Gallileo: even though I'm late in the thread posting this, I find (as your fellow Celt) that in my travels everywhere and years and years in different kinds of womens shelters, and different cities, and different peoples' homes, that the solving of the sleeping issue both takes a psychological and physical "comfort" approach.
For example: it took me time to realise that, psychologically, I CANNOT feel comforted and fall asleep properly unless I have even a light sheet or blanket to curl up under - especially important that it ABSOLUTELY covers my feet, and is not kicked off.
It also took me time to realise that even pills or natural supplements (isolated, by themselves) were not even half as effective as "real foods" that contained the substance I needed. Another example: whatever is in TURKEY, besides tryptophan, works damn well better and faster than taking a couple months worth of encapsulated tryptophan ,and waiting for the calming and steadying effects to kick in.
SIGNALS from cell phones and computers shoud be turned off completely if they are anywhere near your body or head. They still send photons or ions or atoms or whatever you want to call them over to your body to distract it while you are sleeping. Because they have small amouts of radiation in their signals.
EARPLUGS can and should be employed not because you are going to effectively shut out all sound around you completely, but because they enable biofeedback: you get to listen to the steady sound of your breathing, enabling you to fall asleep in a more secure manner. Just put your alarm clock closer to your head.
If the body is struggling to keep itself warm or cool, you are going to have a hard time sleeping until the problem is corrected. A person could be "off" by only a few degrees -- and it still affects them. This was another hard thing for me to learn and admit. I thought it was babyish, until my body still refused to sleep restfully.
If there are too many life/emotional issues holding you back - a persons subconscious can easily keep obsessing about these things during "off time" (which means sleep time, too) and restful sleep will never happen. We are more than just body and spirit: we are soul, and what gets lodged in the soul stays there until it is freed up.
PERSONAL CIRCADIAN RYTHM of the body cannot be ignored at all. it dictates your melatonin supply and when you produce the most melatonin. If a person forces themself into a work/sleep cycle that causes them to lose more and more sleep at night, or employ more and more artificial means in order to get to sleep, then a life change has to be made for the better because we can't ask the One Who Is for a "recall" on our bodies just because we wish we could be as impressive as early-morning risers who don't have any sleep issues at all.
~the end~