
Unjust wealth distribution?

That's a pretty easy one - knowledge of wealth.

Moreover, knowledge of what leads to wealth, and progress. Knowing how to scheme and manipulate and create unfairness for one's benefit. It could be said a lot of ways.
Sorry friend

do what you will

im out

Love and Peace to you. Remember who and what You are. Fuck what anyone else, any organisation says, go see for ourself.

sorry for the tree hugging comment...i hope you're well

Its just i've heard some messed up stuff recently and the neanderthal angle offers a possible key to a world that is increasingly feeling like the twilight zone!

I don't know if theres any truth in it but there are a few strange connections

But i agree that the whole DNA thing doesn't matter in the scheme of things
In 2008, the first of two papers appeared presenting evidence for a new reconstruction of one of the two races or even sub-species of Neanderthals - the more robustly built northern lineage as opposed to the gracile population in the temperate Middle East - based on biological and behavioral adaptations which may account both for their endurance of glacial conditions and eventual extinction as morphologically recognizable forms when faced with competition. The hypothesis outlined in the papers turns out to be the only one to have predicted and explained why modern lineages from outside sub-Saharan Africa may have a small admixture of Neanderthal genes (about 4%, as it turns out, from the latest analysis of the Neanderthal genome) from contact with gracile Levantine Neanderthals, but should have almost none, due to the need to preserve radically different thermo-regulatory adaptations, from more robust cold-weather Neanderthals to the north.

the link is to an abstract of Mr Caldwell's two papers and worth the read
Wild men in a coat of arms. Does this show that aristocratic families in europe knew about a branch of their ancestry which was wild and hairy and possibly the neanderthals?

Do the secret societies of the aristocrats conceal knowledge about neanderthals and their magick?

Although this wild man is again in a heraldic setting, the artist seems here to be creating an image for his own pleasure. Because the woman wears a bridal crown, there is a theory that the print is intended as a political allegory - the 15th-century equivalent of today's newspapers' political cartoons.The central helmet is magnificent, and reveals in its detail the artist's familiarity with the real thing. In the Louvre is a watercolor study of three views of a jousting helmet (below, left), which Dürer made a few years earlier. The artist's house in Nuremburg was near an armourer's, so such material was readily to hand for Dürer to study. And indeed: if we see the two helmets in isolation and next to each other (below, right), with the engraved version facing the way in which the artist would have engraved it onto his plate, then it is clear that Dürer used this very watercolor as a reference for his engraving.

But what of the skull itself? Dürer's eye was as acute in its perception of detail as any in art history, and he certainly knew well-enough how to accurately draw a correctly-proportioned human skull. This particular skull is not it. To me, this skull with its enlarged cranium shows every indication of hydrocephalic deformity. And yet nowhere in any commentaries on this engraving by other writers can I find even a mention of this bizarre truth. What did the artist wish to indicate? Was this strange detail part of an allegorical commentary? I do not know, and perhaps the reason why others gloss over this detail is because they do not know either!

Working in a medium which he had made his own, Dürer's engraving burin articulates a whole tonal scale of textures, from the multiple pleats of the lady's dress to the eddying plumes and heraldic feathers of the helmet, from her own smooth feminine skin to the alien hairiness of the wild man. They seem as mismatched a couple as can be imagined. And yet the lady in question, fashionably dressed in the well-to-do Nuremburg style, seems anything but unwilling to receive the advances of her shaggy admirer (the detail, above). Dürer's sly humor seems to indicate that this particular beauty and her beast might well find true happiness together after all!
I think she quite likes the big browed brute!

The artist is definately making a statement about that skull
In 1903–4, a Viennese ex-Cistercian monk, Bible scholar and inventor named Jörg Lanz-Liebenfels (subsequently, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels) published a lengthy article under the Latin title 'Anthropozoon Biblicum' ("The Biblical Man-Animal") in a journal for Biblical studies edited by Moritz Altschüler, a Jewish admirer of Guido von List. The author undertook a comparative survey of ancient Near Eastern cultures, in which he detected evidence from iconography and literature which seemed to point to the continued survival, into early historical times, of hominid ape-men similar to the dwarfish Neanderthal men known from fossil remains in Europe, or the Pithecanthropus (now called Homo erectus) from Java[SUP][33][/SUP] Furthermore, Lanz systematically analysed the Old Testament in the light of his hypothesis, identifying and interpreting coded references to the ape-men which substantiated an illicit practice of interbreeding between humans and "lower" species in antiquity.
In 1905 he expanded these researches into a fundamental statement of doctrine titled Theozoologie oder die Kunde von den Sodoms-Äfflingen und dem Götter-Elektron[SUP][34][/SUP] (Theozoology, or the Science of the Sodomite-Apelings and the Divine Electron). He claimed that “Aryan” peoples originated from interstellar deities (termed Theozoa) who bred by electricity, while “lower” races were a result of interbreeding between humans and ape-men (or Anthropozoa). The effects of racial crossing caused the atrophy of paranormal powers inherited from the gods, but these could be restored by the selective breeding of pure Aryan lineages. The book relied on somewhat lurid sexual imagery, decrying the abuse of white women by ethnically inferior but sexually active men. Thus, Lanz advocated mass castration of racially “apelike” or otherwise “inferior” males.[SUP][35][/SUP]
In the same year, Lanz commenced publication of the journal Ostara (named after the pagan Germanic goddess of spring) to promote his vision of racial purity. On December 25, 1907 he founded the Order of the New Templars (Ordo Novi Templi, or ONT), a mystical association with its headquarters at Burg Werfenstein, a castle in Upper Austria overlooking the river Danube. Its declared aim was to harmonise science, art and religion on a basis of racial consciousness. Rituals were designed to beautify life in accordance with Aryan aesthetics, and to express the Order's theological system which Lanz called Ario-Christianity. The Order was the first to use the swastika in an "Aryan" meaning, displaying on its flag the device of a red swastika facing right, on a yellow-orange field and surrounded by four blue fleurs-de-lys above, below, to the right and to the left.
The ONT declined from the mid-1930s and was suppressed by the Gestapo in 1942. By this time it had established seven utopian communities in Austria, Germany and Hungary. Though suspending its activities in the Greater German Reich, the ONT survived in Hungary until around the end of World War II.[SUP][36][/SUP] It went underground in Vienna after 1945, but was contacted in 1958 by a former Waffen-SS lieutenant, Rudolf Mund, who became Prior of the Order in 1979.[SUP][37][/SUP] Mund also wrote biographies of Lanz and Wiligut.
The term Ariosophy (wisdom concerning the Aryans) was coined by Lanz von Liebenfels in 1915, with “Theozoology” describing its Genesis and “Ario-Christianity” as the label for the overall doctrine in the 1920s.[SUP][38]
Post taken form the feminism thread covering another aspect of the neanderthal story:

What the author of the book Stan Gooch is suggesting is that the neanderthals were not the mindless idiots they are often presented as by the media. What he is suggesting is that they were actually a matriarchal society who were very creative and that they or a hybrid species might be behind the cave art

he is suggesting that their focus was on lunar worship

This ties into Robert Graves idea put in his book 'the white goddess' that there used to be a more matriarchal society across europe that was then usurped by a patriarchal society; for example he suggests that the Minoan culture was a matraicrhal culture with priestesses

In my country (scotland) we had the old lunar witch cults that were also across europe which margaret murray wrote about

We have examples of how different cultures expressed themselves in different ways for example the spartans of greece were very masculine and warlike whislt the athenians were more cultured

This male/female dichotomy is even expressed in the order of the classical columns with the curly ionic style being female and the plainer doric style being male and the more elaborate corinthean being a fusion of the two:

So we have now had 2000 years of a patriarchal judeo-christian, patricarchal culture but way before this there may have been a matriarchal society

So in the judeo-christian society there is a big emphasis on property rights and on marriage and the family. In matriarchal societies people aren't coupled up so much...they all mate with each other and they each raise each others young as a community. Neanderthals were probably more gatherers than hunters and probably had a largely vegetarian diet. Cro magnon man on the other hand were hunters.

The neanderthals didn't just dissapear though they interbred with cro-magnon man to create a new hybrid. Gooch also argues that certain groups of modern humans have higher proportions of neanderthal DNA than other groups. He says that the celtic peoples and the jews have higher percentages of neanderthal DNA than other groups

Gooch is jewish

At some point the calander was changed from a lunar calander that had 13 months in the year plus 1 day which gave rise to the saying 'a year and a day'; in fact here in scotland we used to have a tradition where a man and woman would pair up for a year and day to decide if they were a good match before deciding if they were going to marry. This was called 'hand fasting'

The calander was then changed to a 12 month solar calander. The sun is seen as a male symbol...a phallic symbol; the moon on the other hand was noticed by the neanderthals (sleeping outside under the night sky) to affect womens menstrual cycles

Even today jewish people have various taboos around menstrual blood and menstruating women and in the occult it is held to have magickal powers

If you think about scandinavean myths of trolls they are probably a folk memory of neanderthals:

Trolls were strongly against christianity and what is christianity? It is a patriarchal solar phallic religion with a death and rebirth solar god. Despite this the need for a female influence that came from the people ensured that a female deity emerged from christianity in the form of Mary

so what would be a modern day expression of the matriarchal collectivist neanderthals? Well....marxist socialism would

Marxist socialism wants to break down the family unit and property rights, it wants to make everyone into a community, it wants the children to be raised by the state.

And who created it: marx and engels, two jews

Even today the head of the jewish rockefeller family david rockefeller (funder and promoter of feminism through the rockefeller foundation and his media empire along with hungarian jew george soros through his foundation and his organisation: ''the open society institute'') wrote his thesis at universoty on fabian socialism (and he's a trillionaire...talking about 'socialism'!)

Who are the main leaders behind feminism...lets take a look (please excuse the dramatic voice over at the start!)


So who provided the intellectual groundwork for feminism? The frankfurt school did and who are the frankfurt school? They are german jews; its a jewish school who combined the jewish political school of thought of marx with the work of jewish psychoanalsyt Sigmund Freud

Anyone seeing a theme here?

Have you ever watched the jewish comedienne Sarah Silverman? She likes to make jokes about christianity but also about how hairy jewish womens arms are! Well the neanderthals were quite hairy!

The neanderthals were said to live communally and may well have had sex opnely in public without shame....this is certainly said of the celtic people (some of my ancestors). Gooch says in his book that he thinks that jewish women are more....erm...moist ie sexually receptive than other women. I don't know if that's true and i don't think my partner would be very happy about me conducting field work on that particular point

So how could such schools of thought gain so much influence in the US that they could influence not only the media but also the education establishment?

Well what controls the government in the US is MONEY and who has the money? The central banking families have the money. There are 8 primary families behind the federal reserve bank in the US four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York. Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. [3] The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century. (dean henderson's 'Big oil and their bankers in the persian gulf')

These very same families funded trotsky (real name bronstein...a jew) and lenin (part jewish) and provided them with trained revolutionaries to go back into russia and take it over (like they are doing in the Ukraine at the moment). Whilst in the US Trotsky received support from the jewish masonic B'nai Brith lodge (george soros has been behind the recent 'colour revolutions' in europe)

The bolsheviks was a jewish movement and it crushed the other group, the mensheviks

Here's a quote from an article in the Illustrated Daily Herald by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from around that time where he tries to make a distinction between bolshevik jews and zionist jews amongst the international jewry:

” …the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all of them, have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”

Churchill was incorrect in making a distinction as both the bolsheviks and the zionists were funded and supported by the jewish central bankers who use the hegelian dialectic principle of playing both ends against the middle

The fascist zionist current can today be seen manifested as the ruling right wing Likud party of Israel

So all these 'liberal' movements are really about moving people closer to a centrally controlled state socialist system. This system will be a totalitarian system which is to say that the state will have total control over every aspect of peoples lives

So in a metaphorical sense we could be said to be moving from an unbalanced patriarcal system that was domineering to an unbalanced matriarchal system that is going to be smothering

In order to force this society into being the banking cabal have taken over the big pharma industry and the field of psychiatry and just as they are using oestregen and BPA to feminise men they are also using psycho-active drugs to control the population

What i'd advocate is the middle way between the two; i also advocate men and women coming together in common cause to do that rather than being corralled into a new system they didn't choose whilst being made to fight each other
. Gooch also argues that certain groups of modern humans have higher proportions of neanderthal DNA than other groups

It is a shame that he is not around to look at the statistical data that is coming in now. For instance it would appear that the hardier euorpean Neanderthals did not pass their genetic heritage on to us. While his speculations on what may have been is fascinating and worth considering it is a real leap to plug that into historical populations.
He is irrationally dismissive of India (for instance) and like so many highly speculative imaginers of human history, he places too much weight on the peoples of the old testament (who, in my opinion, matter a lot less in the grand scheme of things then western culture is able to admit).
In 2008, the first of two papers appeared presenting evidence for a new reconstruction of one of the two races or even sub-species of Neanderthals - the more robustly built northern lineage as opposed to the gracile population in the temperate Middle East - based on biological and behavioral adaptations which may account both for their endurance of glacial conditions and eventual extinction as morphologically recognizable forms when faced with competition. The hypothesis outlined in the papers turns out to be the only one to have predicted and explained why modern lineages from outside sub-Saharan Africa may have a small admixture of Neanderthal genes (about 4%, as it turns out, from the latest analysis of the Neanderthal genome) from contact with gracile Levantine Neanderthals, but should have almost none, due to the need to preserve radically different thermo-regulatory adaptations, from more robust cold-weather Neanderthals to the north.

The first article, “Are Neanderthal Portraits Wrong? Neanderthal adaptations to cold and their impact on Palaeolithic populations”, which appeared after peer review in Rock Art Research (2008, Vol. 25, No. 1: 101-116), outlines the fundamentals of the Neanderthal Insulation Hypothesis.

The prevailing explanation for the robusticity of northern Eurasiatic Neanderthal bones is that they were adapted to withstand the mechanical stress of enormously strong muscles — not that their robusticity was an adaptation to the combined stress of somewhat less powerful muscles and the weight of an insulatory layer of fat that grew thick enough in the autumn to protect such “classic” Neanderthals against intense cold. The distinction is crucial, because its ramifications include new explanations for the Neanderthals’

- extinction, and

- apparent failure to hybridize to a significant extent with more gracile early Moderns outside the Middle East.

Surprisingly, the hyper-athletic paradigm for all Neanderthals has been universally accepted even though it is metabolically impossible that Neanderthals from colder areas could have survived extended periods at minus 40˚C - not counting wind chill - by merely exercising, no matter how muscular they were, if they had not had either fitted clothing or biological insulators. Yet such frigid conditions exist even today, when we are in a period of global warming - not an ice age - in many places where Neanderthals once lived without leaving any of the tools associated with the production of weather-tight clothing. How could they and their immediate ancestors have possibly survived several ice ages? Pollen from alpine plants at lowland Neanderthal sites as far south as France and deep accumulations of a wind-blown soil called loess prove that it was even colder and windier - especially during glacial maximums - from the Dordogne to Susiluola (Wolf) Cave in Lappfjärd, Finland, where Neanderthals lived over 74,000 years ago. Despite this, the absence of tools associated with the lacing of hides from all but a few of the last Neanderthal sites suggests that weather-tight, seamed clothing was not made by early Neanderthals - and perhaps even any Neanderthals, until they had almost become extinct.

The first article argues that technological, genetic, geographic and osteological clues - the last of which involves shoulder-to-pelvis ratios and features of the femur - all indicate that classic Neanderthals survived such conditions by literally growing a well-distributed layer of subcutaneous insulatory fat each summer and fall to survive the winter, and that they were somewhat less muscular than current reconstructions. ...
.....Another corollary of the hypothesis is that cold-weather Neanderthals had sexual cues that were quite different from those of modern humans, because such cues are necessary to preserve a lineage’s specific thermoregulatory adaptations from generation to generation. One of the features that our highly visual cues maintain is body baldness, which we need as part of our whole-body cooling system that involves sweating. The more robust Neanderthals outside the Levant apparently shed heat mainly through their radiative noses, which were much wider and more prominent than any modern human’s. This would have allowed them to have both subcutaneous and epidermal biological insulators - fur - which would have been preserved down Neanderthal generations by radically different sexual signals from ours. The visual cues that made European Neanderthals attractive to each other would have been so different from those of Moderns - from head to toe - that they are probably enough to explain:

  1. 1)the low admixture of Neanderthal traits in early modern European fossils, and

  2. 2)the absence of genetic evidence of hybridization between “Moderns” and Neanderthals, except during an initial encounter with a gracile race of Neanderthals who were adapted to the temperate climate of the Middle East.
It is a shame that he is not around to look at the statistical data that is coming in now. For instance it would appear that the hardier euorpean Neanderthals did not pass their genetic heritage on to us. While his speculations on what may have been is fascinating and worth considering it is a real leap to plug that into historical populations.
He is irrationally dismissive of India (for instance) and like so many highly speculative imaginers of human history, he places too much weight on the peoples of the old testament (who, in my opinion, matter a lot less in the grand scheme of things then western culture is able to admit).

No suprise that he was focussed on the old testament people really as he was jewish

Concerning india though they have in their mythologies tales of apelike people called 'vanaras'

Their god hanuman is a vanara. Here's a clip from wikipedia:

Vānara (Sanskrit: वानर) popularly refers to a group of monkey-like humanoids in the Hindu epic Ramayana who were brave and inquisitive by nature. They possessed supernatural powers and could change their shapes.[SUP][1][/SUP] The term Vanara can be described as forest-dweller.
The epic Mahabharata describes them as forest-dwelling, and mentions their being encountered by Sahadeva, a Pandava general who led a military campaign to south India.

So do you want to tackle the whole RH- controversy?

[h=1]Neanderthals Interbred with Ancestors of Eurasians, New Study Confirms[/h]
A new genetic study, published in the journal Genetics, supports the hypothesis that Neanderthals interbred with anatomically modern Homo sapiens in Eurasia.

Study co-author Dr Konrad Lohse from the University of Edinburgh explained: “our approach can distinguish between two subtly different scenarios that could explain the genetic similarities shared by Neanderthals and modern humans from Europe and Asia.”
The first scenario is that Neanderthals occasionally interbred with modern humans after they migrated out of Africa.
The alternative scenario is that the humans who left Africa evolved from the same ancestral subpopulation that had previously given rise to the Neanderthals.
Many anthropologists say the interbreeding scenario is more likely, because it fits the genetic patterns seen in studies that compared genomes from many modern humans.
By using only the information from one genome each of several types: Neanderthal, European/Asian, African and chimpanzee, Dr Lohse with colleagues completely ruled out the alternative scenario, revealing strong support for Neanderthal admixture in Eurasia at a higher rate (3.4-7.3 per cent) than suggested previously.
“Because the method makes maximum use of the information contained in individual genomes, it is particularly exciting for revealing the history of species that are rare or extinct.”
The method can more confidently detect the genetic signatures of interbreeding than previous approaches.
In fact, the researchers originally developed it while studying the history of insect populations in Europe and island species of pigs in South East Asia, some of which are extremely rare.
Dr Lohse also said the new method estimates a slightly higher genetic contribution of Neanderthals to modern humans than previous studies.
“Estimating this contribution is complex and is likely to vary slightly between different approaches.”
“This work is important because it closes a hole in the argument about whether Neanderthals interbred with humans,” said Editor-in-Chief of the journal Genetics Dr Mark Johnston, who was not involved in the study.
“And the method can be applied to understanding the evolutionary history of other organisms, including endangered species.”
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100% PROOF of Rothsneanderthal:

That's an interesting piece on the astors...have you actually read it Digitalbum?

Also links can be made with the neanderthal thing and the oligarchs but you haven't yet made them for example the writings of lanz von liebenfels

can you tie in what you are saying about the rothschilds with the neanderthals?
That's an interesting piece on the astors...have you actually read it Digitalbum?

Also links can be made with the neanderthal thing but you haven't yet made them

can you tie in what you are saying about the rothschilds with the neanderthals?

No, no I'm afraid I haven't read it. I can tie it in, but it will require more caffeine at a later period, and me pulling something out of my..............Aaaalex Jones approved google search.
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No, no I'm afraid I haven't read it. I can tie it in, but it will require more caffeine at a later period.

Its an interesting read

I'd like to hear it tied in...all these things tie together one way or another

Does it tire you to make connections?
It is one thing to post speculation on the topic, it is another to cut and past from propaganda sites without regard to the thread topic.
It is one thing to post speculation on the topic, it is another to cut and past from propaganda sites without regard to the thread topic.

He was clearly fooling around, but it was still an interesting article