Need help getting to know a girl.

I agree with the homework thing. Be her study buddy. Don't wait for a good opportunity to break the ice because it will never happen, she will get a boyfriend or move or something and it will be too late. Just be chill and talk to her.
Yes I know what you are saying. What I am really asking is what is a good way to approach her?

There's no other universal way than just coming to her and saying "hi". If she's polite she says hi anyway. Ask her about the homework or an upcoming test. Ask her to spell something :-D
Just go!
There's no other universal way than just coming to her and saying "hi". If she's polite she says hi anyway. Ask her about the homework or an upcoming test. Ask her to spell something :-D
Just go!


Also, good for you for inquiring about it and trying to get ideas. :)
This kid will get the girl, i know it.
Try to sit near her or if you already do then better. Every time you see her, maybe before the class starts try to start little nonpersonal conversations. After some time you'll probably be friends already and then maybe that's the right time to ask her out. You probably just need to be patient and wait until you guys have built that connection or friendship already before asking her out.
She's a girl, she already knows that you like her. Talk to her or become a victim of your own hesitation.
Yes I know what you are saying. What I am really asking is what is a good way to approach her?
Walk up to her and say hi. Then be interesting.
Dude, he's is 17 and in high school.

Also, to anyone reading this, try it without alcohol. It's possibly to overcome shyness, and feels much better when you can spontaneously engage in conversation with people without being dependent on a drug. This comes from one formerly extremely shy person to another. Don't bother with alcohol. No offense to you, Rfeffaris, but imho it's a terrible idea.

Alcohol is always a good thing. No matter how stupid you make yourself, you're the last one to know.

Ok, ok. Alcohol isn't a good thing.
The girl and I are giving it up for October. Not that we drink a lot or even often. Just like clarity of mind.
But at 17 trying to hit it with the cute girl in the corner, alcohol can do amazing things. Sorry again. Just kidding.
But the other stuff I said I think holds true. She's a person. She is right. So just talk to her. Ask her about herself and read Dale Carnegie. People like to talk about themselves. Best way to win someone over is remember their name when you say goodbye.

Talk about her. What do a 17 year old girl talk about. Bra size. Her first time.
Ok, sorry. I'm an ass. Always funny right.

Ask her about her friends. Ask her who her best friend is. Ask her about her patents. If she's been abused. There I go again.

You can do it. If she's worth it, and a decent person, she'll talk to you. If she's too in love with herself to make friends, then I'd say find another girl. But that's probably not what you want to hear. Thing is its against the law to force them into submission. So if they don't want to talk, you're kind out of options. That's where the alcohol comes in.