

... 30 out of 40!


PS: A mythical creature I am, roaming the net I do.

PS2: Non got the meaning of PS, or did they?
Your score is 7, out of 40. Higher scores indicate greater levels of narcissism.

Your score was higher than 24.7% of the sample. The people who have found this online test are probably not that representative of the general population though, so the averages from a few other groups are tabled below.
These are your results on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory.

Your score is 4, out of 40. Higher scores indicate greater levels of narcissism.

Below is a graph of how other people have scored on this test.

Your score was higher than 9.7% of the sample. The people who have found this online test are probably not that representative of the general population though, so the averages from a few other groups are tabled below.

US University undergraduates (Raskin and Terry, 1988) 15.6
US Adults (Pinsky and Young, 2009) 15.3
US Celebrities (Pinsky and Young, 2009) 17.8

I ain't one right ? :D

Truthfully I've been worried about English and about my native language. both languages are simplified to a point where they can sound very narcissistic when one does not take great care with their choice of words. Sometimes I try to write a fictional story, but when placing the text into the characters perspective the amount of I's that occur make me shudder. Languages are such a difficult thing when the language in question is not rich enough to give plenty of alternatives...