Need Some Advice About Going Back to College

Hi my INFJ friends... :)
I need some advice here.
I'm a 24 year old guy. I have diploma in Computer Engineering, but I started to feel like this is not my natural field, especially programming. I have tried for years to love this field but nothing happened. I wanna go back to college to learn finance/accounting. Is that fine to go back to college when you're 24 years old.
Or any advice how an INFJ can love Computer Engineering/Programming field?
I appreciate every input here.
Thanks so much.
If I were you, I would try to become an Actuary. They make twice as much as accountants.
Computer engineering is a draw, ain't it? I've tried to get into it for years but it hasn't worked out so far.

I've talked with a lot of engineers and the most common response from them is the ideal person has a desire to solve problems. A willingness to listen and just wanna dig in and start coming up with a solution. And I think they meant on a base level, in the gut. I think it's worth pursuing if you have already studied and trained for it, but if it still doesn't speak to you then perhaps you could parlay the experience into a field or role that feels right.